Use of English/Keyword Transformation und Geschichte bilingual/Glossary: Unterschied zwischen den Seiten

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< Use of English(Unterschied zwischen Seiten)
Markierung: 2017-Quelltext-Bearbeitung
Markierung: 2017-Quelltext-Bearbeitung
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
In der '''Keyword Transformation''' müssen Sätze umgewandelt werden, wobei die Bedeutung erhalten bleiben soll. Ein angegebenes Schlüsselwort (engl. '''''keyword''''') darf nicht verändert werden.

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use '''between two and five words''', including the word given.<br>
'''Do not change''' the KEYWORD.|Zitat}}

== Vorgehensweise ==
Today we're going to build a glossary for important historical terms. This list can help to build up a better range of vocabulary.
Diese Aufgabe ist eine der schwierigsten Übungsformen überhaupt. Zuerst müssen beide Sätze analysiert werden.  

{{Aufgabe|# Überlege, welchen (grammatikalischen) Unterschied es zwischen beiden Sätzen gibt.
New proposal can be subbmited to:
# In die Lücke müssen das '''unveränderte KEYWORD''' und andere Wörter (oft zwischen 2 und 5 Wörter) eingefügt werden.
## Trage das keyword in die Mitte der Lücke ein.
## Überlege nun, welche Wörter im zweiten Satz fehlen und ergänze den Satz.
# Lies den zweiten Satz erneut!
## Ist der Satz sprachlich korrekt?
## Ist das '''''keyword''''' unverändert?
## Hast du Angaben zur Anzahl der Wörter beachtet?

Bei der Analyse lassen sich oft bestimmte Muster erkennen:
[[#interactive quizzes|interactive quizzes]]

1. Objekt wird zu Subjekt

→ ein Vergleich (comparisons)
== A ==

→ Aktiv-Passiv-Umwandlung
* abolish; abolition
** to end a law, system or practice

* '''absolutism'''<br>form of government where a monarch rules with unlimited authority

2. ein Verb als KEYWORD
* '''age'''<br>an period of time, eg the Dark Age

→ Signalwörter geben bestimmte Zeiten vor
* age of enlightenment

→ verb / adjecktive + preposition(ing-form or to-infinitive?)
* aristocracy

→ [[Reported Speech]] (Timeshift)
* assembly
** a meeting of people in one place for a purpose

== B ==

3. irgendein Wort
* borgeoisie (eng. middle class)

→ ist dies (Teil eines) Synonyms?
== C ==

* capitalism
* confederation
* conservative, conservation

4. eine Konjunktion
== D ==

→ der Satz muss umgestellt werden.
* democracy
== E==

== Interactive Excercises ==
* estates
=== Comparisons ===
{{Aufgabe-en|Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use <b>between two and five words</b>, including the word given.<br>
<b>Do not change</b> the KEYWORD.}}

<div class="lueckentext-quiz" lang="en">
* evolution
<span style="font-weight:bold;">1.</span> Alfeld is bigger than Kucha.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;THAN
** a slow development with gradual changes
== H ==
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Kucha is <em>smaller than()</em> Alfeld.
<span style="font-weight:bold;">2.</span> Lauf is bigger than Hersbruck. &nbsp;&nbsp;AS
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hersbruck isn't<em> as big as()</em> Lauf.
{{Show-Hide|1. Alfeld is bigger than Kucha.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;THAN
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Kucha is <em>smaller than()</em> Alfeld.
2. Lauf is bigger than Hersbruck. &nbsp;&nbsp;AS
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hersbruck isn't<em> as big as()</em> Lauf.}}
<div class="lueckentext-quiz" lang="en">
<span style="font-weight:bold;">3.</span> Hersbruck is nicer than Lauf. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; BEAUTIFUL
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hersbruck is <em>more beautiful than()</em> Lauf.
<span style="font-weight:bold;">4.</span> English isn't as difficult as Maths.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LESS
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;English is <em>less difficult than()</em> Maths.
{{Show-Hide|3. Hersbruck is nicer than Lauf. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; BEAUTIFUL
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Hersbruck is <em>more beautiful than()</em> Lauf.
4. English isn't as difficult as Maths.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LESS
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;English is <em>less difficult than()</em> Maths.}}
<div class="lueckentext-quiz" lang="en">
<span style="font-weight:bold;">5.</span> My car isn't big enough for all of you.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;TOO
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;My car is <em>too small ()</em> for all of you.
<span style="font-weight:bold;">6.</span> Do you and your brother have the same looks? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIKE<br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Does <em>your brother look like()</em> you?
{{Show-Hide|5. My car isn't big enough for all of you.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;TOO
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;My car is <em>too small ()</em> for all of you.
6. Do you and your brother have the same looks? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LIKE<br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Does <em>your brother look like()</em> you?}}
<div class="lueckentext-quiz" lang="en">
<span style="font-weight:bold;">7.</span> Lauf isn’t as <abbr title="Statt isn't lautet das Verb is &rarr; opposite von near = far (away) unregelmäßige Steigerung!far, farther, further! im übertragenen Sinne further education" >near</abbr> as Henfenfeld. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; AWAY
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Lauf is<em> farther away than ()</em>Henfenfeld.
{{Show-Hide|7. Lauf isn’t as near) as Henfenfeld. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; AWAY
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Lauf is<em> farther away than ()</em>Henfenfeld.
(Statt isn't lautet das Verb is &rarr; opposite von near  far (away) unregelmäßige Steigerung!far, farther, further! im übertragenen Sinne further education}}
=== infinitive or gerund ===
{{Aufgabe-en|Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use <b>between two and five words</b>, including the word given.
<b>Do not change</b> the KEYWORD.}}
<div class="lueckentext-quiz" lang="en">
a. I want to play football! &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<abbr title="can't wait - nicht erwarten können, wollen nach wait kommt immer to-Infinitive!" >WAIT</abbr>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I <em> can't wait to play()</em> football!
b. Do you play football well? &nbsp;&nbsp; <abbr title="to be good at ... - in etwas gut sein synonym zu well aber mit Verb in ing-Form!">GOOD</abbr>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Are you <em> good at playing()</em> football?
{{Show-Hide|a. I want to play football! &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(can't wait - nicht erwarten können, wollen nach wait kommt immer to-Infinitive!" WAIT)
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I <em> can't wait to play()</em> football!
b. Do you play football well? &nbsp;&nbsp; (to be good at ... - in etwas gut sein synonym zu well aber mit Verb in ing-Form!" GOOD)
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Are you <em> good at playing()</em> football?}}
<div class="lueckentext-quiz" lang="en">
c. I am glad to play in the big match next week. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <abbr title="Welche Kombination mit FORWARD gibt es? looking forward to +! Das &quot;to&quot; ist kein zu + Infinitiv sondern die Präposition bei:sich freuen auf …!" >FORWARD</abbr>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; I'm <em>looking forward to playing()</em> in the match next week.
d. I am planning to go to the next worldcup in Brazil. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;THINK
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; I <em>think of going()</em> to the next worldcup in Brazil.
{{Show-Hide|c. I am glad to play in the big match next week. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ("Welche Kombination mit FORWARD gibt es? looking forward to +! Das &quot;to&quot; ist kein zu + Infinitiv sondern die Präposition bei:sich freuen auf …!" FORWARD)
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; I'm <em>looking forward to playing()</em> in the match next week.
d. I am planning to go to the next worldcup in Brazil. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;THINK
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; I <em>think of going()</em> to the next worldcup in Brazil.
<div class="lueckentext-quiz" lang="en">
e. You shouldn't party so much but focus on your practice. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;CONCENTRATE
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; You must <em>concentrate on practicing()</em> more often.
f. &quot;Are you interested in coming with me?&quot;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<abbr title="to be keen on - to be enthusiastic about..." >KEEN</abbr>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Are you <em>keen on coming()</em> with me?
{{Show-Hide|e. You shouldn't party so much but focus on your practice. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;CONCENTRATE
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; You must <em>concentrate on practicing()</em> more often.
f. &quot;Are you interested in coming with me?&quot;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;("to be keen on - to be enthusiastic about..." KEEN)
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Are you <em>keen on coming()</em> with me?}}
<div class="lueckentext-quiz" lang="en">
g. &quot;Oh, my God! I would die, if I saw another football match!&quot;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;AFRAID
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; She's <em>afraid of seeing()</em> another football match.
h. &quot;Maybe I can ask my boss for a holiday&quot;.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ABOUT
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; He was <em> talking about asking()</em> his boss for a holiday.
{{Show-Hide|g. &quot;Oh, my God! I would die, if I saw another football match!&quot;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;AFRAID
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; She's <em>afraid of seeing()</em> another football match.
h. &quot;Maybe I can ask my boss for a holiday&quot;.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ABOUT
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; He was <em> talking about asking()</em> his boss for a holiday. }}
<div class="lueckentext-quiz" lang="en">
i. &quot;I want to go surfing in California!&quot; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;DECIDED
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; He <em> decided to go()</em> surfing in California.
k. Why do you want to take up a new hobby? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; INTERESTED
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Why are you <em>interested in taking()</em> up a new hobby?.
{{Show-Hide|i. &quot;I want to go surfing in California!&quot; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;DECIDED
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; He <em> decided to go()</em> surfing in California.
k. Why do you want to take up a new hobby? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; INTERESTED
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Why are you <em>interested in taking()</em> up a new hobby?.}}
<div class="lueckentext-quiz" lang="en">
l. Going to California would be an unforgettable experience.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;WORTH
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; California would be <em>worth going()</em> to.
m.  Did you manage to get in contact with the boss today? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<abbr title="manage to - etwas schaffen, gelingen
aber hier muss eine Konstruktion mit ing-Form eingesetzt werdenWelches Synonym von manage?to succeed in!" >GETTING</abbr>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Did you <em> succeed in getting()</em> in contact with the boss today?
{{Show-Hide|l. Going to California would be an unforgettable experience.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;WORTH
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; California would be <em>worth going()</em> to.
m.  Did you manage to get in contact with the boss today? &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(manage to - etwas schaffen, gelingen
aber hier muss eine Konstruktion mit ing-Form eingesetzt werden. Welches Synonym von manage?to succeed in!" GETTING)
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Did you <em> succeed in getting()</em> in contact with the boss today?}}
<div class="lueckentext-quiz" lang="en">
n. You can't bring food into this room. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (to suppose - vermuten, annehmen, voraussetzen be supposed to - sollen, eigentlich etw. tun müssen)SUPPOSED
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; You <em> are not supposed to bring()</em> food into this room.
o. The clients demanded to stay in a first-class hotel. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<abbr title="insist on + - auf etwas bestehen" >(INSISTED)</abbr>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The clients <em> insisted on staying()</em> in a first-class hotel.
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="Show solution" data-collapsetext="Hide solution">n. You can't bring food into this room. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <abbr title="to suppose - vermuten, annehmen, voraussetzen be supposed to - sollen, eigentlich etw. tun müssen" >SUPPOSED</abbr>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; You <em> are not supposed to bring()</em> food into this room.
o. The clients demanded to stay in a first-class hotel. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(insist on + - auf etwas bestehen" (INSISTED)
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The clients <em> insisted on staying()</em> in a first-class hotel. </div>
<div class="lueckentext-quiz" lang="en">
p. Suzanne was too excited to sleep. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;THAT
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Suzanne was <em> so excited that she could ()</em>not sleep.
q. "I will complete the work only if you pay me 500 pounds extra," said Frank. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;NOT
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "I will <em> not finish working unless()</em> you pay me 500 pounds extra," said Frank.
{{Show-Hide|p. Suzanne was too excited to sleep. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;THAT
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Suzanne was <em> so excited that she could ()</em>not sleep.
q. "I will complete the work only if you pay me 500 pounds extra," said Frank. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;NOT
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "I will <em> not finish working unless()</em> you pay me 500 pounds extra," said Frank.}}
<div class="lueckentext-quiz" lang="en">
r. The thief ran past you so I'm sure you saw his face. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MUST
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The thief ran right past you so <em> you must have seen ()</em>his face.
s.  The author wrote her latest novel while she was staying in Majorca.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (DURING)
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The author's latest novel <em> was written during her ()</em> stay in Majorca.
{{Show-Hide|r. The thief ran past you so I'm sure you saw his face. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MUST
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The thief ran right past you so <em> you must have seen ()</em>his face.
s.  The author wrote her latest novel while she was staying in Majorca.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (DURING)
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The author's latest novel <em> was written during her ()</em> stay in Majorca.}}
<div class="lueckentext-quiz" lang="en">
t. The meal we had in the restaurant was so nice. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; SUCH
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It <em> was such a nice()</em>  meal in the restaurant.
{{Show-Hide|t. The meal we had in the restaurant was so nice. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; SUCH
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;It <em> was such a nice()</em>  meal in the restaurant.}}
=== How Lisa became a project manager ===
<div class="lueckentext-quiz" lang="en">
a.  &quot;Why don't you apply for the post of a project manager?&quot;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<abbr title="to encourage so. to do sth. - jemd. ermutigen">(ENCOURAGED)</abbr>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Mr Dauphin <em>encouraged ()</em>Lisa <em>to apply()</em> for the job as a project manager.
b. &quot;She wanted to have a successful career and knew how to use computers well.&quot; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;GOOD
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; She was self-confident, ambitious and  <em> good at using()</em> computers.
c. If you get the job, you'll get better wages. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; CHANCE
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This was Lisa's <em>chance of getting()</em> better wages.
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="Show solution" data-collapsetext="Hide solution">|a.  &quot;Why don't you apply for the post of a project manager?&quot;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<abbr title="to encourage so. to do sth. - jemd. ermutigen">(ENCOURAGED)</abbr>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Mr Dauphin <em>encouraged ()</em>Lisa <em>to apply()</em> for the job as a project manager.
b. &quot;She wanted to have a successful career and knew how to use computers well.&quot; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;GOOD
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; She was self-confident, ambitious and  <em> good at using()</em> computers.
c. If you get the job, you'll get better wages. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; CHANCE
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This was Lisa's <em>chance of getting()</em> better wages.</div>
<div class="lueckentext-quiz" lang="en">
d. She succeeded in writing a <abbr title="flawless - without any flaws, impercetions or errors syn.= spotless, perfect, ideal" >flawless</abbr> CV and a good letter of application.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MANAGED
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; She <em> managed to write()</em> a flawless CV and a good letter of application.
e.  &quot;I'll put on my new blue suit. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; DECIDED
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; When she was invited to an interview, she <em> decided to put on()</em> her blue suit.
f. &quot;I'll just have a coffee now!&quot;  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <abbr title="2 Möglichkeiten: "stopped to smoke" oder "stopped smoking"!Bedeutungsunterschied!" >STOPPED</abbr>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; On her way to the interview she <em> stopped to have()</em> a coffee.
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="Show solution" data-collapsetext="Hide solution">d. She succeeded in writing a <abbr title="flawless - without any flaws, impercetions or errors syn.= spotless, perfect, ideal" >flawless</abbr> CV and a good letter of application.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;MANAGED
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; She <em> managed to write()</em> a flawless CV and a good letter of application.
e.  &quot;I'll put on my new blue suit. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; DECIDED
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; When she was invited to an interview, she <em> decided to put on()</em> her blue suit.
f. &quot;I'll just have a coffee now!&quot;  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <abbr title="2 Möglichkeiten: "stopped to smoke" oder "stopped smoking"!Bedeutungsunterschied!" >STOPPED</abbr>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; On her way to the interview she <em> stopped to have()</em> a coffee.</div>
<div class="lueckentext-quiz" lang="en">
g. I'm nervous because I don't know what to answer.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; NOT
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; She was <em>nervous about not knowing()</em> what to answer.
h. &quot;Maybe someone else will get the job. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; DANGER
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There was always the <em> danger of not getting ()</em> the job.
i.&quot;Why are you nervous. There's no reason.&quot;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; REASON
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; But there was no <em>reason for being ()</em> nervous. She got the job.
{{Show-Hide|g. I'm nervous because I don't know what to answer.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; NOT
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; She was <em>nervous about not knowing()</em> what to answer.
h. &quot;Maybe someone else will get the job. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; DANGER
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;There was always the <em> danger of not getting ()</em> the job.
i.&quot;Why are you nervous. There's no reason.&quot;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; REASON
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; But there was no <em>reason for being ()</em> nervous. She got the job.}}
=== REPORTED SPEECH - die indirekte Rede ===
[[Datei:Reported-speech.png|right|Beispielsatz Reported Speech "I told you I was sick!"]]
Mit der indirekten Rede berichten wir über etwas, das wir vorher gehört haben.
Steht das einleitende Verb im &quot;Past Tense&quot; (was bei solchen Berichten der Normalfall ist), so erfolgt beim Wechsel zur indirekten Rede eine Verschiebung der Zeitebene (TIMESHIFT).
Es wird über jemanden berichtet „I….“ -> He said he… (PERSPECTIVE SHIFT)<br/>
Hier findet ihr [[Reported Speech|eine Übersicht]]!
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use <b>between two and
five words</b>, including the word given.<br/>
<b>Do not change</b> the KEYWORD.
<div class="lueckentext-quiz" lang="en">
1. &quot;Have  you seen my gloves anywhere, Eric?&quot; asked Mrs Noble. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(SEEN)
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Mrs Noble asked Eric <em>if he had seen ()</em> her gloves anywhere.
2. &quot;Will you come to the party with me?&quot; &nbsp;&nbsp;WHETHER<br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; He asked her <em> whether she would come()</em> to the party with him.
<div class="lueckentext-quiz" lang="en">
3. &quot;I am so tired this night.&quot; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; TIRED
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; He said he <em> was so tired that()</em> night.
4. &quot;Mary, have you ever been to New York City?&quot;.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;BEEN
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; He wanted to know if she <em>had ever been ()</em> to New York City.
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="Show solution" data-collapsetext="Hide solution">1. &quot;Have  you seen my gloves anywhere, Eric?&quot; asked Mrs Noble. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(SEEN)
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Mrs Noble asked Eric <em>if he had seen ()</em> her gloves anywhere.
2. &quot;Will you come to the party with me?&quot; &nbsp;&nbsp;WHETHER<br/>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; He asked her <em> whether she would come()</em> to the party with him.
3. &quot;I am so tired this night.&quot; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; TIRED
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; He said he <em> was so tired that()</em> night.
4. &quot;Mary, have you ever been to New York City?&quot;.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;BEEN
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; He wanted to know if she <em>had ever been ()</em> to New York City.</div>
<div class="lueckentext-quiz" lang="en">
5. &quot;My car isn't big enough for all of you.&quot;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;CAR
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; He said that <em>his car was too()</em> small for all of you.
6. &quot; Was that you yesterday?&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ME
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; He wanted to know if that<em>had been me()</em>the day <em>before()</em>.
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="Show solution" data-collapsetext="Hide solution">5. &quot;My car isn't big enough for all of you.&quot;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;CAR
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; He said that <em>his car was too()</em> small for all of you.
6. &quot; Was that you yesterday?&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ME
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; He wanted to know if that<em>had been me()</em>the day <em>before()</em>.</div>
<div class="lueckentext-quiz" lang="en">
7. Where do you live?&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;WHERE
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; He asked me<em>where I lived()</em>.
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="Show solution" data-collapsetext="Hide solution">7. Where do you live?&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;WHERE
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; He asked me<em>where I lived()</em>.</div>
=== synonyms & antonyms (same and opposite) ===
[[Datei:Syn 01.png|thumb|Synonyms Englisch]]
Wortschatz kann durch das Finden von Wörtern mit gleicher (Synonyme) oder gegensätzlicher Bedeutung (opposites) getestet werden.
Wenn einem kein passendes Synonym einfällt, kann man auch durch ein verneinten Gegensatz (doppelte Verneinung = +) auf die richtige Lösung kommen:
hardly ever
nearly never
{{Aufgabe-en|Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use <b>between two and five words</b>, including the word given.
<b>Do not change</b> the KEYWORD.}}
<div class="lueckentext-quiz" lang="en">
a. Robert has not had a job for two years.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  OUT
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Robert has <em> out of work ()</em> for two years.
b. I must tell them that I'm sorry because of all the mistakes. &nbsp;&nbsp;FOR
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I must <em> apologize for()</em> all the mistakes.
<div class="lueckentext-quiz" lang="en">
c. &quot;May I take this book, please?&quot;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ALLOWED
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&quot; <em>Am I allowed to take()</em> this book, please?&quot;.
d. My car doesn't run anymore.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;BROKE
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;My car <em>broke down()</em> yesterday.
{{Show-Hide|a. Robert has not had a job for two years.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  OUT
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Robert has <em> out of work ()</em> for two years.
b. I must tell them that I'm sorry because of all the mistakes. &nbsp;&nbsp;FOR
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I must <em> apologize for()</em> all the mistakes.
c. &quot;May I take this book, please?&quot;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ALLOWED
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&quot; <em>Am I allowed to take()</em> this book, please?&quot;.
d. My car doesn't run anymore.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;BROKE
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;My car <em>broke down()</em> yesterday.}}
<div class="lueckentext-quiz" lang="en">
e. There are fewer jobs in the area than some years ago.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;CUT
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The number of jobs <em>has been cut down ()</em>  <abbr title="Signalwort für present perfect, da es bis heute andauert.">in the last few years.</abbr>
f. People think about going to Australia&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;DOWN
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Many people dream about starting a new life <em>down under()</em>.
{{Show-Hide|e. There are fewer jobs in the area than some years ago.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;CUT
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The number of jobs <em>has been cut down ()</em>  in the last few years. (Signalwort für present perfect, da es bis heute andauert.)
f. People think about going to Australia&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;DOWN
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Many people dream about starting a new life <em>down under()</em>.}}
<div class="lueckentext-quiz" lang="en">
g. Peter has never trouble with other people.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;WELL

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Peter <em>gets on well()</em> with other people.
* human rights
== L ==

h. &quot;Let me have a go now!&quot;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;OUT
* labour

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Let me <em>try out()</em> this game.
* liberal, liberalsim

{{Show-Hide|g. Peter has never trouble with other people.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;WELL
== M ==

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Peter <em>gets on well()</em> with other people.
* monarchy

h. &quot;Let me have a go now!&quot;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;OUT
==  N ==

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Let me <em>try out()</em> this game.}}
* nation, national
== P ==
* parliament
== R ==

<div class="lueckentext-quiz" lang="en">
* reaction
i. &quot;Enjoy your party!&quot;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;TIME

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&quot; <em>Have a good time()</em> at your party.&quot;

j. The party lasted for hours &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ON
*  ''revolution''<br>sudden change of a political system, property

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The party <em>went on()</em> for hours.
== S ==

{{Show-Hide|i. &quot;Enjoy your party!&quot;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;TIME
* separation of powers 
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&quot; <em>Have a good time()</em> at your party.&quot;
j. The party lasted for hours &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;ON
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The party <em>went on()</em> for hours.}}

== interactive quizzes ==
<div class="lueckentext-quiz" lang="en">
<div class="lueckentext-quiz" lang="en">
k. Peter and Tom are quite similar.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;COMMON
''evolution'': a slow development with gradual changes
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Peter and Tom have much <em>in common()</em>.

l. &quot;Does Booby take good care of you?&quot;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;AFTER
''revolution'': sudden change of a political system, property

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &quot;Does Bobby <em>look after()</em> you <em> well()</em>&quot;.
''riot'': a violent disturbance of the peace by a crowd
{{Show-Hide|k. Peter and Tom are quite similar.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;COMMON
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Peter and Tom have much <em>in common()</em>.
l. &quot;Does Booby take good care of you?&quot;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;AFTER
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &quot;Does Bobby <em>look after()</em> you <em> well()</em>&quot;.}}
{{Use of English}}
== See also ==
* [[Verb + Infinitive or Verb +]]
* [[Applying_for_a_job/Quiz#KEYWORD_transformation|Applying for a job/Quiz]]
* [[Guided_Writing/Coherence_and_Cohesion#Connecting_two_sentences_with_a_conjunction|Guided Writing/Coherence and Cohesion]]
== Weblinks ==
* [ Key Word Transformation (PET level)] (
* []
* [ PhrasalVerb Transformations] (
[[Kategorie:Interaktive Übung]]

Version vom 24. Januar 2022, 10:49 Uhr

Today we're going to build a glossary for important historical terms. This list can help to build up a better range of vocabulary.

New proposal can be subbmited to:

interactive quizzes


  • abolish; abolition
    • to end a law, system or practice
  • absolutism
    form of government where a monarch rules with unlimited authority
  • age
    an period of time, eg the Dark Age
  • age of enlightenment
  • aristocracy
  • assembly
    • a meeting of people in one place for a purpose


  • borgeoisie (eng. middle class)


  • capitalism
  • confederation
  • conservative, conservation


  • democracy


  • estates
  • evolution
    • a slow development with gradual changes


  • human rights


  • labour
  • liberal, liberalsim


  • monarchy


  • nation, national


  • parliament


  • reaction
  • restoration
  •   revolution
    sudden change of a political system, property


  • separation of powers 

interactive quizzes

evolution: a slow development with gradual changes

revolution: sudden change of a political system, property

riot: a violent disturbance of the peace by a crowd