Rassismus und Civil Rights Movement/Segregation: Unterschied zwischen den Seiten

Aus ZUM-Unterrichten
(Unterschied zwischen Seiten)
main>Sandra Burger
(→‎Sozialrassismus: + interwiki + Querverweis => Zitat aus der Zeit der Nazi-Diktatur → Demographischer Wandel#Aktuelle Debatte)
Markierung: 2017-Quelltext-Bearbeitung
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
== Aktuelles ==
* [http://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/0,1518,545313,00.html RASSISMUS: Der kleine Jannik wollte sich die Haut mit der Bürste weiß schrubben] - Aus Rudolstadt und Erkelenz berichtet Philipp Wittrock (Spiegel-Online, 04.04.2008)
# Read text 1 about segregation and write in your notesheet a short definition of '''"segregation"'''. Give two examples.
: ''"Beschimpft, bespuckt, verprügelt - von ganz normalen Bürgern. Weil sie den alltäglichen Rassismus nicht mehr erträgt, flüchtet eine Pfarrersfamilie aus dem Osten zurück ins Rheinland. Im thüringischen Rudolstadt versteht man die Welt nicht mehr - und sorgt sich um seinen Ruf."''
# Read text 2. Explain what lynching is. Who did it and why? Write the answer down in your own words.
# Do the interactive exercises.

== Denkanstöße ==
== Texts ==
=== Sozialrassismus ===
=== Segregation ===
{{Siehe|Soziale_Frage#Ressentiments der Besitzenden gegenüber den Besitzlosen}}
[[File:1943 Colored Waiting Room Sign.jpg|thumb|300px|Sign for "colored" waiting room at a Greyhound bus terminal in Rome, Georgia, 1943.]]
The Civil War ended more than 200 years of slavery. But after the war things began to get even worse for blacks. Instead of being free and getting equal rights, they found that the whites didn't want to give them equal rights.

* Nachdenkseiten (27.08.2010): [http://www.nachdenkseiten.de/?p=6602#h13 “Intelligenz ist zu 50 bis 80 Prozent angeboren”]
The southern states passed laws known as the black codes, which severely limited the rights of blacks and segregated them from whites.
: ''In den gepflegteren Milieus reagiert man auf dieses Buch, wie man schon auf die Interviews reagiert hatte: Irgendwie hat er ja recht, wenn er nur nicht so provozierend formulieren würde. In diese Richtung wirbt der Verlag, wenn er {{wpd|Helmut Schmidt}} mit der Bemerkung zitiert: „Wenn er sich ein bisschen tischfeiner ausgedrückt hätte, hätte ich ihm in weiten Teilen zustimmen können.“ Diese teetassenhafte Besorgnis um Sarrazins Tischfeinheit zeigt, dass der Mann schmutzige Gedanken in den Mund nimmt, die viele Leute mit sauberen Händen im Kopf haben, wenn es um die in- und ausländischen [[Armut#Soziale Schichten|Unterschichten]] geht. [...] Sarrazins Argumentationsweg lässt sich mit fünf Schritten abkürzen: Erstens: „Intelligenz ist zu 50 bis 80 Prozent angeboren.“ [...] Drittens: Die Fruchtbarkeit in der Ober- und Mittelschicht ist zu gering, diejenige in der deutschen wie ausländischen Unterschicht zu groß. Je niedriger der {{wpd|Intelligenzquotient}}, desto höher die Fertilitätsrate. Viertens: Dies führt zum Sinken der gesellschaftlichen Gesamtintelligenz und zum Steigen der staatlichen Transferkosten. Fünftens: Zur Korrektur dieser Entwicklung müssen die dummen Leute aus der Unterschicht am Kinderkriegen gehindert und die klugen Leute aus der Mittel- und Oberschicht zum Kinderkriegen animiert werden. [...]''

{{Siehe|Demographischer Wandel#Aktuelle Debatte}} → Zitat aus der Zeit der Nazi-Diktatur
There were many ways to stop blacks from voting.  Some states instated poll taxes, fees that were charged at voting booths and were too expensive for most blacks. Other laws claimed that you could only vote if your grandfather had been allowed to vote. In a literacy test citiziens had to prove that the could read. Since teaching slaves had been illegal, most adult blacks were illiterate.  To make this even worse reading tests were a scrawl no one could decipher. Whites, of course, didn't have to do these tests.

* Dr. Maryam Dagmar Schatz (nrhz vom28.04.2010): [http://www.nrhz.de/flyer/beitrag.php?id=15072 Amerika, hast Du es besser?]
Before the abolishment of slavery blacks and whites lived together - however - in differnet social roles. Now laws tried to keep it that way by passing rules that didn't allow blacks to enter ''"white''" schools and public facilities.
: ''Gunnar Heinsohn, Teil 3 - Ergebnis seiner Vorschläge in den USA zu besichtigen.''  

* Dr. Maryam Dagmar Schatz (nrhz vom 14.04.2010): [http://www.nrhz.de/flyer/beitrag.php?id=15025 Selbstbestimmung: nicht für alle]
Unter the dogma of "'''separate but equal'''" black people had to visit their own schools, churches and hospitals. Of course they weren't as well-equipped as their white counterparts. This even went as far as segregated restaurants, bus stations, bathrooms and public parks.  
: ''Wir verorteten die Opfer von Rassismus immer unter den [[Migration|MigrantInnen]], dort, wo [[Rechtsextremismus|die Rechten]] die Träger des antideutschen Rassismus vermuten. Doch es gibt auch Deutsche, die „deutschenfeindlich“, rassistisch ausgegrenzt werden: die Hartz-4-Empfänger. Gegenüber den Frauen, die von [[Hartz IV|Hartz 4]] leben, kommt noch eine zutiefst frauenfeindliche Komponente hinzu: die Verweigerung der [[Sexualität|sexuellen Selbstbestimmung]] und die Verweigerung der Bestimmung über die eigene Fortpflanzung.''

* Hans-Dieter Hey (nrhz vom 14.04.2010): [http://www.nrhz.de/flyer/beitrag.php?id=15028 Ein Skandal wird zur Normalität • Der Fall Thilo Sarrazin]
* 1914: Louisiana required separate entrances for blacks and whites.
: ''Seit Beginn des Jahres finden wieder mal Hetztiraden gegen Erwerbslose statt, um den weiteren Raubbau an sozialen Leistungen vorzubereiten. Pauschalen für Mieten oder Sachleistungen für Kinder oder Erwachsene sind dabei nur zwei Themen, die vor den Wahlen in NRW noch unter der Decke gehalten werden. Auch Thilo Sarrazin konnte wieder seinen Mund nicht halten, spülte dabei sein Gift über die Mainstream-Medien und versorgte damit die geistigen Ghettos der Stammtische im Lande.''

* Friedhelm Grützner (NDS vom 25.03.2010): [http://www.nachdenkseiten.de/?p=4936 Gunnar Heinsohn und die „Aufartung“ des deutschen Volkes]
* 1915: Oklahoma segregated telephone booths.
: ''Historische Parallelen sind stets fragwürdig. Besonders problematisch werden sie, wenn die deutsche NS-Vergangenheit bemüht wird, um in denunziatorischer Absicht aktuelle Geschehnisse zu kommentieren. Denn ein Regime, das unter neuzeitlichen Bedingungen und in kühler Rationalität den [[Soziale Frage#Die nationalsozialistische Diktatur (1933 bis 1945)|industriell durchgeführten Massenmord]] praktizierte, entzieht sich jedem Ver­gleich. Wenn der Autor dieser Zeilen gleichwohl den Aufsatz von [http://www.faz.net/s/Rub0B44038177824280BB9F799BC91030B0/Doc~E0AC5A2CD5A6A481EABE50FAE2AEBA30B~ATpl~Ecommon~Scontent.html Gunnar Heinsohn „Sozialhilfe auf fünf Jahre begrenzen“ in der FAZ vom 17.03.10] zum Anlass nimmt, auf {{wpde|Affinität|Affinitäten}} zur NS-Ideologie in diesem Text hinzuweisen, so ist er sich dieser Problematik bewusst.''

== Unterricht ==
* 1920: Mississippi made it a crime to advocate or publish “arguments or suggestions in favor of social equalities or of interracial marriages between whites and Negros”.

=== Nachrichten ===
* Arkansas had segregation at racetracks.
* [http://www.spiegel.de/sport/fussball/0,1518,447426,00.html RASSISMUS IM FUSSBALL: "Von Gegenspielern, Zuschauern und Schiedsrichtern beschimpft"] (Spiegel-Online, 10.11.2006)
:"Wenn Martino Gatti mit seinem Berliner Club Yesilyurt im Osten kickt, brüllen gegnerische Fans: "Die blöden Kanaken kommen." Im Interview mit SPIEGEL ONLINE berichtet er von pöbelnden Linienrichtern - und einem Stadionsprecher, der jubelt, wenn "endlich ein Deutscher" eingewechselt wird."

=== Materialien ===
* Texas prohibited integrated boxing matches.
* [http://baustein.dgb-bwt.de/ Baustein zur nicht-rassistischen Bildungsarbeit] (DGB-Bildungswerk Thüringen e.V.)
:Umfangreiches Material; online oder auf CD zum Bestellen

=== Fächerübergreifend / interdisziplinär ===
* Kentucky required separate schools, and also that no textbook would be issued to a black would ever be reissued or redistributed.
* [[Musik]]:
# "Neue Brücken" ''({{wpde|Pur|Pur}} (Band): [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyHub3Okihk Video] / [http://www.free-lyrics.org/Pur/221406-Neue-Brücken.html Text])''
# "Schrei nach Liebe" ''({{wpde|Die Ärzte|Die Ärzte}} (Rockband): [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmJUtQeiQzA Video] / [http://www.nthuleen.com/teach/lyrics/schreinachliebe.html Text])''

== Internationale Woche gegen Rassismus ==
* Georgia barred black ministers from performing a marriage between white couples.
* {{wpd|Internationale Woche gegen Rassismus}}

== Siehe auch ==
* New Orleans created segregated red light districts for white and blacks prostitutes.<ref>[http://www.kawvalley.k12.ks.us/brown_v_board/segregation.htm Segregation]( Rossville Jr. High )</ref>
* [[Rechtsextremismus]]
* [[Schule ohne Rassismus]]


[[Kategorie:Politik und Sozialwissenschaften]]
=== Ku Klux Klan ===
[[File:Ku Klux Klan members and a burning cross, Denver, Colorado, 1921.jpg|thumb|300px]]
Segregation was supported by the legal system and police.  But beyond the law there was always a threat by terrorist violence.  The Ku Klux Klan, founded in 1865, used violence to prevent blacks from voting, holding political office and attending school.
If black people didn't know "''their place''" men with white hoods rode up in the middle of the night and erected burning crosses in front of houses. In an age of wooden construction everyone understood the danger.
If people didn't understand the warning, they were beaten up, shot or burned alive. One of the main forms of violence was lynching.  White mobs who thought the racist laws were to friendly to blacks raided prisons and took the blacks before an all-white jury. The sentence was always death. Vitictims either just disappeared or were hanged in public spaces so that other blacks were able to see what happened to the brethren.
=== Negro, Black or Colored? ===
In older texts blacks are called the '''"N"'''-word. Today the word {{wpen|negro}} isn't used anymore, because it is thought offensive. Today most people use the term "Afro-American" or African American".
This poem criticizes the terms blacks and colored. Do you agree?
<div class="grid" style="background:#666;padding:1em;color:white; font-size:1.5em;">
<div class="width-1-2">
When I born, I '''black'''.
When I grow up, I '''black'''.
When I go in sun, I '''black'''.
When I scared, I '''black'''.
When I sick, I '''black'''.
And when I die, I still '''black'''.
<div class="width-1-2">
And you <strong style="color:white">white</strong> people.
When you born, you <strong style="color:pink">pink</strong>.
When you grow up, you <strong style="color:white">white</strong>.
When you go in sun, you <strong style="color:red">red</strong>.
When you cold, you <strong style="color:skyblue">blue</strong>.
When you scared, you <strong style="color:yellow">yellow</strong>.
When you sick, you <strong style="color:lime">green</strong>
And when you die, you <strong style="color:#ccc">grey</strong>…
And you calling me colored??
Whar do you call a black person who flies a plane?
{{Show-Hide|A  pilot!
What did you think?}}
== Interactive Exercises ==
=== important words ===
Find the corresponding pairs.
<div class="memo-quiz" lang="en">
| illiterate || not able to read
| integrated || living together
| segregated || separated from each other
| threaten || give a warning/<br>be dangerous
| offensive || insulting/<br>causing anger and hatred
| colored || opposite of white
| equal || the same
| to better || to improve
|gift || present
=== Comparing now and then ===
Complete the text with the correct form of the adjectives in brackets.
<div class="lueckentext-quiz" lang="en">
African Americans had to be ''careful (careful)'' when they travelled. It was ''well (good)''-known that policed targeted black drivers.
Being in a place you don't know was ''more dangerous (dangerous)'' than at home.
If you didn't know the way you had ''less(little)'' possibilities than at home. Sometimes you had to go ''farther (far)'' than you wanted because there was no motel for blacks.
When they wanted to stay in a motel they had to look for places which would take them. Sometimes it was ''more expensive (expensive)'' than for whites and sometimes they were stopped by the police for driving too ''fast (fast)''.
African Americans had to be ''careful (careful)'' when they travelled. It was ''well (good)''-known that policed targeted black drivers.
Being in a place you don't know was ''more dangerous (dangerous)'' than at home.
If you didn't know the way you had ''less(little)'' possibilities than at home. Sometimes you had to go ''farther (far)'' than you wanted because there was no motel for blacks.
When they wanted to stay in a motel they had to look for places which would take them. Sometimes it was ''more expensive (expensive)'' than for whites and sometimes they were stopped by the police for driving too ''fast (fast)''.
{{Civil Rights Movement}}
== References ==

Version vom 26. August 2019, 16:44 Uhr

  1. Read text 1 about segregation and write in your notesheet a short definition of "segregation". Give two examples.
  2. Read text 2. Explain what lynching is. Who did it and why? Write the answer down in your own words.
  3. Do the interactive exercises.



Sign for "colored" waiting room at a Greyhound bus terminal in Rome, Georgia, 1943.

The Civil War ended more than 200 years of slavery. But after the war things began to get even worse for blacks. Instead of being free and getting equal rights, they found that the whites didn't want to give them equal rights.

The southern states passed laws known as the black codes, which severely limited the rights of blacks and segregated them from whites.

There were many ways to stop blacks from voting. Some states instated poll taxes, fees that were charged at voting booths and were too expensive for most blacks. Other laws claimed that you could only vote if your grandfather had been allowed to vote. In a literacy test citiziens had to prove that the could read. Since teaching slaves had been illegal, most adult blacks were illiterate. To make this even worse reading tests were a scrawl no one could decipher. Whites, of course, didn't have to do these tests.

Before the abolishment of slavery blacks and whites lived together - however - in differnet social roles. Now laws tried to keep it that way by passing rules that didn't allow blacks to enter "white" schools and public facilities.

Unter the dogma of "separate but equal" black people had to visit their own schools, churches and hospitals. Of course they weren't as well-equipped as their white counterparts. This even went as far as segregated restaurants, bus stations, bathrooms and public parks.

  • 1914: Louisiana required separate entrances for blacks and whites.
  • 1915: Oklahoma segregated telephone booths.
  • 1920: Mississippi made it a crime to advocate or publish “arguments or suggestions in favor of social equalities or of interracial marriages between whites and Negros”.
  • Arkansas had segregation at racetracks.
  • Texas prohibited integrated boxing matches.
  • Kentucky required separate schools, and also that no textbook would be issued to a black would ever be reissued or redistributed.
  • Georgia barred black ministers from performing a marriage between white couples.
  • New Orleans created segregated red light districts for white and blacks prostitutes.[1]

Ku Klux Klan

Ku Klux Klan members and a burning cross, Denver, Colorado, 1921.jpg

Segregation was supported by the legal system and police. But beyond the law there was always a threat by terrorist violence. The Ku Klux Klan, founded in 1865, used violence to prevent blacks from voting, holding political office and attending school.

If black people didn't know "their place" men with white hoods rode up in the middle of the night and erected burning crosses in front of houses. In an age of wooden construction everyone understood the danger.

If people didn't understand the warning, they were beaten up, shot or burned alive. One of the main forms of violence was lynching. White mobs who thought the racist laws were to friendly to blacks raided prisons and took the blacks before an all-white jury. The sentence was always death. Vitictims either just disappeared or were hanged in public spaces so that other blacks were able to see what happened to the brethren.

Negro, Black or Colored?

In older texts blacks are called the "N"-word. Today the word negroW-Logo.gif(English) isn't used anymore, because it is thought offensive. Today most people use the term "Afro-American" or African American".

This poem criticizes the terms blacks and colored. Do you agree?

When I born, I black.

When I grow up, I black.

When I go in sun, I black.

When I scared, I black.

When I sick, I black.

And when I die, I still black.

And you white people.

When you born, you pink.

When you grow up, you white.

When you go in sun, you red.

When you cold, you blue.

When you scared, you yellow.

When you sick, you green

And when you die, you grey

And you calling me colored??

Whar do you call a black person who flies a plane?

A pilot! What did you think?

Interactive Exercises

important words

Find the corresponding pairs.

illiterate not able to read
integrated living together
segregated separated from each other
threaten give a warning/
be dangerous
offensive insulting/
causing anger and hatred
colored opposite of white
equal the same
to better to improve
gift present

Comparing now and then

Complete the text with the correct form of the adjectives in brackets.

African Americans had to be careful (careful) when they travelled. It was well (good)-known that policed targeted black drivers.

Being in a place you don't know was more dangerous (dangerous) than at home.

If you didn't know the way you had less(little) possibilities than at home. Sometimes you had to go farther (far) than you wanted because there was no motel for blacks.

When they wanted to stay in a motel they had to look for places which would take them. Sometimes it was more expensive (expensive) than for whites and sometimes they were stopped by the police for driving too fast (fast).

African Americans had to be careful (careful) when they travelled. It was well (good)-known that policed targeted black drivers.

Being in a place you don't know was more dangerous (dangerous) than at home.

If you didn't know the way you had less(little) possibilities than at home. Sometimes you had to go farther (far) than you wanted because there was no motel for blacks.

When they wanted to stay in a motel they had to look for places which would take them. Sometimes it was more expensive (expensive) than for whites and sometimes they were stopped by the police for driving too fast (fast).


  1. Segregation( Rossville Jr. High )