Gewissen und New Zealand/Rugby: Unterschied zwischen den Seiten

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(Unterschied zwischen Seiten)
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[[File:Logo des allblacks.jpg|right|200px]]
<!--'''ZUM-WIKI-Buch: Katholische Religionslehre''' -->
Rugby is New Zealand's national sport where all people come together to watch and to play:
== Das Böse ==

Stephen King: Henry und Mike <ref>Ausschnitt aus dem dreizehnten Kapitel Die apokalyptische Steinschlacht des Romans "ES" (1986), deutsche Übersetzung von Alexandra von Reinhardt,
16. Auflage München 1991, 478-484.

Erläuterung: Wir bezeichnen Literatur als "trivial", in welcher die Gegensätze zwischen Gut und Böse so überdeutlich hervortreten. Anderseits kann an dem Fall "Henry und Mike" (oder anderen vergleichbaren Geschichten) sozusagen in Reinkultur studiert werden, was Menschen aggressiv macht.
== Rugby - Mixed Grammar ==
Complete the following text. Use the correct forms of the words in brackets and find your own to replace the question marks.  

<div class="lueckentext-quiz" lang="en">
Rugby football is a sport people play in many countries. It is ''usually(usual)'' called rugby or rugger. Rugby football is named ''after(???)'' Rugby School, the public school in England where it was developed. Legend has it that one day in 1823, a senior boy called William Webb Ellis ran with the ball rather ''than(???)'' kick it as was the normal way ''of(???)'' playing. "Running in" was not considered quite the done thing then but was later OK'd in the laws of Rugby Football (first published in 1846). Its rival, Association football (soccer), came later. It ''wasn't written(not, write)''  until 1863. Even then handling of the ball was allowed, but not catching it and running with it. In the mid 1860s they ''tried (try)'' to provide one set of laws for all football but ''there(???)'' were to many differences, mainly concerning "hacking" (kicking an opponent in the shins). The "hackers" went on to eventually play rugby football even though hacking was barred a few years later. The "anti-hackers" went on to form Association Football, which ''eventually(eventual)'' banned any handling.

Versuche, folgende Beziehungen zu schildern:
{{Lösung versteckt|Rugby football is a sport people play in many countries. It is ''usually(usual)'' called rugby or rugger. Rugby football is named ''after(???)'' Rugby School, the public school in England where it was developed. Legend has it that one day in 1823, a senior boy called William Webb Ellis ran with the ball rather ''than(???)'' kick it as was the normal way ''of(???)'' playing. "Running in" was not considered quite the done thing then but was later OK'd in the laws of Rugby Football (first published in 1846). Its rival, Association football (soccer), came later. It ''wasn't written(write)''  until 1863. Even then handling of the ball was allowed, but not catching it and running with it. In the mid 1860s they ''tried (try)'' to provide one set of laws for all football but ''there(???)'' were to many differences, mainly concerning "hacking" (kicking an opponent in the shins). The "hackers" went on to eventually play rugby football even though hacking was barred a few years later. The "anti-hackers" went on to form Association Football, which ''eventually(eventual)'' banned any handling. }}
*Henry Bowers zu Oscar Bowers, seinem Vater,
*Mike Hanlon zu Will Hanlon, seinem Vater,
*Oscar Bowers gegenüber Will Hanlon
*Henry Bowers gegenüber den Hanlons.
#Welche Lebensperspektiven hat Henry deiner Meinung nach?
#Welche Lebensperspektiven hat deiner Meinung nach Mike?
#Wie erklärst du Henrys Gewaltbereitschaft?
#Was ist in deinen Augen selbstverständlicher: Dass Menschen gut sind, keinem etwas zu Leide tun, friedlich arbeiten und sich vergnügen - oder dass Menschen böse sind und nur darauf aus, anderen zu schaden und sie zu bestehlen und zu betrügen? - Welche Alternative ist leichter zu erklären?

== Aggression ==
== Rugby Union and Rugby Leageue ==

In vielen Interviews mit Hooligans und
<div class="lueckentext-quiz" lang="en">
rechtsradikalen Schlägern sind Psychologen
There are two types of rugby, called Rugby Union and Rugby League. ''Originally|originally(orginal)'', Rugby Union ''was played(play)'' in England by gentlemen amateurs, and Rugby League by working class guys for pay.
immer wieder auf vier Motive gestoßen, die
offenbar Aggression verursachen:

*Das Schwarz-Weiß-Schema
There are many similarities ''between(???)'' the two types of rugby, but they have developed different sets of rules over time. The split between the two types occurred because of a disagreement about the way players ''would be treated|'d be treated(treat)'' if they were injured during a game.
*Das Sündenbock-Schema
*Das Radfahrer-Verhalten
*Die Projektion

Nähere Erklärungen finden sich in der Präsentation:
Since then Rugby Union ''has become(become)'' the most popular form ''of(???)'' rugby, and it is the national sport in New Zealand, Wales, Fiji, Samoa, Tonga and Madagascar. Rugby League ''is played (play)'' by many people in the UK (especially in northern England), Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea.
{{pdf|aggression.pdf|Psychologische Erklärung der Aggression (5 Karten)}}

In many other places, the word "rugby" refers to rugby union. Rugby football is played ''on(???)'' a field by two teams of 15 people. The objective of the game is to obtain more points ''than(???)'' the opposing team within 80 minutes of playing time. Points are gained through scoring tries or ''kicking(kick)'' goals.
Versuche, diese vier Motive in der Geschichte Henrys (siehe Stephen King: Henry und Mike) wieder zu finden.}}

== Fremd und Vertraut ==
{{Lösung versteckt|There are two types of rugby, called Rugby Union and Rugby League. ''Originally, originally(orginal)'', Rugby Union ''was played(play)'' in England by gentlemen amateurs, and Rugby League by working class guys for pay.

There are many similarities ''between(???)'' the two types of rugby, but they have developed different sets of rules over time. The split between the two types occurred because of a disagreement about the way players ''would be treated|'d be treated(treat)'' if they were injured during a game.  
Stelle sechs Stühle in der Form eines Zugabteils zusammen. Viermal steigen Schülerinnen oder Schüler mit allem, was sie bei sich haben (Taschen, Jacken, Mäntel) zu.

Wir beobachten, wie sich das Abteil füllt und interviewen die Beteiligten, was sie erlebt haben.}}
Since then Rugby Union ''has become(become)'' the most popular form ''of(???)'' rugby, and it is the national sport in New Zealand, Wales, Fiji, Samoa, Tonga and Madagascar. Rugby League ''is played (play)'' by many people in the UK (especially in northern England), Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea.  

In many other places, the word "rugby" refers to rugby union. Rugby football is played ''on(???)'' a field by two teams of 15 people. The objective of the game is to obtain more points ''than(???)'' the opposing team within 80 minutes of playing time. Points are gained through scoring tries or ''kicking(kick)'' goals. }}
An die Tafel kommt ein Sitzplan aus einem Omnibus, beispielsweise einem Schulbus. Die Sch. der Klasse gehen nacheinander an der Tafel vorbei und tragen eine fortlaufende Nummer bei dem Platz ein, auf den sie sich setzen würden.

Variante: Wie würden sich Kindergartenkindern im Bus verhalten?}}
== Some verbs you should know ==

What do the following words mean? Match the expressions (A-G) with their corresponding definitions.
Irgendwann zwischen dem vierten und achten Lebensjahr lernen wir den Unterschied zwischen "fremd" und "vertraut". Auch wenn die große Mehrheit der Fremden vermutlich nette und harmlose Leute sind, ergreifen wir viele Maßnahmen, die auf Misstrauen zurückzuführen sind. Zum Beispiel schließen wir ein Fahrrad ab, das wir auf dem Schulhof abstellen.}}
<div class="lueckentext-quiz" lang="en">
| <span style="font-weight:bold;">A</span>  to consider ||    <span style="font-weight:bold;">1 </span>to think about something seriously or carefully: to see it as
| <span style="font-weight:bold;"> B </span> to select || <span style="font-weight:bold;">2 </span>  To get hold of; to gain possession of,
|<span style="font-weight:bold;">C </span> to handle || <span style="font-weight:bold;">3 </span> to choose one or more elements of a set, especially a set of options.  
|<span style="font-weight:bold;">D </span> to obtain || <span style="font-weight:bold;">4 </span> To obtain the object desired; to accomplish what is attempted or intended
|<span style="font-weight:bold;">E </span> to gain || <span style="font-weight:bold;">5 </span> to have or receive advantage or profit; to acquire gain; to grow rich; to advance in interest, health, or happiness; to make progress.  
|<span style="font-weight:bold;">F </span> refer||<span style="font-weight:bold;">6 </span> To direct the attention of, to send or direct elsewhere.  
| <span style="font-weight:bold;">G </span>succeed ||<span style="font-weight:bold;">7 </span> to touch; to feel or hold with the hand(s)
<table class="wikitable" style="border:1px solid black;border-collapse:collapse;text-align:center;  font:bold 1em/1.2em georgia,"times new roman",serif;">
    <td style="width:60px;padding:5px;text-align:center;">A</td><td>B</td><td>C</td><td>D</td><td>E</td><td>F</td><td>G</td>
    <td style="width:60px;padding:5px;text-align:center;">1</td>
    <td><em><span class="fett">3</span></em></td>
    <td><em><span class="fett">7</span></em></td>
    <td><em><span class="fett">2</span></em></td>
    <td><em><span class="fett">5</span></em></td>
    <td><em><span class="fett">6</span></em></td>
    <td><em><span class="fett">4</span></em></td>

== Strafe ==

Eine mögliche Reaktion auf das Böse ist die Strafe.
[[File:Britain defeated by the All Blacks. 1908 (Alexander Turnbull Library C-109-020).jpg|600px]]
Die härteste Strafe ist die Todesstrafe. Zur intellektuellen Auseinandersetzung mit diesem Thema gibt es sehr viele Angebote, die man sich mit dem Wikipediaartikel [ Todesstrafe] erschließen kann.
Die emotionale Auseinandersetzung mit dem Thema ermöglicht eine Fotoserie:
Lucinda Devlin: The Omega Suites (1990-1995): Hinrichtungsstätten in den Vereinigten Staaten.<ref>[ Devlin Omega Suites]</ref>
Vier Motive bestimmen das Strafen als Antwort auf das Böse:
# Rache: Dabei geht es darum, demjenigen Menschen, der Leiden verursacht hat, auch Leiden zuzufügen. Es geht auch darum, dem Zorn über das Unrecht Ausdruck zu verschaffen.
# Sicherheit: Die Gesellschaft möchte vor einem Straftäter geschützt werden. Denn dem, der schon einmal etwas Böses getan hat, traut man zu, dass er es wieder tun wird, wenn er die Gelegenheit hat. Darum sperrt man ihn ein.
# Abschreckung: Die Strafandrohung soll demjenigen, der es sich noch überlegt, ob er eine Straftat begehen will, Angst machen, sodass er es lieber unterlässt.
# Resozialisation: Dem Straftäter soll durch geeignete Maßnahmen - Nachholen eines Schulabschlusses, Erlebnispädagogik, Ausprobieren des Lebens in Freiheit, Arbeitsbeschaffung - ermöglicht werden, ein Leben ohne weitere Straftaten zu führen. Resozialisation ist in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland der vorgegebene Strafzweck.}}
== Das Gewissen ==
Das Gewissen ist die Fähigkeit des Menschen, sich selbst zu beobachten und sein eigenes Verhalten zu bewerten.}}
Man kann das Gewissen mit verschiedenen Attributen näher bestimmen. Dabei gibt es vier wesentliche Gegensatzpaare (siehe Grafik!):
* Wer irgendeine Hinterhältigkeit begangen hat, kann vielleicht nicht gut schlafen: Man denkt nach über die Möglichkeit nach, dass andere die Gemeinheit entdecken, dass man bloß gestellt und bestraft wird. So wirkt ein schlechtes Gewissen. Denn das Gewissen ist der Vertreter der anderen im eigenen Geist, es lässt uns unsere Handlungen so sehen, wie sie auf andere wirken müssen.
* Wer sich aber abends sagen kann, dass er im Wesentlichen alle seine Pflichten erfüllt, der schläft mit gutem Gewissen ein. Der Volksmund sagt: '''Ein gutes Gewissen ist ein sanftes Ruhekissen.'''
* Manche Menschen lügen und betrügen, haben aber kein schlechtes Gewissen, sondern geben unter Umständen sogar mit ihrer gesetzwidrigen Handlung an und glauben, jeder, der anders handelt, sei blöd. Besonders Betrügereien, bei denen nicht ein einzelnes Opfer den Schaden hat, sondern eine große Gemeinschaft, werden von manchen als Cleverness betrachtet, zum Beispiel: Hinterziehen von Steuern oder Gebühren für Fernsehen, Nutzung öffentlicher Verkehrsmittel; Versicherungsbetrug, Übertretung von Verkehrsregeln wie Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung oder Parkverbot, Ladendiebstahl, Datenklau. Diese Menschen haben ihr Gewissen teilweise schlafen gelegt; es spielt bei der Bewertung der Handlung nicht mehr mit.
* Wünschenswert ist aber ein waches Gewissen. Wir müssen uns informieren über die Folgen unserer Handlungen, denn keiner von uns kann sich wünschen, dass die Ordnung unserer Gemeinschaft geschwächt wird, so dass am Ende nur noch das Faustrecht des Stärkeren und Gewissenloseren zählt.
* Von einem zweijährigen Kind kann man nicht erwarten, dass es den Unterschied kennt zwischen "mein" und "dein", von einem achtjährigen schon. Ein zwölfjähriger Jugendlicher wäre mit der Aufgabe überfordert, Bürgermeister zu sein, mit Vierzig kann man sich die entsprechende Lebenserfahrung angeeignet haben. Wir wünschen uns also, dass das Gewissen mit den Lebensjahren auch reif wird.
* Ein unreifes Gewissen, das Bewusstsein eines Kindes im Körper eines Erwachsenen kann verheerende Folgen haben für die verantwortungsvollen Aufgaben, die ein Erwachsener in Familie und Beruf hat.
* Manche Menschen tappen immer wieder in dieselbe Falle: Ein Mann fährt so oft betrunken Auto, dass er schließlich nach Führerscheinentzug, Beschlagnahme seines Autos und Geldstrafe ins Gefängnis muss.  Natürlich bereut er es nachher immer bitterlich; sein Gewissen wirkt eben nur nachträglich, wenn die Katastrophe schon passiert ist.
* Menschen, die sich selbst aufmerksam beobachten, entwickeln ein vorausschauendes Gewissen: Sie kennen sich und begeben sich erst gar nicht in die Situationen, in denen sie bislang öfter versagt haben.
== Anmerkungen ==

Version vom 7. November 2019, 07:13 Uhr

Rugby is New Zealand's national sport where all people come together to watch and to play:

Rugby - Mixed Grammar

Complete the following text. Use the correct forms of the words in brackets and find your own to replace the question marks.

Rugby football is a sport people play in many countries. It is usually(usual) called rugby or rugger. Rugby football is named after(???) Rugby School, the public school in England where it was developed. Legend has it that one day in 1823, a senior boy called William Webb Ellis ran with the ball rather than(???) kick it as was the normal way of(???) playing. "Running in" was not considered quite the done thing then but was later OK'd in the laws of Rugby Football (first published in 1846). Its rival, Association football (soccer), came later. It wasn't written(not, write) until 1863. Even then handling of the ball was allowed, but not catching it and running with it. In the mid 1860s they tried (try) to provide one set of laws for all football but there(???) were to many differences, mainly concerning "hacking" (kicking an opponent in the shins). The "hackers" went on to eventually play rugby football even though hacking was barred a few years later. The "anti-hackers" went on to form Association Football, which eventually(eventual) banned any handling.

Rugby football is a sport people play in many countries. It is usually(usual) called rugby or rugger. Rugby football is named after(???) Rugby School, the public school in England where it was developed. Legend has it that one day in 1823, a senior boy called William Webb Ellis ran with the ball rather than(???) kick it as was the normal way of(???) playing. "Running in" was not considered quite the done thing then but was later OK'd in the laws of Rugby Football (first published in 1846). Its rival, Association football (soccer), came later. It wasn't written(write) until 1863. Even then handling of the ball was allowed, but not catching it and running with it. In the mid 1860s they tried (try) to provide one set of laws for all football but there(???) were to many differences, mainly concerning "hacking" (kicking an opponent in the shins). The "hackers" went on to eventually play rugby football even though hacking was barred a few years later. The "anti-hackers" went on to form Association Football, which eventually(eventual) banned any handling.

Rugby Union and Rugby Leageue

There are two types of rugby, called Rugby Union and Rugby League. Originally|originally(orginal), Rugby Union was played(play) in England by gentlemen amateurs, and Rugby League by working class guys for pay.

There are many similarities between(???) the two types of rugby, but they have developed different sets of rules over time. The split between the two types occurred because of a disagreement about the way players would be treated|'d be treated(treat) if they were injured during a game.

Since then Rugby Union has become(become) the most popular form of(???) rugby, and it is the national sport in New Zealand, Wales, Fiji, Samoa, Tonga and Madagascar. Rugby League is played (play) by many people in the UK (especially in northern England), Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea.

In many other places, the word "rugby" refers to rugby union. Rugby football is played on(???) a field by two teams of 15 people. The objective of the game is to obtain more points than(???) the opposing team within 80 minutes of playing time. Points are gained through scoring tries or kicking(kick) goals.

There are two types of rugby, called Rugby Union and Rugby League. Originally, originally(orginal), Rugby Union was played(play) in England by gentlemen amateurs, and Rugby League by working class guys for pay.

There are many similarities between(???) the two types of rugby, but they have developed different sets of rules over time. The split between the two types occurred because of a disagreement about the way players would be treated

Some verbs you should know


What do the following words mean? Match the expressions (A-G) with their corresponding definitions.

A to consider 1 to think about something seriously or carefully: to see it as
B to select 2 To get hold of; to gain possession of,
C to handle 3 to choose one or more elements of a set, especially a set of options.
D to obtain 4 To obtain the object desired; to accomplish what is attempted or intended
E to gain 5 to have or receive advantage or profit; to acquire gain; to grow rich; to advance in interest, health, or happiness; to make progress.
F refer 6 To direct the attention of, to send or direct elsewhere.
G succeed 7 to touch; to feel or hold with the hand(s)
1 3 7 2 5 6 4

Britain defeated by the All Blacks. 1908 (Alexander Turnbull Library C-109-020).jpg