Chemie-Lexikon/Redoxreaktionen mit Elektronenübertragung und Use of English/Word Families/Overview: Unterschied zwischen den Seiten

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< Chemie-Lexikon(Unterschied zwischen Seiten)
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In der Mittelstufe werden die Begriffe Reduktion und Oxidation meist im Zusammenhang mit Verfahren zur Gewinnung von Metallen besprochen, wobei eine Übertragung von Sauerstoff stattfindet
Wörter aus den selben Wortfamilien sind einfach zu behalten oder zu erschließen, da sie ja alle einen gemeinsamen Wortstamm haben.

== Wiederholung: Redoxreaktionen als Sauerstoffübertragungsreaktionen ==
Word from the same '''word families''' can be easily understood because they share a common root and pre- and suffixes you can identify.

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Words in '''bold''' are commmon and important to learn.  
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In der Mittelstufe kommen Redoxreaktionen im Rahmen der Verfahren zur Gewinnung von Metallen zur Sprache. Typischerweise betrachtet man die Reduktion von Kupfererzen mit Hilfe von Kohle und den Hochofen-Prozess. Aber auch bei der Thermitreaktion handelt es sich um ein Redoxreaktion: 

<math>Fe_2O_3 + 2 \ Al \longrightarrow Al_2O_3 + 2 \ Fe</math>
== A ==

Hier findet zum einen die '''Oxidation von Aluminium''' statt, hin zu <math>Al_2O_3</math>. Zum anderen die '''Reduktion von''' <math>Fe_2O_3</math> hin zu Eisen.
<div class="width-1-3">
!<big>Nouns</big> !! <big>Verbs</big> !! <big>Adjectives</big> !! <big>Adverbs</big>
| ability, disability, inability || enable,disable|| '''able''', unable, disabled || ably
| acceptance || '''accept''' || acceptable, unacceptable, accepted ||-ably
| '''accident''' ||  || accidental || -ally
| accuracy, inaccuracy ||  || '''accurate''', inaccurate || -ely
| accusation, the accused, accuser || accuse || accusing ||
|achievement, achiever || '''achieve''' || achievable ||
|act, '''action''', inaction, interaction,<br>reaction, transaction<br>actor, actress ||  '''act''' || acting ||
|activity, inactivity || ||'''active''', inactive, interactive, proactive activate || actively
|addition || '''add''' || additional || additionally
|admiration, admirer || '''admire''' || admirable || admirably
|'''advantage''', disadvantage || ||advantageous, disadvantaged || advantageously
|'''ad'''(vertisement), advertiser,|| '''advertise''' || advertising ||
|'''advi<span style="color:red">c</span>e''', adviser|| '''advi<span style="color:red">s</span>e''' || advisable,inadvisable, advisory ||
|agreement, disagreement ||  agree, disagree || agreeable || agreeably
|aim || to aim || aimless || aimlessly
|amazement || amaze || amazed, amazing || amazingly
|anger<br>(anger management) ||  anger || angry || angr<span style="color:red">i</span>ly
|announcement, announcer || announce || unannounced ||
|appearance, disappearance<br>reappearance || appear, disappear, reappear ||
|applicant, application || apply || applicable,applied
|appreciation || appreciate || appreciable,appreciative ||
|apprentice, apprenticeship ||  || ||
|approval, disapproval || approve, disapprove || approving, disapproving ||  approvingly
|approximation || approximate || approximate || approximately
|argument || argu<span style="color:red">e</span> || arguable, argumentative || arguably
|arrangement || arrange, rearrange ||
|art, artist, artistry || || artistic, artful || artistically
|shame || shame || ashamed, unashamed, shameful,shameless ||  shamefully, shamelessly
| attachment || attach, detach || attached, unattached, detachable, detached<br> (semi-detached house) ||
|attack, counter-attack, attacker || attack, counter-attack || ||
|attention || attend ||attentive,inattentive || attentively
|attraction, attractiveness || attract || attractive, unattractive || attractively
|authority, authorization || authorize || authoritarian, authoritative, unauthorized ||
|availability || || available, unavailable
|avoidance || avoid || avoidable, unavoidable ||
|awareness || || aware, unaware ||

Beide Teil-Reaktionen haben eine Funktion in der Gesamtreaktion.
== B ==
* Die '''Oxidation von Aluminium''' liefert die für die Reduktion benötigte Energie, denn Oxidationen sind immer exotherm und Reduktionen endotherm. Aluminium ist daher auch das '''Reduktionsmittel'''.
* Die '''Reduktion von '''<math>Fe_2O_3</math> führt zur Freisetzung von Sauerstoff, was die Oxidation begünstigt und damit verstärkt. <math>Fe_2O_3</math> wirkt damit als '''Oxidationsmittel'''.

!<big>Nouns</big> !! <big>Verbs</big> !! <big>Adjectives</big> !! <big>Adverbs</big>
| base,the basics,basis || base (on) || baseless, basic || basically
| bearer || bear || bearable, unbearable ||
| beat, wife-beater || beater || beating unbeatable,unbeaten ||
| beauty, beautician || to beautify || beautiful || beautifully
| beginner, beginning || begin || ||
| behaviour/behavior ([[Amerikanisches Englisch|AmE]])<br>misbehaviour || behave, misbehave || behavioural/behavioral
| belie<span style="color:red">f</span>, disbelief || belie<span style="color:red">ve</span>, disbelieve || believable, unbelievable || unbelievably
| block, blockage || block, unblock || blocked, unblocked ||
| blood, bleeding || bleed || bloodless,bloody ||
| the boil, boiler || boil || boiling ||
| bore,boredom || bore || bored, boring || boringly
| break, outbreak, breakage || break ||unbreakable, broken, unbroken ||
| breath, breather, breathing || breath<span style="color:red">e</span> ||breathless || breathlessly
| brother, brotherhood || || || brotherly
| build, builder, building || build, rebuild || ||
| burn, burner || burn || burning, burnt ||
| burial || bury || buried ||

Noch einmal kompakt die Begriffe zusammengefasst:
== C ==

{{Box|DEFINITIONEN zu den Redoxreaktionen bei Sauerstoffbeteiligung|2=
* '''Oxidation''' = Reaktion mit Aufnahme von Sauerstoff
* '''Reduktion''' = Reaktion mit Abgabe von Sauerstoff
!<big>Nouns</big> !! <big>Verbs</big> !! <big>Adjectives</big> !! <big>Adverbs</big>
* '''Oxidationsmittel''' = Stoff, der die Oxidation ermöglicht, indem er selber Reduziert wird.
* '''Reduktionsmittel''' = Stoff, der die Reduktion ermöglicht, indem er selber oxiddiert.
| calculation, calculator || calculate || incalculable,calculated, calculating ||
| calm, calmness || calm || calm || calmly
| capability || || capable, incapable || capably
| care, carer || care for, about || careful, careless,caring, uncaring || carefully, carelessly
| celebration, celebrity || celebrate || celebrated, celebratory ||
| centre/center ([[Amerikanisches Englisch|AmE]])<br> centralization, decentralization  || center, centralize,<br>decentralize || central, centralized  || centrally
| certainty, uncertainty || || certain, uncertain  ||certainly, uncertainly
| challenge, challenger || challenge ||challenging
| change || change || changeable,interchangeable, unchanged, changing ||
| character, characteristic, characterization || characterize || characteristic, uncharacteristic || characteristically
| chemical, chemist, chemistry || || chemical || chemically
|circle, semicircle, circulation || circle, circulate || circular ||
|cleaner, cleaning, cleanliness || clean || clean, unclean || cleanly
|clarity, clearance, clearing || clear || clear, unclear  ||clearly
|close,closure || close (schließen), enclose || (en)closed, closing
| closeness || close (sich nähern)||close (by) || closely
| clothes, clothing || clothe ||clothed, unclothed ||
|collection, collector || collect || collected, collective || collectively
|colour/color ([[Amerikanisches Englisch|AmE]])<br>colouring/coloring ||  color coloured, discoloured, colourless/colourful || colorfully
| combination || combine || combined
| comfort, discomfort || comfort || (un)comfortable, comforting  | comfortably
| commitment || commit to || noncommittal, committed ||
| communication, communicator || communicate || communicative,uncommunicative ||
| comparison|| compare || comparable,incomparable, comparative ||  comparatively
| competition, competitor || compet<span style="color:red">e</span> ||competitive, uncompetitive || competitively
| complain<span style="color:red">t</span> || to complain (about) || ||
| completion, incompleteness || complete || complete, incomplete || completely, incompletely
| complication ||  complicate ||complicated, uncomplicated ||
| computer, computing,<br> computerization || computerize
| concentration || concentrate || concentrated ||
| concern || concern || concerned, unconcerned
| conclusion || conclude ||concluding, conclusive, inconclusive || conclusively
| condition, precondition,<br>conditioner, conditioning  || condition || conditional, unconditional || conditionally,unconditionally
| confidence || confide || confident,confidential || confidently, confidentially
| confirmation || confirm || confirmed, unconfirmed
| confusion || confuse || confused, confusing || confusingly
| connection || connect, reconnect, disconnect || connected, disconnected, unconnected ||
| consciousness,unconsciousness|| || subconscious,unconscious, conscious ||  consciously, unconsciously
|consequence || || consequent, inconsequential || consequently
|consideration || consider, reconsider || considerable,considerate,<br>inconsiderate,considered || considerably,  considerately
| continent || || continental, intercontinental ||
| continuation, continuity || continue, discontinue || continual, continued, continuous || continually, continuously
| contribution, contributor || contribute || contributory
| control, controller || control  || controlling, uncontrollable || uncontrollably
| convenience,inconvenience || inconvenience || convenient, inconvenient || conveniently
| conviction || convince || convinced, convincing, unconvincing || convincingly
| cook, cooker, cookery, cooking || cook || cooked,uncooked ||
| cool, coolness || cool down || cool || coolly
| correction, correctness || correct || correct, incorrect,corrective || correctly, incorrectly
| count, recount || count, recount || countable, uncountable, countless ||
| '''courage''', encouragement, discouragement || '''encourage''', discourage || courageous, encouraged, encouraging, discouraging || encouragingly
| cover, coverage, coverall || cover, uncover || covering undercover, uncovered ||
| creation, creativity, creator || create, recreate || creative,uncreative || creatively
| crime, criminal, criminologist || || criminal, incriminating incriminate || criminally
| critic, criticism || criticize || critical, uncritical || critically
| crowd, overcrowding || crowd || crowded, overcrowded ||
| cruelty || || cruel || cruelly
| cry, outcry || cry || crying ||
| culture, subculture || || cultural, cultured || culturally
| cure || cure || cured, incurable ||
| custom, customer, customs || accustom, customize || customary || customarily
| cut, cutting || cut, undercut || cutting

== Redoxreaktionen ohne Sauerstoff ==
== D ==

Betrachtet man Reaktionen an denen kein Sauerstoff beteiligt ist, dann kann man Gemeinsamkeiten zu den Reaktionen mit Sauerstoff erkennen.
!<big>Nouns</big> !! <big>Verbs</big> !! <big>Adjectives</big> !! <big>Adverbs</big>
| damage, damages || damage || damaging, undamaged ||
| danger || endanger || endangered, dangerous ||  dangerously
| dare,daring || dare || daring || daringly
| dark, darkness || darken || dark, darkened, darkening || darkly
| date || date, predate || dated, outdated ||
| day,midday || || daily || daily
| dead, death || die, deaden || dead,  || deadly, deathly 
| deal, dealer, dealings || dealt || dealt ||
| deceit, deceiver, deception || deceive || deceitful, deceptive ||deceptively
| decision, indecision || decide on || decided, undecided, decisive,indecisive || decidedly, decisively,indecisively
| decoration, decorator || decorate || decorative || decoratively
| deep,depth || deepen || deep, deepening || deeply
| defeat, defeatism, defeatist || defeat || undefeated, ||
| defence/ defense ([[Amerikanisches Englisch|AmE]]),<br>defendant, defender || defend || defenceless, indefensible, defensive ||  defensively
| definition || define || definite, indefinite || definitely,indefinitely
| demand, demands || demand || demanding, undemanding ||
| democracy, democrat || || democratic, undemocratic || democratically
| demonstration, demonstrator || demonstrate || demonstrable,demonstrative || demonstrably
| denial || deny || undeniable || undeniably
| dependant, dependence, independence, dependency  || depend on || dependable, dependent, independent  || dependably, independently
| descri<span style="color:red">p</span>tion || descri<span style="color:red">be</span> ||describable, indescribable, nondescript, descriptive ||  descriptively
| desire || desire || desirable, undesirable, desired, undesired
| destroyer, destruction || destroy || indestructible, destructive || destructively
| determination, determiner || determine || determined, predetermined, indeterminate|| determinedly
| developer, development, redevelopment || develop, redevelop || developed, undeveloped, developing ||
| difference, indifference, || differ from, differentiate  ||different, indifferent  || differently
| directness,direction, <br>(to give) directions, director|| direct, redirect || direct, indirect || directly, indirectly
| disagreement || disagree<br>(see also agree) || disagreeable || disagreeably
| disappointment || disappoint || disappointed, disappointing ||  disappointingly
| '''d<span style="color:red">i</span>saster''' || || disastrous || disastrously
| disciplinarian, discipline || discipline || disciplinary, disciplined, undisciplined ||
| discoverer, '''discovery''' || '''discover''' || ||
| distance || distance || distant || distantly
| disturbance || disturb || disturbed, undisturbed, disturbing || disturbingly
| divide,division, subdivision || divide, subdivide ||divided, undivided, divisible, divisive
| divorce, divorcee || divorce || divorced
| do,doing || do, outdo, overdo,redo, undo || done, overdone, undone
| doubt, doubter || doubt <br> /daʊt/ || undoubted,doubtful, doubtless || undoubtedly, doubtfully
| dream, dreamer || dream (about) || dream, dreamless, dreamy || dream<span style="color:red">i</span>ly
| dress, dresser, dressing || dress, redress, undress || dressed, undressed, dressy || dressily
| drink, drinker, drinking, drunk, drunkenness || drink || drunk, drunken ||  drunkenly
| drive,driver, driving || drive || driving ||
| due,dues || due, undue  || duly, unduly

== E ==
* <math>2 \;Cu  +  \;O_2  \longrightarrow 2 \; CuO</math>
* <math>Cu \; + \; S \longrightarrow CuS</math>

In beiden Reaktionen geben die Kupferatome Elektronen ab und es entstehen <math>Cu ^{ 2 \oplus}</math>
!<big>Nouns</big> !! <big>Verbs</big> !! <big>Adjectives</big> !! <big>Adverbs</big>
|earner, earnings || earn ||
| earth || unearth || earthy || earthly, unearthly
| ease,unease, easiness || ease || easy, uneasy || easily, uneasily
| east, easterner || east, easterly, eastern, eastward(s)
| economics,economist, economy || economize || economic, economical, uneconomic(al) || economically
| education || educate || educated, uneducated, educational || educationally
| effect,effectiveness, ineffectiveness || effect || effective,ineffective, ineffectual || effectively, ineffectively
| effort || || effortless effortlessly ||
| election, re-election, elector, electorate || elect, re-elect || unelected, electoral ||
| electrician, electricity electric || electrify ||  electric, electrical || electrically
| electronics || || electronic || electronically
| embarrassment || embarrass || embarrassed, embarrassing || embarrassingly
| emotion || || emotional, emotive || emotionally
| emphasis || emphasize || emphatic || emphatically
| employee,employer, employment, unemployment|| employ || unemployed ||
| end, (happy) ending || end || unending, endless || endlessly
| energy || energize || energetic || energetically
| enjoyment || enjoy || enjoyable ||  enjoyably
| enormity || || enormous || enormously
| entrance, entrant, entry || enter ||  ||
| entertainer, entertainment || entertain ||  entertaining ||  entertainingly
| enthusiasm, enthusiast  || enthuse || enthusiastic, unenthusiastic || enthusiastically, unenthusiastically
| environment, environmentalist || || environmental || environmentally
| equality, inequality || equalize || equal, unequal ||  equally, unequally
| escape,escapism || escape || escaped, inescapable || inescapably
| essence,essentials || || essential|| essentially
| estimate,estimation || estimate, overestimate, underestimate || estimated ||
| event, non-event || || eventful, uneventful, eventual (=schließlich)|| eventfully, eventually
| exam, examination, cross-examination, examiner || examine,cross-examine || ||
| excellence || excel || excellent || excellently
| excitement || excite || excitable, excited, exciting,unexciting || excitedly, excitingly
| excuse || excuse || excusable, inexcusable || inexcusably
| existence || exist, coexist || non-existent, existing, pre-existing ||
| expectancy, expectation || expect || expectant, unexpected || expectantly, unexpectedly
| expenditure,expense, expenses || expend || expensive, inexpensive || expensively, inexpensively
| experience, inexperience || experience || experienced, inexperienced
| experiment || experiment || experimental || experimentally
| expert, expertise || || expert, inexpert || expertly
| explaining, explanation || explain || unexplained, explanatory, explicable, inexplicable || inexplicably
| explosion, explosive|| explode || exploding, explosive || explosively
| exploration, explorer || explore|| exploratory ||
| expression || express || expressive || expressively
| extreme,extremism, extremist, extremity || || extreme, extremist || extremely

* <math>2 \;Cu  + \; O_2  \longrightarrow 2 \; Cu ^{ 2 \oplus} + 2 \; O^{ 2 \ominus}</math>
== F ==
* <math>Cu \; + \; S \longrightarrow Cu ^{ 2 \oplus} + S^{ 2 \ominus}</math>

Das heißt, in beiden Beispiel reagiert das Kupfer genauso: es gibt sowohl bei der Reaktion mit Sauerstoff Elektronen ab, also auch bei der Reaktion von Kupfer mit Schwefel. Daher macht es Sinn, die Oxidation bzw. Reduktion in Zusammenhang mit der Übertragung von Elektronen zu betrachten.
!<big>Nouns</big> !! <big>Verbs</big> !! <big>Adjectives</big> !! <big>Adverbs</big>
| fact || || factual || factually
| fail, failure || fail || unfailing || unfailingly
| fairness || || fair,unfair || fairly, unfairly
| faith, faithfulness ||  ||faithful, unfaithful || faithfully
| familiarity, family|| familiarize || familiar, unfamiliar || familiarly
| fame || famed, famous, infamous || famously, infamously
| fashion || fashion || fashionable, unfashionable || fashionably, unfashionably
| fat || fatten || fat, fattening, fatty ||
| fastener || fasten, unfasten || ||
| fault || fault || faultless,faulty || faultlessly
| fear || fear || fearful, fearless, fearsome || fearfully, fearlessly
| feel, feeling || feel || unfeeling
| fiction, nonfiction||  || fictional, fictive
| fill, refill, filling|| fill (up), fill (in) , refill ||  filling
| final, semifinal, finalist || finalize ||  final || finally
| finish || finish || finished,unfinished
| firmness,infirmity || ||  firm,infirm  ||firmly
| fish,fishing || fish || fish || fishily
| fit, fittings || fit || fitted, fitting || fittingly
| fix, fixation, fixture|| fix || fixed, transfixed, unfixed ||
| flat || flatten || flat || flatly
| flower || flower || flowered/flowery, flowering
| fold, folder || fold, unfold || folded, folding ||
| follower, following || follow ||following
| force || force || forceful, forcible || forcefully, forcibly
| forest, deforestation, forestry || || forested ||
| forgetfulness || forget || forgetful, unforgettable || forgetfully
| forgiveness || forgive ||forgiving, unforgiving ||
| form, formation, transformation, || form, reform, transform  || reformed reformer, transformer
| formality || formalize || formal, informal || formally, informally
| fortune ||    || fortunate, unfortunate || fortunately, unfortunately
| freebie,freedom || free || free || free,freely
| freeze,freezer || freeze || freezing, frozen ||
| frequency, infrequency || frequent || frequent, infrequent || frequently, infrequently
| freshness,refreshments || freshen, refresh || fresh, refreshing || freshly, refreshingly
| friend, friendliness || befriend || friendly, unfriendly ||
| fright  || frighten || frightened,frightening, frightful || frighteningly, frightfully
| fruit, fruition ||  || fruitful, fruitless,fruity || fruitfully, fruitlessly
| fund, refund, funding || fund, refund || funded ||
| furnishings,furniture || furnish ||furnished, unfurnished ||

=== Geschichtliches und Verallgemeinerung ===
== G ==
Der Begriff Oxidation wurde ursprünglich von dem französischen Chemiker Antoine Laurent de Lavoisier geprägt, der damit die Reaktionen von Elementen und chemischen Verbindungen mit dem Element Sauerstoff ''(Oxygenium, franz: oxygène)'' und dessen Aufnahme, unter Bildung von Oxiden, beschreiben wollte. Als Lavoisier die Theorie in den 1780er Jahren veröffentlichte, hatte er anfänglich gegen die Anhänger der Phlogiston-Theorie zu kämpfen, konnte sich aber durchsetzen.

Später erfolgte eine Erweiterung des Begriffes, indem man Reaktionen mit einbezog, bei denen einer Verbindung Wasserstoffatome entzogen wurden (Dehydrierung). Auf Grundlage der Ionentheorie und des Bohrschen Atommodells konnte die Oxidation schließlich unter Betrachtung der Aufnahme und Abgabe von Elektronen interpretiert und verallgemeinert werden.
!<big>Nouns</big> !! <big>Verbs</big> !! <big>Adjectives</big> !! <big>Adverbs</big>
| garden, gardener, gardening || garden || ||
| generalization || generalize || general || generally
| generosity || || generous || generously
| gentleness, gentleman ||  || gentle || gently
| gladness||  gladden || glad || gladly
| glass, glasses || || glassy ||
| globe, globalization || || global || globally
| good, goodies, goodness, goods || || good ||
| government, governor || govern || governmental, governing || governmentally
| gratitude,ingratitude ||  || grateful, ungrateful  || gratefully
| greatness || || great || greatly
| green, greenery, greens (vegetables), greenhouse-effect || || green || greenish, green
| ground, underground, grounding, || ground || groundless, underground ||underground
| grower, growth, undergrowth ||  grow, outgrow || growing, grown, overgrown  ||
| guilt, guiltiness || || guilty || guiltily
== H ==

Daher werden heute die Begriffe zu den Redoxreaktionen mit Hilfe der Aufnahme und Abgabe von Elektronen definiert.
!<big>Nouns</big> !! <big>Verbs</big> !! <big>Adjectives</big> !! <big>Adverbs</big>
| habit, habitat ||  || habitual || habitually
| hair, hairiness|| || hairless, hairy ||
| hand, handful || hand (over) ||underhand, handy ||
| handle,handler, handling || handle || ||
| hanger hanging || hang, overhang || ||
| happiness,unhappiness ||  happy, unhappy || happily, unhappily
| hardship || harden ||hard || hard, hardly
| harm, harmfulness || harm ||unharmed, harmful, harmless || harmlessly
| head, heading, overheads || head, behead || overhead, heady  overhead
| health || ||healthy, unhealthy|| healthily, unhealthily
| hearing || hear, overhear (belauschen) ||unheard, unheard of
| heart, heartlessness ||  || hearty, heartened, heartening, heartless || heartily, heartlessly
| heat, heater, heating || heat, overheat  || heated,unheated  || heatedly
| height, heights || heighten || heightened ||
| help, helper, helpfulness, helping || help ||helpful, unhelpful, helpless || helpfully, helplessly
| highness || high  ||high ||highly
| historian, history || historic, prehistoric, historical || historically
| hold, holder, holding || hold ||
| home  || ||homeless, homely || home
| honesty, dishonesty  || ||honest, dishonest  ||honestly, dishonestly
| hope, hopefulness, hopelessness || hope || hopeful, hopeless hope || hopefully, hopelessly
| human, humanism, humanity, inhumantiy || human,inhuman, superhuman, || humanly, humanely
| hunger|| hunger ||  hungry ||hungrily
| hurry || to hurry ||hurried, unhurried || hurriedly
| hurt || hurt ||unhurt, hurtful || hurtfully

{{Box|ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Grundbegriffe zu Redoxreaktionen|2=
== I ==
* '''Oxidation''' = Elektronenabgabe
* '''Reduktion''' = Elektronenaufnahme
* '''Reduktionsmittel''' = Stoff, der beim Reaktionspartner die Reduktion bewirkt, indem er ihm Elektronen abgibt
* '''Oxidationsmittel''' = Stoff, der beim Reaktionspartner die Oxidation bewirkt, indem er ihm Elektronen abnimmt

* <math>Fe \longrightarrow \ Fe^{2\ \oplus} + 2 e ^{\ominus}</math> ... da die Eisen-Atome Elektronen abgeben findet eine '''Oxidation''' statt.
* <math>Pb^{4\oplus} + 2 e ^{\ominus} \longrightarrow \ Pb^{2\ \oplus}</math> ... hier muss man etwas genauer überlegen. Die Ladung 4+ bedeutet, dass vier Elektronen fehlen und bei der der Ladung 2+ fehlen "nur noch" 2 Elektronen. Also sind zwei Elektronen dazugekommen. Da ist es eine '''Reduktion'''.
!<big>Nouns</big> !! <big>Verbs</big> !! <big>Adjectives</big> !! <big>Adverbs</big>
* <math>2 PbO + O_2 \longrightarrow \ 2 PbO_2</math> ... hier könnte man noch klären, welche Ladung Blei in der Verbindungen <math>PbO</math> und <math>PbO_2</math> jeweils hat. Allerdings ist die "alte" Definition bezüglich der Oxidation bei Sauerstoff-Aufnahme immer noch gültig. Daher findet hier auch eine '''Oxidation''' statt.
* <math>Cl_2 + 2 e ^{\ominus} \longrightarrow \ 2\ Cl^{\ominus}</math> ... da die Chloratome hier Elekronen aufnehmen, findet eine '''Reduktion''' statt.
| ice, icicle, icing || ice || icy || icily
| identification, identity || identify ||  identifiable, unidentified ||
| imagination|| '''imagine''' ||| imaginable, unimaginable, '''imaginary''' || unimaginably, imaginative imaginatively
| importance ||  || important, unimportant || importantly
| impression || impress || impressionable, impressive || impressively
| improvement || improve ||  improved ||
| increase || increase, decrease || increase|  increased ||  increasingly
| credibility, incredulity ||  || incredible, credible, incredulous || incredibly, incredulously
| independence, independent  || independent ||  independently
| industrialist, industrialization, industry || industrial, industrialized, industrious || industrially, industriously
| infection, disinfectant || infect, desinfect || infectious || infectiously
| inflation || inflate, deflate || inflatable,inflated, inflationary
| informant, information, informer || inform, misinform || informative, uninformative, informed, uninformed ||
| injury || injure || injured, uninjured ||
| innocence ||  || innocent ||innocently
| insistence || insist on || insistent || insistently
| instance,instant || || instant, instantaneous || instantly, instantaneously
| instruction, instructor || instruct || instructive||  instructively
| intelligence || || intelligent, unintelligent, intelligible, unintelligible  || intelligently
| intent, intention || intend || intended, unintended, intentional, unintentional ||  intentionally, unintentionally
| interest || interest in || interested, disinterested, uninterested, interesting || interestingly
| interruption || interrupt || uninterrupted ||
| interview, interviewee interviewer || interview ||||
| introduction || introduct || introductory
| invention, inventiveness, inventor || invent, reinvent || inventive  || inventively
| invitation, invite || invite || uninvited, inviting ||  invitingly
| involvement || involve in || involved, uninvolved ||
| item || itemize || itemized

Schon bei diesen Beispiel zeigt, sich, dass man sicher der Bedeutung einer Ladung sein muss. Damit man also erkennen kann, ob Elektronen aufgenommen werden oder abgegeben werden. Wenn Sauerstoff beteiligt ist, so können wir eigentlich immer diesen auch mit betrachten und können allgemein merken.

{{Box|ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Grundbegriffe zu Redoxreaktionen|2=
* '''Oxidation''' = Sauerstoffaufnahme oder Elektronenabgabe
* '''Reduktion''' = Sauerstoffabgabe oder Elektronenaufnahme
* '''Reduktionsmittel''' = Stoff, der beim Reaktionspartner die Reduktion bewirkt, indem er ihm Elektronen abgibt.
* '''Oxidationsmittel''' = Stoff, der beim Reaktionspartner die Oxidation bewirkt, indem er ihm Elektronen abnimmt.

Als kleine Ergänzung noch ein Begriff, der später noch einmal wichtig sein wird.
== J ==

{{Box|BEGRIFF Redoxpaar|2=Unter einem '''Redoxpaar''' versteht man ein Paar von Teilchen, die durch Auf- bzw. Abnahme von Elektronen ineinander überführt werden können. Zum Beispiel:
:<math>Na \underset{Red} {\overset{Ox} \rightleftharpoons} Na ^{ \oplus} + e^{ \ominus}</math> und <math>O_2 + 2 e^{ \ominus} \underset{Ox} {\overset{Red} \rightleftharpoons} O ^{2 \ominus} </math>
!<big>Nouns</big> !! <big>Verbs</big> !! <big>Adjectives</big> !! <big>Adverbs</big>
| joke, joker || joke || || jokingly
| journal, journalism, journalist || || journalistic ||
| judge,judg(e)ment || judge || judgmental ||
| juice, juices ||  || juicy||

=== Oxidation/Reduktion erkennen===
== K ==

!<big>Nouns</big> !! <big>Verbs</big> !! <big>Adjectives</big> !! <big>Adverbs</big>
| keenness ||  || keen (on) ||  keenly
| keep, keeper, keeping|| keep || kept
| kill, overkill, killer, killing || kill ||  ||
| kindness,unkindness || kind, unkind || kindly, unkindly
| knowledge  || know || knowing, knowledgeable, known, unknown || knowingly, unknowingly,knowledgeably

{{Box|AUFGABE X - Verständnisfragen zu Oxidation und Reduktion|2=
== L ==
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!<big>Nouns</big> !! <big>Verbs</big> !! <big>Adjectives</big> !! <big>Adverbs</big>
| enlargement || enlarge || large || largely
| laugh, laughter || laugh || laughable || laughably
| law, lawyer, outlaw || outlaw || lawful, unlawful || lawfully, unlawfully
| laziness ||  || lazy || lazily
| lead, leader, leadership || lead ||  leading, lead
| learner, learning || learn ||  learned, unlearned ||
| legality, illegality, legalization || legalize || legal, illegal || legally, illegally
| liar, lie || lie || lying
| life, liveliness, living|| live, outlive, relive || lifeless, lifelike, lifelong || lifelessly live (on TV), lively
| light, lighter, lighting, lightening, lightness|| light, lighten || light || lightly
| dislike, liking|| like, dislike || likeable ||
| likelihood || ||likely, unlikely ||likely
| limit, limitation, limitations || limit || limited, unlimited
| literature, literacy || || literary, literate, illiterate
| local, location, relocation || dislocate, relocate || local || locally
| longitude, '''length'''  || '''lengthen''', prolong || '''long''', lengthy, lengthening || lengthily
| looseness || loosen (the knot) || (drive on ) loose gravel || (He broke) loose.
| loser, loss || lose  || lost ||
| loudness || || aloud, loud/loudly
| love,lover || love || lovable, unlovable, loveless, lovely || lovingly
| low ||  lower || low, lower, lowly || low
| luck || lucky, unlucky || luckily, unluckily

{{Box|AUFGABE X - Red, Ox, beides oder nichts!?|2=
== M ==
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Eine grundlegende Aufgabe ist die '''Bestimmung der Ladung von Ionen der Hauptgruppenelemente'''. Weil diese Aufgabe so grundlegend ist und sie häufig besprochen wurde, werden die folgenden Aufgaben für einige etwas einfach sein, aber Übung schadet trotzdem ist, oder? Das PSE ([ '''⇒ Download PSE''']) ist hier ein wichtiges Hilfsmittel! Hier noch mal die wichtigsten Infos dazu:
!<big>Nouns</big> !! <big>Verbs</big> !! <big>Adjectives</big> !! <big>Adverbs</big>
| machine, machinery, machinist, mechanic, mechanics,mechanism ||    || mechanical, mechanized  || mechanically
|| magic, magician || do magic || magic, magical || magically
| make, remake, maker, || make, remake || making unmade
| man, manhood, mankind, manliness, || man || manly, manned, unmanned, mannish || mannishly, manfully
| management, manager, manageress || manage || manageable,unmanageable, managerial
| mark,marker, markings || mark || marked, unmarked || markedly
| market, marketing, marketability, marketer, marketeer || market || marketable
| marriage || marry, remarry ||  married, unmarried, marriageable ||
| match, mismatch || match || matching, unmatched, matchless || matchlessly
| material, materialism, materialist, || materialize || immaterial, materialistic  || materially
| meaning, meaningfulness ||'''mean''' || meaningful, meaningless ||  meaningfully, meaninglessly
| measure,measurement || measure || measurable, immeasurable,measured || immeasurably
| medical, medication, medicine ||  to medicate || medical, medicated, medicinal, || medically, medicinally
| memorial, memory || memorize || memorable ||  memorably
| mentality ||  || mental  || mentally
| method, methodology ||  || methodical, methodological || methodically
| militancy, militant, the military, militarist, militia,  ||  military, militant,militaristic, demilitarized  || militantly,militarily
| mind, minder, reminder, mindlessness || '''mind''', '''remind''' ||  mindless,mindful || mindlessly
| minimum, minimization, minimalist || minimize  || minimal, minimum ||    minimally
| miss, near-miss ||  miss || missing ||
| mistake || mistake || mistaken, unmistakable || unmistakably, mistakenly
| mix, mixer, mixture || mix || mixed ||
| modernity, modernization || modernize || modern, modernistic
| moment ||  || momentary, momentous || momentarily
| mood, moodiness ||  || moody || moodily
| moral, morals, morality, immorality || moralize || moral, amoral, immoral, moralistic  || morally
| mother, motherhood || mother || || motherly
| move,movement, removal, movers (and shakers), remover, || '''move''', remove  || movable, unmoved, moving|| movingly
| murder, murderer || murder || murderous || murderously
| music, musical, musician, musicality ||  || musical,unmusical || musically

{{Box|Elektronen-Aufnahme oder -abgabe bei Hauptgruppen-Elementen|2=
== N ==
Folgende Regeln sollte man beachten:
* Die Atome der Hauptgruppen-Elemente versuchen den Edelgaszustand (meist 8 Außenelektronen) zu erreichen, indem sie Elektronen aufnehmen oder abgeben. Beispiel: Na erreicht die Ne-Elektronenkonfiguration und P erreicht Elektronenkonfiguration von Ar. <small>''Die Ausnahme ist das Helium mit zwei Außenelektronen''</small>
* Da der Edelgaszustand immer durch Abgabe oder Aufnahme erreicht werden kann, wird es meist so sein, das so wenig wie möglich Elektronen aufgenommen oder abgegeben werden.
:: Also <math>As + 3 e^{ \ominus}\rightarrow As^{ 3 \ominus}</math> statt <math>As \rightarrow As^{ 5 \oplus} + 5 e^{ \ominus}</math>.
* Die Gesamtanzahl an aufgenommenen oder abgegebenen Elektronen soll so klein wie möglich sein, wenn man eine Ionen-Verbindung betrachtet.
* In Ionenverbindungen haben '''Metalle meist eine positive Ladung''', die Nichtmetalle haben meist eine negative Ladung und die  Halbmetalle haben je nach Partner eine positive oder negative Ladung.
:<small>''Diese Regel kann aber nicht für Moleküle verwendet werden, dabei wird die Oxidationszahl mit eigenen Regeln bestimmt!''</small>

!<big>Nouns</big> !! <big>Verbs</big> !! <big>Adjectives</big> !! <big>Adverbs</big>
| name || name, rename || named, unnamed, nameless || namely
| nation, national, multinational,nationalism, nationalist, nationality, nationalization || nationalize  || national, international, multinational, nationalistic ||  nationally, internationally
| nature, naturalist, naturalization, naturalness the supernatural, || naturalize || natural, supernatural,  unnatural, naturalistic  || naturally, unnaturally
| necessity || necessitate || necessary, unnecessary || necessarily, unnecessarily
| need, needs || need || needless, needy, needed || needlessly
| nerve,nerves, nervousness ||  unnerve || nervous, nervy, nerveless, unnerving ||  nervously, nervelessly, unnervingly
| news, renewal, newness || renew || new,renewable, renewed  || newly, anew
| night, midnight overnight, ||  || nightly, nights
| noise, noisiness ||  || noisy, noiseless  || noisily
| normality/normalcy ([[amerikanisches Englisch|AmE]]), abnormality, norm || normalize ||  normal, abnormal || normally, abnormally
| north, northerner ||  || north, northerly, northern, north, northward(s), northbound
| notice  ||notice || noticeable, unnoticed || noticeably
| number, numeral ||  number, outnumber, enumerate|| innumerable, numerical, numerous, numbered
| nurse, nursery, || nurse  || nursing ||

{{Box|AUFGABE X - Elektronenaufnahme oder -abgabe bei Elementen|2=
== O ==
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!<big>Nouns</big> !! <big>Verbs</big> !! <big>Adjectives</big> !! <big>Adverbs</big>
| obedience,disobedience || obey, disobey || obedient, disobedient  || obediently, disobediently
| occasion ||  || occasional || occasionally
| offence/offense ([[Amerikanisches Englisch|AmE]]), offender, offensive ||  offend  || offensive, inoffensive || offensively
| office, officer, official, officialdom  || officiate || official, unofficial  || officially, unofficially
| the open, opener, opening,openness || open || open, opening || openly
| operation, cooperation, operative, cooperative,operator || operate, cooperate || operational, operative, cooperative, operable || operationally
| opposition, opposite || oppose || opposed, opposing, opposite || opposite
| option || opt (out) / (for) || optional || optionally
| order, disorder || order || ordered, disordered || orderly, disorderly
| organization, disorganization, reorganization, organizer || organize, reorganize ||  organizational, organized, disorganized
| origin, original, originality || originate || original, unoriginal  || originally
| owner, ownership || own, disown || ||

{{Box|AUFGABE X - Elektronenaufnahme oder -abgabe bei beliebigen Redoxpaaren|2=
== P ==
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== Oxidationszahl ==
!<big>Nouns</big> !! <big>Verbs</big> !! <big>Adjectives</big> !! <big>Adverbs</big>
| pack, package, packaging, packet, packing, packer || pack, unpack || packed  package
| pain || pain || pained, painful, painless || painfully, painlessly
| paint, painter, painting || paint || ||
| part, counterpart, parting, partition || depart, impart,  part || partial, parting, impartial part ||  partially, partly
| pass,overpass, underpass,passage, passing, passing || pass || passable
| patience,impatience, patient || ||  patient,impatient || patiently, impatiently
| pay, payment, repayment, payee, payer, payoff, payback, payout || pay, repay || pa<span style="color:red">i</span>d, unpa<span style="color:red">i</span>d, underpa<span style="color:red">i</span>d ||
| peace || pacify || peaceful  || peacefully
| perfection, imperfection, perfectionist, perfectionism || perfect || perfect, imperfect || perfectly
| performance, performer || perform || performant
| permission, permi<span style="color:red">t</span>, permissiveness || permit || permissible,impermissible, permissive ||
| person, personality || personalize, personify || personal, impersonal, personalized, || personally
| persuasion, persuasiveness || persuade, dissuade  || persuasive || persuasively
| photo, photograph, photographer, photography || photograph || photogenic, photographic ||
| picture  || picture || pictorial, picturesque ||
| place, placement, displacement, replacement || place, displace, replace || misplaced
| plan, planner, planning || plan || unplanned ||
| plant, transplant, plantation, planter || plant, transplant||
| play, interplay, replay, player,playfulness,playback, playoff ||  play, outplay, replay, downplay, || playful, playable  || playfully
| pleasantry, pleasure, displeasure  || please, displease || pleasant, unpleasant, pleased, displeased, pleasing, pleasurable || pleasantly, unpleasantly
| poem, poet, poetry || || poetic || poetically
| point, pointer, pointlessness || point || pointed, pointless, pointy ||  pointlessly, pointedly
| politeness || || polite, impolite || politely, impolitely
| politician, politics, politicking ||  politicize || political, politicized || politically
| popularity, unpopularity, popularization || popularize  || popular, unpopular || popularly
| population || populate || populated, unpopulated, populous ||
| possibility, impossibility, the impossible || possible, impossible || possibly, impossibly
| post, postage || post || postal||
| power, superpower, powerlessness || power, empower, overpower ||  powerful, overpowering, powerless || powerfully
| practical, practicalities, practicality, practicability ||  || practicable,practical, impractical || practically
| practice, practitioner || practice/practise ([[Amerikanisches Englisch|AmE]]) ||practised/practiced, practising/practicing
| precision || || precise, imprecise || precisely
| preference || prefer || preferable, preferential, prefe<span style="color:red">rr</span>ed || preferably
| preparation, preparations, preparedness, {{wpen|prepper}}|| prepare || prepared, unprepared, preparatory ||
| presence,present, presentation, presenter || present, represent || present, presentable || presently
| press,pressure || press, pressure/pressurize, depress,repress || pressed, pressing, pressurized ||
| prevention | prevent (from) || preventable, preventive/preventative ||
| price || price || overpriced, priceless, pricey/pricy ||
| print, printer, printing || print || printed, printable ||
| prison, prisoner, imprisonment || imprison|| ||
| privacy, private, privatization || privatize ||  private || privately
| probability || || probable, improbable || probably,improbably
| process, processing, procession, processor || process || processed, processional ||
| produce,producer, product, production, reproduction, productivity || produce, reproduce ||  productive,counterproductive, unproductive, reproductive, unproductive || productively
| profession, professional || ||  professional, unprofessional || professionally
| profit,profitability, profiteer, profiteering || profit || profitable, unprofitable || profitably
| progress, progression || progress ||  progressive || progressively
| proof || prove, disprove || proven, unproven,  water-proof ||
| protection, protector, protectionism, protectorate || protect || protected, unprotected, protective, || protectively
| provider, provision, provisions || provide || provisional || provisionally
| public, publication, publicist, publicity || publicize ||  public ||  publicly
| publisher, publishing || publish || published, unpublished ||
| punishment, punisher || punish || punishable, punishing || punishingly
| purification, purist, purity, impurity, purifier|| puriy || pure, impure || purely
| purpose, purposelessness || repurpose || purposeful, purposeless || purposefully, purposely, purposelessly
| push, pusher, pushiness || push || pushed, pushy ||

Um festzustellen, ob eine Oxidation oder eine Reduktion bei einem Redoxpaar stattfindet haben wir bisher immer die Ladungen der Ionen betrachtet. Das ist bei zusammengesetzen Ionen, wie <math>SO_4^{2\ominus}</math> oder <math>MnO_4^{\ominus}</math> nicht möglich, da das geladene Teilchen ein zusammenhängendes Molekül ist.
== Q ==

Man nutzt dann die '''Oxidationszahl''' (manchmal auch ''Oxidationsstufe, Oxidationswert, elektrochemische Wertigkeit''), die die theoretische Ionenladung eines Atoms innerhalb einer chemischen Verbindung oder eines mehratomigen Ions angibt. Dabei geht man davon aus, dass das zusammengesetzte Molekül in Ionen zerlegt wird. Anders als bei den tatsächlichen Ionenladungen, die als Zahl mit nachgestelltem <math>\oplus</math> oder <math>\ominus</math> geschrieben werden, wird bei Oxidationszahlen das + oder − als Vorzeichen vorangestellt und die Zahl mit '''römischen Ziffern''' angegeben. Im Falle der Oxidationszahl Null wird ±0 geschrieben.
!<big>Nouns</big> !! <big>Verbs</big> !! <big>Adjectives</big> !! <big>Adverbs</big>
| qualification, disqualification, qualifier || qualify, disqualify || qualified, unqualified ||
| quarter, quarters || quarter || quarterly  || quarterly
| question, questioning, questioner, questionnaire  || question || questionable, unquestionable || unquestionably
| quiet, disquiet || quieten/quiet  || quiet || quietly

{{Box|DEFINITION Oxidationszahl|2=
== R ==
Die Oxidationszahl ist eine gedachte Ladung eines Atoms innerhalb einer chemischen Verbindung oder eines mehratomigen Ions. Eine wesentliche Rolle spielt dabei die Elektronegativität, bei anorganischen Verbindungen kann man sich auf einige Regeln zur Bestimmung konzentrieren.
:Beispiel für die Schreibweise: <math>\overset{+VII}{Mn}\overset{-II}O_4^{\ \ominus}</math>

'''HINWEIS:''' Bei Metallverbindungen kommen die römischen Ziffern für die Oxidationsstufen auch auch vor. Bei Eisen(II)oxid geht es um eine Eisenoxid, bei dem Eisen die Oxidationsstufe +II hat. Das Vorzeichen kann man bei Metallen auch deshalb weglassen, da Metalle immer eine positive Ladung bzw. Oxidationsstufe haben.
!<big>Nouns</big> !! <big>Verbs</big> !! <big>Adjectives</big> !! <big>Adverbs</big>
| race, racism, racist || race || racial, multiracial, racist  || racially
| rarity || || rare, rarefied, rarified || rarely
| rate, rating, ratings || rate, underrate || overrated, underrated ||
| reaction, reactor, reactant || react, overreact|| reactionary ||
| read, reader, readership, reading || read || readable, unreadable ||
| readiness || ready || ready ||readily
| realism, realist, reality, unreality, realization  || realize || real, unreal, realistic, unrealistic, realisable || real, really, realistically
| reason, reasoning, reasonableness || reason || reasonable, unreasonable, reasoned || reasonably, unreasonably
| receipt, receipts, receiver, reception, receptive, recipient, reciprocity || receive || reciprocal, received ||  reciprocally
| recognition || recognize || recognizable, unrecognizable ||  recognizably
| record, recorder, recording || record || recorded, unrecorded ||
| referee, reference, referral || refer, referee || referred ||
| reflection, reflector || reflect || reflective || reflectively
| regret || regret || regrettable, regretful || regrettably, regretfully
| regular, regularity, irregularity || regulate || regular, irregular || regularly, irregularly
| relation, relative, relationship || relate ||  related, unrelated, relative || relatively
| relaxation || relax ||  relaxed,relaxing ||
| reliability, reliance || rely (on) || reliable, unreliable, reliant || reliably
| religion || || religious, irreligious || religiously
| the remainder, remains || remain ||  remaining ||
| remark || remark || remarkable, unremarkable || remarkably
| repair, disrepair || repair || irreparable || irreparably
| repeat, repetition || repeat || repeated, repetitive/repetitious || repeatedly, repetitively
| report, reporter || report ||  unreported || reportedly
| representation, representative || represent || representative, unrepresentative || represent
| reputation, disrepute  ||  reputable, disreputable, reputed || reputedly, reputably
| respect, disrespect, respectability, respects || respect || respectable, respected, respectful, disrespectful, respective ||  respectably, respectfully,| respectively, disrespectfully
| respondent, response, responsiveness, first-responder || respond || respresponsive,unresponsive || responsively
| responsibility, irresponsibility || || responsible, irresponsible || responsibly, irresponsibly
| rest, unrest, restlessness, restaurant, rest-room || rest || restless, rested, restful restive ||  restlessly
| retiree,retirement || reitre || retired, retiring ||
| reward || reward || rewarding,unrewarding ||
| riches,richness, enrichment, the rich || enrich || rich || richly
| ride,rider, || ride, override || riding overriding, riderless ||
| right, rightness, rights, righteousness, || rigth || right, righteous, rightful, rightist || right, rightly, rightfully|-
| roll, roller ||roll, unroll|| ||
| romance,romantic, romanticism || romance, romanticize || romantic, unromantic, romanticized || romantically
| rough, roughage, roughness || rough, roughen (somenone up) ||rough || roughly
| round, rounders, roundness || round || round, rounded || round, roundly
| royal, royalist, royalty ||||royal, royalist || royally
| rudeness || || rude || rudely
| rule, ruler, ruling, unruliness || rule, overrule || ruling, unruly  ||
| run, rerun, runner, running, rundown || run, outrun, overrun || running, runny

{{Box|AUFGABE X - Wiederholung Säureanionen|2=
== S ==
[[Datei:ARBEITSBLATT Ionen, Säuren, Ladungen, Namen.pdf|right|180px]]Da wir bei den folgenden Aufgaben öfters mehratomige Ionen anschauen, wiederholen wir an der Stelle noch einmal einige Namen dieser Ionen, die Säurenrestanionen sind und auch wie man Ionenverbindungen benennt und die Formel angibt. Nachdem wir geklärt haben, wie man bei mehratomigen Ionen die Oxidationszuahl bestimmt, werden wir das Arbeitsblatt wieder zur Hand nehmen.
: [[:Datei:ARBEITSBLATT Ionen, Säuren, Ladungen, Namen.pdf|'''⇒ Download PDF: Datei Ionen, Säuren und Ladungen''']]

Bei den einzelnen Ionen, vor allem den Hauptgruppen-Elementen, nutzen wir die Hauptgruppennummer, um die Ladung der Metall-Ionen zu bestimmen. Dabei wird die Edelgasregel benutzt. Diese Edelgasregel ist zwar wichtig und richtig, aber sie gilt gerade bei Elementen ab der 3. Periode nicht mehr so streng. Das liegt vor allem daran, dass ab der 3. Schale Platz für mehr als 8 Elektronen ist.
!<big>Nouns</big> !! <big>Verbs</big> !! <big>Adjectives</big> !! <big>Adverbs</big>
|| sadness || sadden ||sad, saddened || sadly
| safe,safety || || safe, unsafe || safely
| satisfaction, dissatisfaction || satisy || satisfactory, unsatisfactory, satisfied, dissatisfied, unsatisfied, satisfying ||  satisfactorily, unsatisfactorily
| save,saver, saving, savings, saviour || save || ||
| scare || scare || scared, scary ||
| school, pre-school, (home) schooling ||school || pre-school, scholastic ||  scholastically
| science, scientist || scientific, unscientific || scientifically
| score, scorer ||score, outscore, underscore || scoreless ||
| search, research, researcher || search, research || searching, searchable || searchingly
| seat, seating ||  seat, unseat|| seated ||
| secrecy, secret, secretiveness ||  ||secret,secretive || secretly, secretively
| sense, nonsense, sensibility, sensitivity, insensitivity, sensitiveness, sensor  ||  sense, sensitize, desensitize || sensible (''vernünftig''), senseless, sensitive (''sensibel''), insensitive, nonsensical, sensory || sensibly, sensitively,insensitively, senselessly
| separation, separatism, separatist || sep<span style="color:red">a</span>rate || separable, inseparable, sep<span style="color:red">a</span>rate || inseparably, separately
| seriousness ||  || serious || seriously
| servant, serve, server, service, disservice, serving, servitude|| serve,service|| serviceable,servile ||
| sex, sexism, sexuality || || sexist. sexual, bisexual, sexy, asexual || sexually, sexily
| shadow, shade ||  shadow, overshadow||shadowy ||
| shake, shakiness, shaker || shake || shaky || shakily
| shape, shapeliness, shapelessness || shape || shapeless, shapely, shaped || shapelessly
| (pencil) sharpener, sharpness || sharpen || sharp, sharply, sharpish||
| shine,shininess || shine, outshine ||  shiny|
| shock, shocker || shock ||shocked, shocking, shockable || shockingly
| shop, shopper, shopping || shop|| ||
| short, shortage, shortness, shorts || shorten || short, shortish || short, shortly
| shyness || shy (away) || shy || shyly
| sick, sickness || sicken || sick, sickening,sickly || sickeningly
| sight, insight, oversight, sighting || see, sight || sighted, unsightly ||
| sign, signal,signatory, signature, (book) signing || sign, signal || signed, unsigned ||
| significance,insignificance, || signify || significant, insignificant ||  significantly, insignificantly
| silence, silencer || silence || silent || silently
| similarity || || similar, dissimilar || similarly
| simplicity, simplification || simplify || simple, simplistic || simply
| singer, singing || sing || unsung ||
| single,singles || single || single, singular || singly
| skill || || skilful, skilled, unskilled || skilfully
| sleep, sleeper, sleepiness, sleeplessness || sleep || asleep, sleepless, sleepy, sleeping || sleepily
| slight || slight || slight, slighted, slightest || slightly
| slip,slipper || slip || slippery ||
| smoke, smoker, non-smoker, smoking || smoke || smoked, smoking, non-smoking, smoky, smokeless||
| smoothness, smoothie || smooth || smooth || smoothly
| society, sociologist, sociology, socialism, socialist, socialite|| socialize || sociable,unsociable, social, anti-social, unsocial, sociological  || socially, sociologically
| softness,softy, softener || soften || soft || softly
| solid, solidarity, solidity, solids || solidify ||  solid || solidly
| solution, solvent, solubility, solvency || solver || soluble, insoluble, unsolved, solvent, solvable||
| south, southerner || || south, southerly, southern, southbound, southward(s), southernmost ||
| speaker, sp<span style="color:red">ee</span>ch || speak || unspeakable, sp<span style="color:red">ee</span>chless, outspoken, unspoken || unspeakably
| special, specialist, speciality, specialty, specialization,  || specialize || special, specialized || specially
| speed, speeding, speediness || speed || speedy || speedily
| spelling, speller || spell,misspell || ||
| spoils || spoil || spoilt/spoiled, unspoiled/unspoilt ||
| sport || sport || sporting, sporty, unsporting ||
| spot, train-spotter || spot || spotted, spotless, spotty || spotlessly
| stand, standing, standoff, standstill || stand, withstand  || standing, outstanding || outstandingly
| standard, standardization || standardize || standard, substandard ||
| start, starter, non-starter || start, restart|| ||
| statement, understatement || state, overstate|| understated  ||
| steam, steamer || steam || steamy, steaming ||
| steepness || steepen || steep ||steeply
| sticker, stickiness || stick || sticky, stuck, unstuck ||
| stiffness  ||stiffen || stiff || stiff, stiffly
| stone || stone || stoned, stony ||
| stop,stoppage, stopper || stop|| non-stop  || non-stop
| storm || storm ||  stormy||
| straight || straighten || straight||
| stranger, strangeness || || strange, estranged || strangely
| strength || strengthen, strongarm || strong || strongly
| stress, distress || stress || stressed,stressful, distressing || distressingly
| strike, striker || strike ||striking, strikebound || strikingly
| structure, restructuring, structuralism ||structure,restructure || structural, structuralist || structurally
| student, study, studies, studiousness ||study || studious,studied || studiously
| stupidity || || stupid || stupidly
| style, stylist, stylishness ||style || stylish, stylistic || stylishly, stylistically
| substance || substantiate  || substantial, insubstantial, substantive || substantially
| success, succession, successor ||succeed in || successful, unsuccessful, successive || successfully, unsuccessfully
| suddenness ||||  sudden || suddenly
| sufferer, suffering, sufferance || suffer || insufferable || insufferably
| suggestion || suggest || suggestive, suggestible || suggestively
| summer, midsummer || || summery || 
| supplier, supplies,supply || supply || ||
| support, supporter, supportiveness || support || supportive, supporting || supportively
| supposition || suppose, presuppose || supposed || supposedly
| surface || surface, resurface|| surface ||
| surprise || surprise || surprised, surprising || surprisingly
| surroundings,surrounds || surround || surrounding ||
| survival, survivor || survive || surviving, survivable ||
| suspect, suspicion || suspect || suspect, suspected, unsuspecting, suspicious || suspiciously
| swearing || swear || sworn ||
| sweet, sweetener, sweetness || sweeten || sweety, sweet || sweetly
| swim, swimmer, swimming || swim || || swimmingly
| symbol, symbolism, symbolist ||symbolize || symbolic, symbolist || symbolically
| sympathy, sympathizer, sympathies || sympathize || sympathetic, unsympathetic || sympathetically
| system, systematization || systematize || systematic || systematically

Wie schon erwähnt, spielt die Elektronegativität ein Rolle. Allerdings werden wir, statt immer ins PSE gucken zu müssen, einige Regeln festhalten, mit denen man auch ohne die Elektronegativität entscheiden kann, wie die Oxidationszahl eines Atoms in der Verbindung ist. Hinter diesen Regeln steht aber die Elektronegativität, denn in einer Verbindung werden bindende Elektronenpaare gedanklich dem elektronegativeren Bindungspartner zugewiesen (''Fachbegriff: heterolytische Spaltung'').
== T ==

{| class="wikitable"
!<big>Nouns</big> !! <big>Verbs</big> !! <big>Adjectives</big> !! <big>Adverbs</big>
| takings, undertaking, taker|| take, overtake, undertake || taken  ||
| talk || talk || talkative ||
| taste, distaste, taster || taste || tasteful, distasteful, tasteless, tasty  || tastefully, distastefully, tastelessly
| tax, taxation || tax || taxable, taxing ||
| teacher, teaching, teachings || teach || taught ||
| tear, tearfulness ||||tearful || tearfully
| technicalities,technicality, technician, technique || || technical || technically
| technology, technologist || || technological || technologically
| thanks, thankfulness || thank || thankful, thankless || thankfully
| theorist, theory, theorem || theorize || theoretical || theoretically
| thick, thickness, thickener|| thicken ||  thick || thickly
| thinness,thinner || thin || thin || thinly
| think, rethink, thinker, thinking<br>thought, thoughtfulness, thoughtlessness ||  think, rethink|| unthinkable<br>thoughtful, thoughtless || <br>thoughtfully, thoughtlessly
| thirst || || thirsty || thirstily
| threat  ||  threaten || threatening || threateningly
| tie || tie, untie || ||
| tightness || tighten || tight || tightly
| time, overtime, timer, timing || time || timeless, timely, untimely ||
| tiredness || tire || tired, tireless, tiresome,tiring || tirelessly, tiredly, tiresomely
| title, subtitles, surtitle, titles || entile || titled ||
| top, topping || top || top, topless, topmost ||
| touch || touch || touched, untouched, touching, touchy || touchingly, touchily
| toughness || toughen || tough || toughly
| trade, trader, trading || trade|| ||
| tradition, traditionalist, traditionalism ||  || traditional || traditionally
! Nr.
| trainee,trainer, training, retraining || train || untrained ||
! style="width:40%" |Regel
! Erklärung
! style="width:30%" | Beispiele
| 1 || '''Atome im elementaren Zustand haben immer die Oxidationszahl ±0''' || Die Atome haben die Elektronenanzahl, die zum Kern passt, also ist die Ladung 0 || I<sub>2</sub>, C, O<sub>2</sub>, P<sub>4</sub>, S<sub>8</sub>
| transport, transportation, transporter || transport|| ||
| 2 || '''Bei einatomigen Ionen entspricht die Oxidationszahl der Ionenladung'''|| wie bisher || Cu<sup>2+</sup> hat die Oxidationszahl&nbsp;+II, <br />Ag<sup>+</sup> hat die Oxidationszahl&nbsp;+I
| treat, treatment, mistreatment, maltreatment || treat, mistreat, maltreat || untreated ||
| 3 || '''Die Summe aller Oxidationszahlen in einer Verbindung/einem Molekül entspricht der Ladung'''
| trick, trickery || trick || tricky ||
|| Die Gesamt-Ladung (e<sup>-</sup> und p<sup>+</sup>) muss stimmen. Das kann bei einer neutralen Verbindung zusammen Null sein, bei einem geladenen Molekül ist es dessen Ladung.
||CH<sub>4</sub> <br />→ C&nbsp;-IV und H&nbsp;je&nbsp;+I also -4&nbsp;+&nbsp;4*(+1)&nbsp;=&nbsp;0<br />SO<sub>4</sub><sup>2-</sup><br />→ S + VI und O -II also +6&nbsp;+&nbsp;4*(-2)&nbsp;=&nbsp;-2
| 4 || '''Fluor hat in Verbindungen immer die Oxidationszahl&nbsp;−I''' || Wegen der höchsten Elektronegativität|| KF, HF, ...
| trouble || trouble || troubled, troublesome, troubling || troublingly
| 5 || '''Sauerstoff hat meist die Oxidationszahl&nbsp;−2''' <br /><small><u>Ausnahmen:</u> In Peroxiden (mit -O-O-) und in Verbindungen mit Fluor.</small>
| trust, distrust, mistrust, trustee, trusteeship || trust, distrust, mistrust, entrust || trusting, trustworthy  ||trustfully
|| Die Fluor-Regel hat eine höhere Priorität!
|| H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> → O&nbsp;-I und H&nbsp;+I, OF<sub>2</sub> → O&nbsp;+II und F&nbsp;-I
| 6 || '''Weitere Halogenatome (Cl, Br, I) haben meist die Oxidationszahl&nbsp;−I''' <br /><small><u>Ausnahmen:</u> In Verbindungen mit Fluor, Sauerstoff und einem anderen Halogen mit höherem EN-Wert</small>
| truth, untruth, truthfulness || || true, untrue,truthful || truly, truthfully
|| Die vorherigen Regeln haben Vorrang und wegen der Defintion der Elektronegativität
|| ClO<sub>2</sub> → Cl&nbsp;+IV und O&nbsp;-II<br />BrCl → Br&nbsp;+I und Cl&nbsp;-I
| 7 || '''Metallatome haben in Verbindungen immer eine positive Oxidationszahl'''<br /><small><u>Ausnahme:</u> Halbmetalle können sich auch wie Nichtmetalle verhalten.</small>
| try, trial || try || trying, untried ||  
|| Metalle geben Elektronen leicht ab. || Na<sup>+</sup>, Hg<sup>2+</sup>, Al<sup>3+</sup>, Si<sup>4+</sup>, As<sup>5+</sup>, ...  <br /><u>aber:</u> Natriumarsenid Na<sub>3</sub>As → Na&nbsp;+I und As&nbsp;-III
| 8 || '''Alkalimetalle haben als Oxidationszahl +I und Erdalkalimetalle +II''' || Ergibt sich aus der Edelgasregel. || Beispiel
| turn, upturn, turning, turnout, turnaround, turnover  || turn, overturn || upturned ||
| 9 || '''Wasserstoffatome bekommen die Oxidationszahl +I''' <br /><small><u>Ausnahmen:</u> Wenn Wasserstoff mit „elektropositiveren“ Atomen wie Metallen oder sich selbst direkt verbunden ist.</small>
| twist, twister || twist || twisted, twisty||
|| Wegen der Defintion der Elektronegativität.
|| H<sub>2</sub>O → H&nbsp;+I und O&nbsp;-II und HCl → H&nbsp;+I und Cl&nbsp;-I <br /> <u>aber:</u> Natrium<u>hydrid</u> NaH → Na&nbsp;+I und H&nbsp;-I
| type, typing, typist || type, typify || typical || typically

An zwei Beispielen soll die Anwendung der Regeln und die sich daraus ergebende Folgerung für Atomsorten, die nicht in der Tabelle festgelegt sind.

'''Beispiel 1: Bestimmung der Oxidationszahl von Phosphor in der Phosphorsäure <math>H_3PO_4</math>'''
== U ==

Aufgrund der Regeln, die in der Tabelle vorgegeben sind, wissen wir die Oxidationszahlen von Sauerstoff (-II) und Wasserstoff (+I). Weiterhin wissen wir, dass das gesamte Molekül neutral geladen ist, weil keine Ladung angegeben ist.
Aufgrund der Anzahl der Atome im Molekül müsste also gelten:<math>3 \cdot (+1) + x + 4 \cdot (-1) = 0 </math>.
!<big>Nouns</big> !! <big>Verbs</big> !! <big>Adjectives</big> !! <big>Adverbs</big>
Daraus ergibt sich <math>x=+5</math>
| understanding, misunderstanding || understand, misunderstand || understandable, understanding, misunderstood ||  understandably
| upset || upset || upset, upsetting ||
| urgency, urge, || urge || urging urgent || urgently
| usage, use, disuse, misuse,usefulness, user || use, misuse, reuse || reusable, used, disused, unused, useful, useless || usefully

{{Box|ACHTUNG - Fehlergefahr!|2=Man muss immer bedenken, dass die Oxidationszahl immer die von einem der Atome ist. Man gibt niemals eine <u>gemeinsame</u> Oxidationszahl von mehrfach vorkommenen Atomen an, wie bei der Phosphorsäure die 3 Wasserstoffatome oder vier Sauerstoff-Atome!|3=Hervorhebung1}}
== V ==

'''Beispiel 2: Bestimmung der Oxidationszahl von Stickstoff im Dithionat-Ion <math>S_2O_6^{2\ominus}</math>.'''
!<big>Nouns</big> !! <big>Verbs</big> !! <big>Adjectives</big> !! <big>Adverbs</big>
| valuables, value, values, valuer, (e)valuation || value, devalue, evaluate || valuable,invaluable, undervalued, valueless ||
| variable, variance, variant, variety, variation || vary || variable,varied, various || invariably, variously
| vegetable, vegetarian || || vegetarian||
| view, overview, preview, review, viewer, viewport || view, preview, review ||
| violence, violation (of a law) || violate || violent, non-violent || violently
| visit, visitor, visitation || visit,revisit|| ||
| vote, voter, voting || vote|| ||

Aufgrund der Regeln, die in der Tabelle vorgegeben sind, wissen wir die Oxidationszahlen von Sauerstoff (-II). Das Dithionat ist ein Ion und hat die Ladung -2
Aufgrund der Anzahl der Atome im Molekül müsste also gelten:<math>2 \cdot x + 6 \cdot (-2) = -2 </math>.
Daraus ergibt sich <math>x = +5</math>

{{Box|AUFGABE X - Bestimmung der Oxidationszahlen in anorganischen Verbindungen und Molekül-Ionen|2=
== W ==
''Hier gibt es zum Austoben ein paar Aufgaben'' ... Bestimmt die Oxidationszahlen in den folgenden Verbindungen:
:H<sub>2</sub>O, MgO, Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>, NaCl, N<sub>2</sub>, NaOH, NH<sub>3</sub>, SO<sub>2</sub>, CaO, H<sub>2</sub>S, SO<sub>3</sub>, K<sub>2</sub>O, Na<sub>2</sub>CO<sub>3</sub> , N<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> , BaO<sub>2</sub> , Cl<sub>2</sub>O<sub>4</sub>, K<sub>2</sub>SnO<sub>3</sub>, H<sub>2</sub>N<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>, CaB<sub>2</sub>O<sub>4</sub>, Cr<sub>2</sub>O<sub>4</sub><sup>2-</sup>, Cr<sub>2</sub>O<sub>7</sub><sup>2-</sup>, AsO<sub>4</sub><sup>3-</sup>, MnO<sub>4</sub><sup>-</sup>, HOBr, HBrO<sub>2</sub>, HBrO<sub>3</sub>, HBrO<sub>4</sub>, SCl<sub>2</sub>, PCl<sub>3</sub>, BCl<sub>3</sub>, SnH<sub>4</sub>, SbCl<sub>5</sub>, SeF<sub>6</sub>
{{Lösung versteckt|{{Box|LÖSUNG zu Aufgabe X|2=
<center>[[File:Lösungen Oxidationszahlen-Übung1.png|800px]]</center>
Achtung Fehlerteufel: Die Oxidationszahlen bei Cr<sub>2</sub>O<sub>4</sub><sup>2-</sup>, Cr<sub>2</sub>O<sub>7</sub><sup>2-</sup> und SnH<sub>4</sub> sind falsch!

!<big>Nouns</big> !! <big>Verbs</big> !! <big>Adjectives</big> !! <big>Adverbs</big>
| want, wants || want || wanted, unwanted ||
| war,warfare, warrior || || postwar, warring, warlike||
| warmth || warm || warm || warmly
| wash, washer, washing, washout || wash || washable, unwashed, awash ||
| wastage, waste,waster || waste || waste, wasteful || wastefully
| watch,watchfulness || watch || watchful ||
| water,waters || water (the flowers) || underwater, waterproof, watery || underwater
| way, subway || || wayward midway ||
| weakling, weakness || weakwn ||  weak || weakly
| wear, underwear || wear || wearing, worn, wearable ||
| week,midweek || || weekly, midweek || weekly, midweek
| weight, weights, weighting || weigh, outweigh || overweight, underweight, weighted, weighty, weightless ||  weightlessly
| welcome || welcome || welcome, unwelcome,welcoming ||
| west, western, westerner || || westerly, western, westernized, westernize west, westward(s) westbound || westernmost westbound
| white,whiteness, whitening, || whiten ||  white, whitish ||
| whole || || whole, wholesome, unwholesome || wholly
| width || widen || wide || wide, widely
| wild, wildness || || wild || wildly
| willingness,unwillingness || ||willing, unwilling || willingly, unwillingly
| win, winner, winnings ||win || winning ||
| winter, midwinter || || wintry ||
| wire,wireless,wiring || wire || wiry ||
| woman, womanhood || womanize || womanly ||
| wonder || wonder || wonderful || wonderfully
| wood || || wooded, wooden, woody || woodenly
| wool, woollens, woolliness || woollen/woolen ([[Amerikanisches Englisch|AmE]]), woolly/wooly ||
| word, wording || word, reword || wordy, worded, wordless ||
| work, workaholic, worker, workings, workout || work, rework || workable,unworkable, overworked, ||
| world, underworld || || world, worldly, unworldly,worldwide || worldwide
| worry, worrier || worry (about) || worried, unworried, worrying, worriedly, worrisome || worryingly
| worth,worthlessness || worth,worthless, worthwhile, worthy, unworthy || worthily
| writer, writing, writings || write, rewrite || written, unwritten ||
| wrong, wrongdoer || wrong || wrong, wrongful || wrong, wrongly, wrongfully

{{Box|AUFGABE X - Bestimmung der Oxidationszahlen bei Säurerest-Ionen|2=
== Y ==
Bestimme auf dem Arbeitsblatt mit den Säurerest-Ionen die Oxidationszahlen aller Atome.
{{Lösung versteckt|{{Box|LÖSUNG zu Aufgabe X|2=
<center>[[File:Lösungen Oxidationszahlen-Übung2.png|800px]]</center>
Abschließend zu den ersten Übungen zu den Oxidationsstufen ist ein Blick nach "draußen" vielleicht einmal interessant.
* Wikipedia liefert ein {{wpde|Liste_der_Oxidationsstufen_der_chemischen_Elemente|Liste aller möglichen Oxidationszahlen}}
* In einem [ Artikel der Zeitschrift "Nature"], wird von dem Element mit der bisher höchsten Oxidationsstufe +IX berichtet.
{{Box|AUFGABE X - Redoxreaktion bei dem Bleiakku|2=
[[Datei:Starterbatterie.jpg|rechts|250px]]Der Bleiakku ist eine Batterie, die im Auto genutzt wird, um Strom für die Elektrik und für die Zündkerzen zur Verfügung zu haben. Der Aufbau ist recht einfach und das Laden und Aufladen ist ohne Probleme möglich.
Die dabei ablaufende Reaktion kann sowohl nach rechts ablaufen (Strom wird geliefert = Entladen) oder nach links (Akku wird geladen).
:<math>\mathrm{ Pb + PbO_2 + 2 \,H_2SO_4 \rightleftharpoons 2\, PbSO_4 + 2 \,H_2O }</math>
'''AUFGABE:''' Bestimme alle Oxidationsstufen für das Entladen und bestimme, wo die Oxidation und wo die Reduktion stattfindet.
{{Lösung versteckt|{{Box|LÖSUNG zu Aufgabe X|2=
<math>\mathrm{ \overset{\pm 0}Pb + \overset{+IV}Pb\overset{-II}O_2 + 2 \,\overset{+I}H_2\overset{+VI}S\overset{-II}O_4 \rightleftharpoons 2\, \overset{+II}Pb\overset{+VI}S\overset{-II}O_4 + 2 \,\overset{+I}H_2\overset{-II}O }</math>
Man sieht, dass sich die Oxidationszahl nur beim Blei ändert. Das elementare Blei (<math>\pm 0</math>) gibt zwei Elektronen hab und oxidiert deshalb zu Pb^{2\oplus}. Das Blei im <math>PbO_2</math> mit der Oxidationszahl +IV nimmt zwei Elektronen auf und reduziert  zu Pb^{2\oplus}.
=== Oxidationszahl bei Organischen Verbindungen ===
Komplizierter ist die Bestimmung der Oxidationszahlen bei Verbindungen, wenn sie organische Verbindungen sind. Kohlenstoff kann mit verschiedenen Atomen verbunden sein kann, wie Wasserstoff, Sauerstoff, Stickstoff, Halogene usw. und auch mit Doppelbindungen. Dadurch kann der Kohlenstoff ganz verschiedene Oxidationszahlen annehmen, durchaus auch verschiedene in einem Molekül.
Beispielhaft sei das bei der Oxidation des Alkohols Ethanol betrachtet:
<center>[[Datei:Oxidation Ethanol zu Essigsäure.svg|800px]]</center>
Obwohl sich die Menge an Sauerstoff vom Ethanol zum Ethanal nicht erhöht, ändert sich die Oxidationszahl.
Man braucht dann, um die Oxidationszahlen zu bestimmen, die Lewisschreibweise/Strukturformel des Moleküls. Dann sucht man sich die Elektronegativität der beteiligten Elemente heraus und spaltet gedanklich jede Bindung auf und somit das ganze Molekül in einzelne Ionen auf. Welches der Bindungspartner die jeweiligen Bindungselektronen bekommt, ist abhängig von der Elektronegativität: das Atom mit der größeren Elektronegativität erhält die Bindungselektronen zwischen den zwei Partnern. Diese gedachten Ionen werden dann meist eine Elektronenanzahl (bzw. die Valenzelektronen/Außenelektronen) haben, die nicht der normalen Anzahl entspricht. Daraus ergibt sich eine Ladung, die dann der Oxidationszahl entspricht.
[[Datei:Beispiel_1_zur_Bestimmung_der_Oxidationszahlen.svg|thumb|Beispiel zur Bestimmung der Oxidationszahlen]] Die Zeichnung rechts zeigt die Vorgehensweise bei der Bestimmung  der Oxidationszahlen der Atome im Molekül rechts, dass man als 5-Hydroxycytosin bezeichnet.
Vorab suchen wir für alle beteiligten Atomsorten die Elektronegativitätswerte heraus. Man sollte sich dazu auf eine Quelle beschränken, damit man nicht Werte aus verschiedenen Skalen mischt:
* EN(C) = 2.5 , EN(H) = 2.2, EN(O) = 3.5, EN(N) = 3.07
Betrachten wir anhand von zwei Kohlenstoff-Atomen und einem Stickstoff-Atom beispielhaft die Vorgehensweise:
* Das linke untere C (''das die Oxidationszahl ±0 hat'') ist unter anderem mit einem C verbunden. Da beide den gleichen EN-Wert haben, teilt man die zwei Bindungselektronenpaare gleichmäßig auf. Außerdem hängt daran ein N-Atom, dass einen höheren EN-Wert hat als der Kohlenstoff (''EN(C) < EN(N)''). Deshalb zählt man das Elektronenpaar zwischen diesen zwei Atomen zum Stickstoff. Die Bindung zum H-Atom wird zum C-Atom gezählt, da ''EN(C) > EN(H)''. Die roten Kreisbögen machen die Zuordnung deutlich. Nun zähle ich die Elektronen, die aufgrund von dieser Entscheidung/Markierung zu dem betrachteten C-Atom gehören und das sind 4 Stück (''2 von der Bindung zum H und zweimal je 1 von der Doppelbindung zum anderen C-Atom''). Damit hat dieses Kohlenstoff-Atom gleichviele Elektronen wie im normalen Zustand (laut Periodensystem) und somit ist die Oxidationszahl ±0.
* Das untere rechte C-Atom bekommt keines der Bindungselektronenpaare zugesprochen, da die Bindungspartner alle einen höheren EN-Wert haben. Ohne Elektronen fehlen also 4 Elektronen zum Normalzustand (weniger negative Ladung) und damit überwiegt die positive Ladung und zwar hat man dann +IV.
* Das untere mittlere Stickstoffatom hat nach der Aufteilung 8 Elektronen zugesprochen bekommen. Im Vergleich zu den 5 Außenelektronen, die es normalerweise hat sind das 3 Elektronen zuviel, also hat man die Oxidationszahl -III.
Zur Überprüfung können alle ermittelten Oxidationszahlen addiert werden. Ihre Summe muss insgesamt Null ergeben, wenn das Gesamtmolekül ungeladen ist - wie es vorher auch schon war.
{{Box|AUFGABE X - Bestimmung der Oxidationszahlen bei kleinen Molekülen|2=
Bestimme von den folgenden kleinen Molekülen alle Oxidationszahlen. '''ACHTUNG:''' Es gibt eine Falle!
<center>[[Datei:AUFGABENBILD Oxidationszahlen 1.svg]]</center>
{{Lösung versteckt|{{Box|LÖSUNG zu Aufgabe X|2=
<center>[[Datei:LÖSUNGSBILD Oxidationszahlen 1.svg|100%]]</center>
{{Box|AUFGABE X - Bestimmung der Oxidationszahlen bei Molekülen|2=
Bestimme von den folgenden Molekülen die Oxidationszahlen der Kohlenstoffatome.
{{Lösung versteckt|{{Box|LÖSUNG zu Aufgabe X|2=
<center>''Ohne Aufgabe keine Lösung!''</center>
=== Redoxreaktionen bei Organischen Verbindungen ===
Bei den folgenden Aufgaben geht es um verschiedene Anwendungszwecke, bei den Redoxreaktionen vorkommen. Nicht immer hat die Abgabe bzw. Aufnahme der Elektronen ein so wichtige Bedeutung wie für die Batterien und Akkus als Stromquelle.
In diesen Aufgaben musst du immer die Oxidationszahlen bei den vorhandenen Molekülen bestimmen und dazu vorher die Strukturformeln bestimmen. Das ist nicht immer bei allen  Verbindungen nötig. Gerade wenn mehrere Kohlenstoff-Atome in verschiedenen Kombinationen vorkommen, muss man diese untersuchen. Bestimmte Gruppen behalten meist ihre Oxidationszahlen, wie das Sulfat-Ion/-Gruppe in der ersten Aufgabe. Aufmerksam muss man sein, wenn Atome elementar auftreten, was bei Wasserstoff oder Sauerstoff vorkommen kann.
{{Box|AUFGABE X - Oxidation bei der chemischen Atemalkoholbestimmung|2=Der Nachweis des Atemalkoholgehaltes wurde vor der Einführung eines elektronischen Messgerätes "Chemisch" bestimmt.
[[Datei:Bafometro-BrDSC 7400.jpg|250px|miniatur|rechts]]
:''Die bereits 1953 entwickelten Blasröhrchen basieren auf einer chemischen Reaktion, wobei das in der Atemluft enthaltene Ethanol dabei mit den im Röhrchen befindlichen Chemikalien reagiert, was durch eine Farbveränderung sichtbar wird. Jedes Röhrchen enthält eine Mischung aus Kaliumdichromat und Schwefelsäure auf einer unreaktiven Trägersubstanz aus Kieselgel. Wird mit der Ausatemluft Ethanol durch diese Mischung geblasen, so wird das Ethanol zu Acetaldehyd (= Ethanal) oxidiert und das orangerote Kaliumdichromat zu grünem Chrom(III)-sulfat reduziert. Die Schwefelsäure dient als Protonendonator, da die Reaktion im sauren Milieu stattfindet. Außerdem bindet sie das entstehende Wasser, um eine Weiterreaktion des Acetaldehyds zu vermeiden. Die Länge der Verfärbung des Packungsbetts gibt einen groben Hinweis auf den Gehalt an Ethanol in der Atemluft. Mittels einer aufgedruckten Linie kann die Überschreitung eines Grenzwerts kenntlich gemacht werden. Die Reaktion läuft wie folgt ab:''
:<math>\mathrm{3 \ CH_{3}CH_2OH + K_2Cr_{2}O_7 + 4 \ H_2SO_4 \longrightarrow 3 \ CH_{3}CHO + Cr_2(SO_4)_3 + 7 \ H_2O + K_2SO_4}</math>
<u>'''Aufgabe:'''</u> Bestimme die Oxidationszahlen, um nachzuweisen, dass eine Oxidation und eine Reduktion stattfinden.
{{Lösung versteckt|{{Box|LÖSUNG zu Aufgabe X|2=
<center>''Fehlt noch - Bild mit Oxidationszahlen und Pfeilen, wo Oxidation und Reduktion!''</center>
{{Box|AUFGABE X - Brenstoffzellen mit Methanol|2=
[[Datei:Fuel cell NASA p48600ac.jpg|150px|miniatur|rechts]]Die Direktmethanolbrennstoffzelle ''(engl. Direct Methanol Fuel Cell, DMFC)'' ist eine Variante einer Brennstoffzelle, die mit flüssigem Methanol betrieben wird. Wie alle Brennstoffzellen wandelt sie chemische Energie in elektrische Energie um. Methanol ist der einfachste Vertreter aus der Stoffgruppe der Alkohole, wobei der Brennstoff zumeist als wässrige Methanollösung zugeführt wird. Eine Flüssigkeit hat Vorteile gegenüber dem gasförmigen Wasserstoff ''(einfacherer Tank)'' und einer Batterie ''(schneller zu "betanken")''. Als Reaktionspartner wird der Brennstoffzelle in der Regel Luft, in Sonderfällen reiner Sauerstoff, zugeführt. Die Trennung der Zellteile (Kathoden- und Anodenraum) erfolgt durch eine spezielle ionendurchlässige Membran. Die wichtigsten Anwendungen von Direktmethanolbrennstoffzellen liegen bei der mobilen oder netzunabhängigen Stromversorgung kleiner Elektrogeräte, z. B. beim Camping, für militärische Geräte im Feld oder entlegene Messstationen.
<math>2\ CH_3OH + 3\ O_2 \longrightarrow 4\ H_2O + 2\ CO_2</math>
<u>'''Aufgabe:''' </u> Bestimme die Oxidationszahlen und stelle fest, wo die Oxidation und wo die Reduktion stattfindet.
{{Lösung versteckt|{{Box|LÖSUNG zu Aufgabe X|2=
<center>''Fehlt noch - Bild mit Oxidationszahlen und Pfeilen, wo Oxidation und Reduktion!''</center>

!<big>Nouns</big> !! <big>Verbs</big> !! <big>Adjectives</big> !! <big>Adverbs</big>
| year || || yearly || yearly
| young, youngster, youth || || young, youthful || youthfully

{{Box|AUFGABE X - Bestimmung der Oxidationszahlen bei Molekülen|2=
Bestimme von den folgenden Molekülen die Oxidationszahlen der Kohlenstoffatome.
{{Lösung versteckt|{{Box|LÖSUNG zu Aufgabe X|2=
<center>''Ohne Aufgabe keine Lösung!''</center>

Version vom 18. Dezember 2018, 05:41 Uhr

Wörter aus den selben Wortfamilien sind einfach zu behalten oder zu erschließen, da sie ja alle einen gemeinsamen Wortstamm haben.

Word from the same word families can be easily understood because they share a common root and pre- and suffixes you can identify.

Words in bold are commmon and important to learn.


Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbs
ability, disability, inability enable,disable able, unable, disabled ably
acceptance accept acceptable, unacceptable, accepted -ably
accident accidental -ally
accuracy, inaccuracy accurate, inaccurate -ely
accusation, the accused, accuser accuse accusing
achievement, achiever achieve achievable
act, action, inaction, interaction,
reaction, transaction
actor, actress
act acting
activity, inactivity active, inactive, interactive, proactive activate actively
addition add additional additionally
admiration, admirer admire admirable admirably
advantage, disadvantage advantageous, disadvantaged advantageously
ad(vertisement), advertiser, advertise advertising
advice, adviser advise advisable,inadvisable, advisory
agreement, disagreement agree, disagree agreeable agreeably
aim to aim aimless aimlessly
amazement amaze amazed, amazing amazingly
(anger management)
anger angry angrily
announcement, announcer announce unannounced
appearance, disappearance
appear, disappear, reappear
applicant, application apply applicable,applied
appreciation appreciate appreciable,appreciative
apprentice, apprenticeship
approval, disapproval approve, disapprove approving, disapproving approvingly
approximation approximate approximate approximately
argument argue arguable, argumentative arguably
arrangement arrange, rearrange
art, artist, artistry artistic, artful artistically
shame shame ashamed, unashamed, shameful,shameless shamefully, shamelessly
attachment attach, detach attached, unattached, detachable, detached
(semi-detached house)
attack, counter-attack, attacker attack, counter-attack
attention attend attentive,inattentive attentively
attraction, attractiveness attract attractive, unattractive attractively
authority, authorization authorize authoritarian, authoritative, unauthorized
availability available, unavailable
avoidance avoid avoidable, unavoidable
awareness aware, unaware


Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbs
base,the basics,basis base (on) baseless, basic basically
bearer bear bearable, unbearable
beat, wife-beater beater beating unbeatable,unbeaten
beauty, beautician to beautify beautiful beautifully
beginner, beginning begin
behaviour/behavior (AmE)
behave, misbehave behavioural/behavioral
belief, disbelief believe, disbelieve believable, unbelievable unbelievably
block, blockage block, unblock blocked, unblocked
blood, bleeding bleed bloodless,bloody
the boil, boiler boil boiling
bore,boredom bore bored, boring boringly
break, outbreak, breakage break unbreakable, broken, unbroken
breath, breather, breathing breathe breathless breathlessly
brother, brotherhood brotherly
build, builder, building build, rebuild
burn, burner burn burning, burnt
burial bury buried


Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbs
calculation, calculator calculate incalculable,calculated, calculating
calm, calmness calm calm calmly
capability capable, incapable capably
care, carer care for, about careful, careless,caring, uncaring carefully, carelessly
celebration, celebrity celebrate celebrated, celebratory
centre/center (AmE)
centralization, decentralization
center, centralize,
central, centralized centrally
certainty, uncertainty certain, uncertain certainly, uncertainly
challenge, challenger challenge challenging
change change changeable,interchangeable, unchanged, changing
character, characteristic, characterization characterize characteristic, uncharacteristic characteristically
chemical, chemist, chemistry chemical chemically
circle, semicircle, circulation circle, circulate circular
cleaner, cleaning, cleanliness clean clean, unclean cleanly
clarity, clearance, clearing clear clear, unclear clearly
close,closure close (schließen), enclose (en)closed, closing
closeness close (sich nähern) close (by) closely
clothes, clothing clothe clothed, unclothed
collection, collector collect collected, collective collectively
colour/color (AmE)
color coloured, discoloured, colourless/colourful colorfully
combination combine combined
comfort, discomfort comfort comfortably
commitment commit to noncommittal, committed
communication, communicator communicate communicative,uncommunicative
comparison compare comparable,incomparable, comparative comparatively
competition, competitor compete competitive, uncompetitive competitively
complaint to complain (about)
completion, incompleteness complete complete, incomplete completely, incompletely
complication complicate complicated, uncomplicated
computer, computing,
concentration concentrate concentrated
concern concern concerned, unconcerned
conclusion conclude concluding, conclusive, inconclusive conclusively
condition, precondition,
conditioner, conditioning
condition conditional, unconditional conditionally,unconditionally
confidence confide confident,confidential confidently, confidentially
confirmation confirm confirmed, unconfirmed
confusion confuse confused, confusing confusingly
connection connect, reconnect, disconnect connected, disconnected, unconnected
consciousness,unconsciousness subconscious,unconscious, conscious consciously, unconsciously
consequence consequent, inconsequential consequently
consideration consider, reconsider considerable,considerate,
considerably, considerately
continent continental, intercontinental
continuation, continuity continue, discontinue continual, continued, continuous continually, continuously
contribution, contributor contribute contributory
control, controller control controlling, uncontrollable uncontrollably
convenience,inconvenience inconvenience convenient, inconvenient conveniently
conviction convince convinced, convincing, unconvincing convincingly
cook, cooker, cookery, cooking cook cooked,uncooked
cool, coolness cool down cool coolly
correction, correctness correct correct, incorrect,corrective correctly, incorrectly
count, recount count, recount countable, uncountable, countless
courage, encouragement, discouragement encourage, discourage courageous, encouraged, encouraging, discouraging encouragingly
cover, coverage, coverall cover, uncover covering undercover, uncovered
creation, creativity, creator create, recreate creative,uncreative creatively
crime, criminal, criminologist criminal, incriminating incriminate criminally
critic, criticism criticize critical, uncritical critically
crowd, overcrowding crowd crowded, overcrowded
cruelty cruel cruelly
cry, outcry cry crying
culture, subculture cultural, cultured culturally
cure cure cured, incurable
custom, customer, customs accustom, customize customary customarily
cut, cutting cut, undercut cutting


Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbs
damage, damages damage damaging, undamaged
danger endanger endangered, dangerous dangerously
dare,daring dare daring daringly
dark, darkness darken dark, darkened, darkening darkly
date date, predate dated, outdated
day,midday daily daily
dead, death die, deaden dead, deadly, deathly
deal, dealer, dealings dealt dealt
deceit, deceiver, deception deceive deceitful, deceptive deceptively
decision, indecision decide on decided, undecided, decisive,indecisive decidedly, decisively,indecisively
decoration, decorator decorate decorative decoratively
deep,depth deepen deep, deepening deeply
defeat, defeatism, defeatist defeat undefeated,
defence/ defense (AmE),
defendant, defender
defend defenceless, indefensible, defensive defensively
definition define definite, indefinite definitely,indefinitely
demand, demands demand demanding, undemanding
democracy, democrat democratic, undemocratic democratically
demonstration, demonstrator demonstrate demonstrable,demonstrative demonstrably
denial deny undeniable undeniably
dependant, dependence, independence, dependency depend on dependable, dependent, independent dependably, independently
description describe describable, indescribable, nondescript, descriptive descriptively
desire desire desirable, undesirable, desired, undesired
destroyer, destruction destroy indestructible, destructive destructively
determination, determiner determine determined, predetermined, indeterminate determinedly
developer, development, redevelopment develop, redevelop developed, undeveloped, developing
difference, indifference, differ from, differentiate different, indifferent differently
(to give) directions, director
direct, redirect direct, indirect directly, indirectly
disagreement disagree
(see also agree)
disagreeable disagreeably
disappointment disappoint disappointed, disappointing disappointingly
disaster disastrous disastrously
disciplinarian, discipline discipline disciplinary, disciplined, undisciplined
discoverer, discovery discover
distance distance distant distantly
disturbance disturb disturbed, undisturbed, disturbing disturbingly
divide,division, subdivision divide, subdivide divided, undivided, divisible, divisive
divorce, divorcee divorce divorced
do,doing do, outdo, overdo,redo, undo done, overdone, undone
doubt, doubter doubt
undoubted,doubtful, doubtless undoubtedly, doubtfully
dream, dreamer dream (about) dream, dreamless, dreamy dreamily
dress, dresser, dressing dress, redress, undress dressed, undressed, dressy dressily
drink, drinker, drinking, drunk, drunkenness drink drunk, drunken drunkenly
drive,driver, driving drive driving
due,dues due, undue duly, unduly


Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbs
earner, earnings earn
earth unearth earthy earthly, unearthly
ease,unease, easiness ease easy, uneasy easily, uneasily
east, easterner east, easterly, eastern, eastward(s)
economics,economist, economy economize economic, economical, uneconomic(al) economically
education educate educated, uneducated, educational educationally
effect,effectiveness, ineffectiveness effect effective,ineffective, ineffectual effectively, ineffectively
effort effortless effortlessly
election, re-election, elector, electorate elect, re-elect unelected, electoral
electrician, electricity electric electrify electric, electrical electrically
electronics electronic electronically
embarrassment embarrass embarrassed, embarrassing embarrassingly
emotion emotional, emotive emotionally
emphasis emphasize emphatic emphatically
employee,employer, employment, unemployment employ unemployed
end, (happy) ending end unending, endless endlessly
energy energize energetic energetically
enjoyment enjoy enjoyable enjoyably
enormity enormous enormously
entrance, entrant, entry enter
entertainer, entertainment entertain entertaining entertainingly
enthusiasm, enthusiast enthuse enthusiastic, unenthusiastic enthusiastically, unenthusiastically
environment, environmentalist environmental environmentally
equality, inequality equalize equal, unequal equally, unequally
escape,escapism escape escaped, inescapable inescapably
essence,essentials essential essentially
estimate,estimation estimate, overestimate, underestimate estimated
event, non-event eventful, uneventful, eventual (=schließlich) eventfully, eventually
exam, examination, cross-examination, examiner examine,cross-examine
excellence excel excellent excellently
excitement excite excitable, excited, exciting,unexciting excitedly, excitingly
excuse excuse excusable, inexcusable inexcusably
existence exist, coexist non-existent, existing, pre-existing
expectancy, expectation expect expectant, unexpected expectantly, unexpectedly
expenditure,expense, expenses expend expensive, inexpensive expensively, inexpensively
experience, inexperience experience experienced, inexperienced
experiment experiment experimental experimentally
expert, expertise expert, inexpert expertly
explaining, explanation explain unexplained, explanatory, explicable, inexplicable inexplicably
explosion, explosive explode exploding, explosive explosively
exploration, explorer explore exploratory
expression express expressive expressively
extreme,extremism, extremist, extremity extreme, extremist extremely


Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbs
fact factual factually
fail, failure fail unfailing unfailingly
fairness fair,unfair fairly, unfairly
faith, faithfulness faithful, unfaithful faithfully
familiarity, family familiarize familiar, unfamiliar familiarly
fame famed, famous, infamous famously, infamously
fashion fashion fashionable, unfashionable fashionably, unfashionably
fat fatten fat, fattening, fatty
fastener fasten, unfasten
fault fault faultless,faulty faultlessly
fear fear fearful, fearless, fearsome fearfully, fearlessly
feel, feeling feel unfeeling
fiction, nonfiction fictional, fictive
fill, refill, filling fill (up), fill (in) , refill filling
final, semifinal, finalist finalize final finally
finish finish finished,unfinished
firmness,infirmity firm,infirm firmly
fish,fishing fish fish fishily
fit, fittings fit fitted, fitting fittingly
fix, fixation, fixture fix fixed, transfixed, unfixed
flat flatten flat flatly
flower flower flowered/flowery, flowering
fold, folder fold, unfold folded, folding
follower, following follow following
force force forceful, forcible forcefully, forcibly
forest, deforestation, forestry forested
forgetfulness forget forgetful, unforgettable forgetfully
forgiveness forgive forgiving, unforgiving
form, formation, transformation, form, reform, transform reformed reformer, transformer
formality formalize formal, informal formally, informally
fortune fortunate, unfortunate fortunately, unfortunately
freebie,freedom free free free,freely
freeze,freezer freeze freezing, frozen
frequency, infrequency frequent frequent, infrequent frequently, infrequently
freshness,refreshments freshen, refresh fresh, refreshing freshly, refreshingly
friend, friendliness befriend friendly, unfriendly
fright frighten frightened,frightening, frightful frighteningly, frightfully
fruit, fruition fruitful, fruitless,fruity fruitfully, fruitlessly
fund, refund, funding fund, refund funded
furnishings,furniture furnish furnished, unfurnished


Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbs
garden, gardener, gardening garden
generalization generalize general generally
generosity generous generously
gentleness, gentleman gentle gently
gladness gladden glad gladly
glass, glasses glassy
globe, globalization global globally
good, goodies, goodness, goods good
government, governor govern governmental, governing governmentally
gratitude,ingratitude grateful, ungrateful gratefully
greatness great greatly
green, greenery, greens (vegetables), greenhouse-effect green greenish, green
ground, underground, grounding, ground groundless, underground underground
grower, growth, undergrowth grow, outgrow growing, grown, overgrown
guilt, guiltiness guilty guiltily


Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbs
habit, habitat habitual habitually
hair, hairiness hairless, hairy
hand, handful hand (over) underhand, handy
handle,handler, handling handle
hanger hanging hang, overhang
happiness,unhappiness happy, unhappy happily, unhappily
hardship harden hard hard, hardly
harm, harmfulness harm unharmed, harmful, harmless harmlessly
head, heading, overheads head, behead overhead, heady overhead
health healthy, unhealthy healthily, unhealthily
hearing hear, overhear (belauschen) unheard, unheard of
heart, heartlessness hearty, heartened, heartening, heartless heartily, heartlessly
heat, heater, heating heat, overheat heated,unheated heatedly
height, heights heighten heightened
help, helper, helpfulness, helping help helpful, unhelpful, helpless helpfully, helplessly
highness high high highly
historian, history historic, prehistoric, historical historically
hold, holder, holding hold
home homeless, homely home
honesty, dishonesty honest, dishonest honestly, dishonestly
hope, hopefulness, hopelessness hope hopeful, hopeless hope hopefully, hopelessly
human, humanism, humanity, inhumantiy human,inhuman, superhuman, humanly, humanely
hunger hunger hungry hungrily
hurry to hurry hurried, unhurried hurriedly
hurt hurt unhurt, hurtful hurtfully


Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbs
ice, icicle, icing ice icy icily
identification, identity identify identifiable, unidentified
imagination imagine imaginable, unimaginable, imaginary unimaginably, imaginative imaginatively
importance important, unimportant importantly
impression impress impressionable, impressive impressively
improvement improve improved
increase increase, decrease increased increasingly
credibility, incredulity incredible, credible, incredulous incredibly, incredulously
independence, independent independent independently
industrialist, industrialization, industry industrial, industrialized, industrious industrially, industriously
infection, disinfectant infect, desinfect infectious infectiously
inflation inflate, deflate inflatable,inflated, inflationary
informant, information, informer inform, misinform informative, uninformative, informed, uninformed
injury injure injured, uninjured
innocence innocent innocently
insistence insist on insistent insistently
instance,instant instant, instantaneous instantly, instantaneously
instruction, instructor instruct instructive instructively
intelligence intelligent, unintelligent, intelligible, unintelligible intelligently
intent, intention intend intended, unintended, intentional, unintentional intentionally, unintentionally
interest interest in interested, disinterested, uninterested, interesting interestingly
interruption interrupt uninterrupted
interview, interviewee interviewer interview
introduction introduct introductory
invention, inventiveness, inventor invent, reinvent inventive inventively
invitation, invite invite uninvited, inviting invitingly
involvement involve in involved, uninvolved
item itemize itemized


Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbs
joke, joker joke jokingly
journal, journalism, journalist journalistic
judge,judg(e)ment judge judgmental
juice, juices juicy


Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbs
keenness keen (on) keenly
keep, keeper, keeping keep kept
kill, overkill, killer, killing kill
kindness,unkindness kind, unkind kindly, unkindly
knowledge know knowing, knowledgeable, known, unknown knowingly, unknowingly,knowledgeably


Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbs
enlargement enlarge large largely
laugh, laughter laugh laughable laughably
law, lawyer, outlaw outlaw lawful, unlawful lawfully, unlawfully
laziness lazy lazily
lead, leader, leadership lead leading, lead
learner, learning learn learned, unlearned
legality, illegality, legalization legalize legal, illegal legally, illegally
liar, lie lie lying
life, liveliness, living live, outlive, relive lifeless, lifelike, lifelong lifelessly live (on TV), lively
light, lighter, lighting, lightening, lightness light, lighten light lightly
dislike, liking like, dislike likeable
likelihood likely, unlikely likely
limit, limitation, limitations limit limited, unlimited
literature, literacy literary, literate, illiterate
local, location, relocation dislocate, relocate local locally
longitude, length lengthen, prolong long, lengthy, lengthening lengthily
looseness loosen (the knot) (drive on ) loose gravel (He broke) loose.
loser, loss lose lost
loudness aloud, loud/loudly
love,lover love lovable, unlovable, loveless, lovely lovingly
low lower low, lower, lowly low
luck lucky, unlucky luckily, unluckily


Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbs
machine, machinery, machinist, mechanic, mechanics,mechanism mechanical, mechanized mechanically
magic, magician do magic magic, magical magically
make, remake, maker, make, remake making unmade
man, manhood, mankind, manliness, man manly, manned, unmanned, mannish mannishly, manfully
management, manager, manageress manage manageable,unmanageable, managerial
mark,marker, markings mark marked, unmarked markedly
market, marketing, marketability, marketer, marketeer market marketable
marriage marry, remarry married, unmarried, marriageable
match, mismatch match matching, unmatched, matchless matchlessly
material, materialism, materialist, materialize immaterial, materialistic materially
meaning, meaningfulness mean meaningful, meaningless meaningfully, meaninglessly
measure,measurement measure measurable, immeasurable,measured immeasurably
medical, medication, medicine to medicate medical, medicated, medicinal, medically, medicinally
memorial, memory memorize memorable memorably
mentality mental mentally
method, methodology methodical, methodological methodically
militancy, militant, the military, militarist, militia, military, militant,militaristic, demilitarized militantly,militarily
mind, minder, reminder, mindlessness mind, remind mindless,mindful mindlessly
minimum, minimization, minimalist minimize minimal, minimum minimally
miss, near-miss miss missing
mistake mistake mistaken, unmistakable unmistakably, mistakenly
mix, mixer, mixture mix mixed
modernity, modernization modernize modern, modernistic
moment momentary, momentous momentarily
mood, moodiness moody moodily
moral, morals, morality, immorality moralize moral, amoral, immoral, moralistic morally
mother, motherhood mother motherly
move,movement, removal, movers (and shakers), remover, move, remove movable, unmoved, moving movingly
murder, murderer murder murderous murderously
music, musical, musician, musicality musical,unmusical musically


Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbs
name name, rename named, unnamed, nameless namely
nation, national, multinational,nationalism, nationalist, nationality, nationalization nationalize national, international, multinational, nationalistic nationally, internationally
nature, naturalist, naturalization, naturalness the supernatural, naturalize natural, supernatural, unnatural, naturalistic naturally, unnaturally
necessity necessitate necessary, unnecessary necessarily, unnecessarily
need, needs need needless, needy, needed needlessly
nerve,nerves, nervousness unnerve nervous, nervy, nerveless, unnerving nervously, nervelessly, unnervingly
news, renewal, newness renew new,renewable, renewed newly, anew
night, midnight overnight, nightly, nights
noise, noisiness noisy, noiseless noisily
normality/normalcy (AmE), abnormality, norm normalize normal, abnormal normally, abnormally
north, northerner north, northerly, northern, north, northward(s), northbound
notice notice noticeable, unnoticed noticeably
number, numeral number, outnumber, enumerate innumerable, numerical, numerous, numbered
nurse, nursery, nurse nursing


Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbs
obedience,disobedience obey, disobey obedient, disobedient obediently, disobediently
occasion occasional occasionally
offence/offense (AmE), offender, offensive offend offensive, inoffensive offensively
office, officer, official, officialdom officiate official, unofficial officially, unofficially
the open, opener, opening,openness open open, opening openly
operation, cooperation, operative, cooperative,operator operate, cooperate operational, operative, cooperative, operable operationally
opposition, opposite oppose opposed, opposing, opposite opposite
option opt (out) / (for) optional optionally
order, disorder order ordered, disordered orderly, disorderly
organization, disorganization, reorganization, organizer organize, reorganize organizational, organized, disorganized
origin, original, originality originate original, unoriginal originally
owner, ownership own, disown


Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbs
pack, package, packaging, packet, packing, packer pack, unpack packed package
pain pain pained, painful, painless painfully, painlessly
paint, painter, painting paint
part, counterpart, parting, partition depart, impart, part partial, parting, impartial part partially, partly
pass,overpass, underpass,passage, passing, passing pass passable
patience,impatience, patient patient,impatient patiently, impatiently
pay, payment, repayment, payee, payer, payoff, payback, payout pay, repay paid, unpaid, underpaid
peace pacify peaceful peacefully
perfection, imperfection, perfectionist, perfectionism perfect perfect, imperfect perfectly
performance, performer perform performant
permission, permit, permissiveness permit permissible,impermissible, permissive
person, personality personalize, personify personal, impersonal, personalized, personally
persuasion, persuasiveness persuade, dissuade persuasive persuasively
photo, photograph, photographer, photography photograph photogenic, photographic
picture picture pictorial, picturesque
place, placement, displacement, replacement place, displace, replace misplaced
plan, planner, planning plan unplanned
plant, transplant, plantation, planter plant, transplant
play, interplay, replay, player,playfulness,playback, playoff play, outplay, replay, downplay, playful, playable playfully
pleasantry, pleasure, displeasure please, displease pleasant, unpleasant, pleased, displeased, pleasing, pleasurable pleasantly, unpleasantly
poem, poet, poetry poetic poetically
point, pointer, pointlessness point pointed, pointless, pointy pointlessly, pointedly
politeness polite, impolite politely, impolitely
politician, politics, politicking politicize political, politicized politically
popularity, unpopularity, popularization popularize popular, unpopular popularly
population populate populated, unpopulated, populous
possibility, impossibility, the impossible possible, impossible possibly, impossibly
post, postage post postal
power, superpower, powerlessness power, empower, overpower powerful, overpowering, powerless powerfully
practical, practicalities, practicality, practicability practicable,practical, impractical practically
practice, practitioner practice/practise (AmE) practised/practiced, practising/practicing
precision precise, imprecise precisely
preference prefer preferable, preferential, preferred preferably
preparation, preparations, preparedness, prepperW-Logo.gif(English) prepare prepared, unprepared, preparatory
presence,present, presentation, presenter present, represent present, presentable presently
press,pressure press, pressure/pressurize, depress,repress pressed, pressing, pressurized
prevent (from) preventable, preventive/preventative
price price overpriced, priceless, pricey/pricy
print, printer, printing print printed, printable
prison, prisoner, imprisonment imprison
privacy, private, privatization privatize private privately
probability probable, improbable probably,improbably
process, processing, procession, processor process processed, processional
produce,producer, product, production, reproduction, productivity produce, reproduce productive,counterproductive, unproductive, reproductive, unproductive productively
profession, professional professional, unprofessional professionally
profit,profitability, profiteer, profiteering profit profitable, unprofitable profitably
progress, progression progress progressive progressively
proof prove, disprove proven, unproven, water-proof
protection, protector, protectionism, protectorate protect protected, unprotected, protective, protectively
provider, provision, provisions provide provisional provisionally
public, publication, publicist, publicity publicize public publicly
publisher, publishing publish published, unpublished
punishment, punisher punish punishable, punishing punishingly
purification, purist, purity, impurity, purifier puriy pure, impure purely
purpose, purposelessness repurpose purposeful, purposeless purposefully, purposely, purposelessly
push, pusher, pushiness push pushed, pushy


Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbs
qualification, disqualification, qualifier qualify, disqualify qualified, unqualified
quarter, quarters quarter quarterly quarterly
question, questioning, questioner, questionnaire question questionable, unquestionable unquestionably
quiet, disquiet quieten/quiet quiet quietly


Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbs
race, racism, racist race racial, multiracial, racist racially
rarity rare, rarefied, rarified rarely
rate, rating, ratings rate, underrate overrated, underrated
reaction, reactor, reactant react, overreact reactionary
read, reader, readership, reading read readable, unreadable
readiness ready ready readily
realism, realist, reality, unreality, realization realize real, unreal, realistic, unrealistic, realisable real, really, realistically
reason, reasoning, reasonableness reason reasonable, unreasonable, reasoned reasonably, unreasonably
receipt, receipts, receiver, reception, receptive, recipient, reciprocity receive reciprocal, received reciprocally
recognition recognize recognizable, unrecognizable recognizably
record, recorder, recording record recorded, unrecorded
referee, reference, referral refer, referee referred
reflection, reflector reflect reflective reflectively
regret regret regrettable, regretful regrettably, regretfully
regular, regularity, irregularity regulate regular, irregular regularly, irregularly
relation, relative, relationship relate related, unrelated, relative relatively
relaxation relax relaxed,relaxing
reliability, reliance rely (on) reliable, unreliable, reliant reliably
religion religious, irreligious religiously
the remainder, remains remain remaining
remark remark remarkable, unremarkable remarkably
repair, disrepair repair irreparable irreparably
repeat, repetition repeat repeated, repetitive/repetitious repeatedly, repetitively
report, reporter report unreported reportedly
representation, representative represent representative, unrepresentative represent
reputation, disrepute reputable, disreputable, reputed reputedly, reputably
respect, disrespect, respectability, respects respect respectable, respected, respectful, disrespectful, respective respectively, disrespectfully
respondent, response, responsiveness, first-responder respond respresponsive,unresponsive responsively
responsibility, irresponsibility responsible, irresponsible responsibly, irresponsibly
rest, unrest, restlessness, restaurant, rest-room rest restless, rested, restful restive restlessly
retiree,retirement reitre retired, retiring
reward reward rewarding,unrewarding
riches,richness, enrichment, the rich enrich rich richly
ride,rider, ride, override riding overriding, riderless
right, rightness, rights, righteousness, rigth right, righteous, rightful, rightist -
roll, roller roll, unroll
romance,romantic, romanticism romance, romanticize romantic, unromantic, romanticized romantically
rough, roughage, roughness rough, roughen (somenone up) rough roughly
round, rounders, roundness round round, rounded round, roundly
royal, royalist, royalty royal, royalist royally
rudeness rude rudely
rule, ruler, ruling, unruliness rule, overrule ruling, unruly
run, rerun, runner, running, rundown run, outrun, overrun running, runny


Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbs
sadness sadden sad, saddened sadly
safe,safety safe, unsafe safely
satisfaction, dissatisfaction satisy satisfactory, unsatisfactory, satisfied, dissatisfied, unsatisfied, satisfying satisfactorily, unsatisfactorily
save,saver, saving, savings, saviour save
scare scare scared, scary
school, pre-school, (home) schooling school pre-school, scholastic scholastically
science, scientist scientific, unscientific scientifically
score, scorer score, outscore, underscore scoreless
search, research, researcher search, research searching, searchable searchingly
seat, seating seat, unseat seated
secrecy, secret, secretiveness secret,secretive secretly, secretively
sense, nonsense, sensibility, sensitivity, insensitivity, sensitiveness, sensor sense, sensitize, desensitize sensible (vernünftig), senseless, sensitive (sensibel), insensitive, nonsensical, sensory sensibly, sensitively,insensitively, senselessly
separation, separatism, separatist separate separable, inseparable, separate inseparably, separately
seriousness serious seriously
servant, serve, server, service, disservice, serving, servitude serve,service serviceable,servile
sex, sexism, sexuality sexist. sexual, bisexual, sexy, asexual sexually, sexily
shadow, shade shadow, overshadow shadowy
shake, shakiness, shaker shake shaky shakily
shape, shapeliness, shapelessness shape shapeless, shapely, shaped shapelessly
(pencil) sharpener, sharpness sharpen sharp, sharply, sharpish
shine,shininess shine, outshine
shock, shocker shock shocked, shocking, shockable shockingly
shop, shopper, shopping shop
short, shortage, shortness, shorts shorten short, shortish short, shortly
shyness shy (away) shy shyly
sick, sickness sicken sick, sickening,sickly sickeningly
sight, insight, oversight, sighting see, sight sighted, unsightly
sign, signal,signatory, signature, (book) signing sign, signal signed, unsigned
significance,insignificance, signify significant, insignificant significantly, insignificantly
silence, silencer silence silent silently
similarity similar, dissimilar similarly
simplicity, simplification simplify simple, simplistic simply
singer, singing sing unsung
single,singles single single, singular singly
skill skilful, skilled, unskilled skilfully
sleep, sleeper, sleepiness, sleeplessness sleep asleep, sleepless, sleepy, sleeping sleepily
slight slight slight, slighted, slightest slightly
slip,slipper slip slippery
smoke, smoker, non-smoker, smoking smoke smoked, smoking, non-smoking, smoky, smokeless
smoothness, smoothie smooth smooth smoothly
society, sociologist, sociology, socialism, socialist, socialite socialize sociable,unsociable, social, anti-social, unsocial, sociological socially, sociologically
softness,softy, softener soften soft softly
solid, solidarity, solidity, solids solidify solid solidly
solution, solvent, solubility, solvency solver soluble, insoluble, unsolved, solvent, solvable
south, southerner south, southerly, southern, southbound, southward(s), southernmost
speaker, speech speak unspeakable, speechless, outspoken, unspoken unspeakably
special, specialist, speciality, specialty, specialization, specialize special, specialized specially
speed, speeding, speediness speed speedy speedily
spelling, speller spell,misspell
spoils spoil spoilt/spoiled, unspoiled/unspoilt
sport sport sporting, sporty, unsporting
spot, train-spotter spot spotted, spotless, spotty spotlessly
stand, standing, standoff, standstill stand, withstand standing, outstanding outstandingly
standard, standardization standardize standard, substandard
start, starter, non-starter start, restart
statement, understatement state, overstate understated
steam, steamer steam steamy, steaming
steepness steepen steep steeply
sticker, stickiness stick sticky, stuck, unstuck
stiffness stiffen stiff stiff, stiffly
stone stone stoned, stony
stop,stoppage, stopper stop non-stop non-stop
storm storm stormy
straight straighten straight
stranger, strangeness strange, estranged strangely
strength strengthen, strongarm strong strongly
stress, distress stress stressed,stressful, distressing distressingly
strike, striker strike striking, strikebound strikingly
structure, restructuring, structuralism structure,restructure structural, structuralist structurally
student, study, studies, studiousness study studious,studied studiously
stupidity stupid stupidly
style, stylist, stylishness style stylish, stylistic stylishly, stylistically
substance substantiate substantial, insubstantial, substantive substantially
success, succession, successor succeed in successful, unsuccessful, successive successfully, unsuccessfully
suddenness sudden suddenly
sufferer, suffering, sufferance suffer insufferable insufferably
suggestion suggest suggestive, suggestible suggestively
summer, midsummer summery
supplier, supplies,supply supply
support, supporter, supportiveness support supportive, supporting supportively
supposition suppose, presuppose supposed supposedly
surface surface, resurface surface
surprise surprise surprised, surprising surprisingly
surroundings,surrounds surround surrounding
survival, survivor survive surviving, survivable
suspect, suspicion suspect suspect, suspected, unsuspecting, suspicious suspiciously
swearing swear sworn
sweet, sweetener, sweetness sweeten sweety, sweet sweetly
swim, swimmer, swimming swim swimmingly
symbol, symbolism, symbolist symbolize symbolic, symbolist symbolically
sympathy, sympathizer, sympathies sympathize sympathetic, unsympathetic sympathetically
system, systematization systematize systematic systematically


Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbs
takings, undertaking, taker take, overtake, undertake taken
talk talk talkative
taste, distaste, taster taste tasteful, distasteful, tasteless, tasty tastefully, distastefully, tastelessly
tax, taxation tax taxable, taxing
teacher, teaching, teachings teach taught
tear, tearfulness tearful tearfully
technicalities,technicality, technician, technique technical technically
technology, technologist technological technologically
thanks, thankfulness thank thankful, thankless thankfully
theorist, theory, theorem theorize theoretical theoretically
thick, thickness, thickener thicken thick thickly
thinness,thinner thin thin thinly
think, rethink, thinker, thinking
thought, thoughtfulness, thoughtlessness
think, rethink unthinkable
thoughtful, thoughtless

thoughtfully, thoughtlessly
thirst thirsty thirstily
threat threaten threatening threateningly
tie tie, untie
tightness tighten tight tightly
time, overtime, timer, timing time timeless, timely, untimely
tiredness tire tired, tireless, tiresome,tiring tirelessly, tiredly, tiresomely
title, subtitles, surtitle, titles entile titled
top, topping top top, topless, topmost
touch touch touched, untouched, touching, touchy touchingly, touchily
toughness toughen tough toughly
trade, trader, trading trade
tradition, traditionalist, traditionalism traditional traditionally
trainee,trainer, training, retraining train untrained
transport, transportation, transporter transport
treat, treatment, mistreatment, maltreatment treat, mistreat, maltreat untreated
trick, trickery trick tricky
trouble trouble troubled, troublesome, troubling troublingly
trust, distrust, mistrust, trustee, trusteeship trust, distrust, mistrust, entrust trusting, trustworthy trustfully
truth, untruth, truthfulness true, untrue,truthful truly, truthfully
try, trial try trying, untried
turn, upturn, turning, turnout, turnaround, turnover turn, overturn upturned
twist, twister twist twisted, twisty
type, typing, typist type, typify typical typically


Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbs
understanding, misunderstanding understand, misunderstand understandable, understanding, misunderstood understandably
upset upset upset, upsetting
urgency, urge, urge urging urgent urgently
usage, use, disuse, misuse,usefulness, user use, misuse, reuse reusable, used, disused, unused, useful, useless usefully


Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbs
valuables, value, values, valuer, (e)valuation value, devalue, evaluate valuable,invaluable, undervalued, valueless
variable, variance, variant, variety, variation vary variable,varied, various invariably, variously
vegetable, vegetarian vegetarian
view, overview, preview, review, viewer, viewport view, preview, review
violence, violation (of a law) violate violent, non-violent violently
visit, visitor, visitation visit,revisit
vote, voter, voting vote


Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbs
want, wants want wanted, unwanted
war,warfare, warrior postwar, warring, warlike
warmth warm warm warmly
wash, washer, washing, washout wash washable, unwashed, awash
wastage, waste,waster waste waste, wasteful wastefully
watch,watchfulness watch watchful
water,waters water (the flowers) underwater, waterproof, watery underwater
way, subway wayward midway
weakling, weakness weakwn weak weakly
wear, underwear wear wearing, worn, wearable
week,midweek weekly, midweek weekly, midweek
weight, weights, weighting weigh, outweigh overweight, underweight, weighted, weighty, weightless weightlessly
welcome welcome welcome, unwelcome,welcoming
west, western, westerner westerly, western, westernized, westernize west, westward(s) westbound westernmost westbound
white,whiteness, whitening, whiten white, whitish
whole whole, wholesome, unwholesome wholly
width widen wide wide, widely
wild, wildness wild wildly
willingness,unwillingness willing, unwilling willingly, unwillingly
win, winner, winnings win winning
winter, midwinter wintry
wire,wireless,wiring wire wiry
woman, womanhood womanize womanly
wonder wonder wonderful wonderfully
wood wooded, wooden, woody woodenly
wool, woollens, woolliness woollen/woolen (AmE), woolly/wooly
word, wording word, reword wordy, worded, wordless
work, workaholic, worker, workings, workout work, rework workable,unworkable, overworked,
world, underworld world, worldly, unworldly,worldwide worldwide
worry, worrier worry (about) worried, unworried, worrying, worriedly, worrisome worryingly
worth,worthlessness worth,worthless, worthwhile, worthy, unworthy worthily
writer, writing, writings write, rewrite written, unwritten
wrong, wrongdoer wrong wrong, wrongful wrong, wrongly, wrongfully


Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbs
year yearly yearly
young, youngster, youth young, youthful youthfully