Use of English/Word Families/Overview und Mit Gedichten arbeiten: W-Fragen: Unterschied zwischen den Seiten

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Markierung: 2017-Quelltext-Bearbeitung
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
Wörter aus den selben Wortfamilien sind einfach zu behalten oder zu erschließen, da sie ja alle einen gemeinsamen Wortstamm haben.  
==W-Fragen stellen==
Gedichte - aber auch weniger verdichtete Texte - erschließen sich dann am besten, wenn man die richtigen Fragen stellt. Dazu bieten sich die bewährten W-Fragen an, allerdings in angepasster Form, denn ein Gedicht ist nicht dasselbe wie eine Zeitungsnachricht.  

Word from the same '''word families''' can be easily understood because they share a common root and pre- and suffixes you can identify.
Wenn diese Fragen dann noch in einer sinnvollen Abfolge stehen, dann ergeben die Antworten fast schon von alleine eine  sinnvoll strukturierte Interpretation. Hier sind Vorschläge für eine Frage-Folge mit Hinweisen auf die damit verknüpften inhaltlichen Erwartungen - und einigen Formulierungsangeboten.
'''1. WAS'n DAS?'''  Autor, Titel, Gedichttyp, Zeit, erster Eindruck, Stimmung, Leitfrage

Words in '''bold''' are commmon and important to learn.  
Vorwissen und Assoziationen abfragen: Was weiß ich bereits über den Autor, welchen Assoziationsraum eröffnet die Überschrift, welche Fragen wirft sie auf, welche Erwartungen?
„Das Gedicht „...“ von XY hinterlässt beim ersten Lesen den Eindruck/ das Gefühl/ von Schwermut /Verzweiflung/Weltverachtung/Lebensfreude...“

== A ==
„Schon der Titel deutet darauf hin/ lässt erkennen/ wirft Verständnisprobleme auf... / legt die Vermutung nahe...“  

„Das Gedicht ‚Blabla‘ des barocken/romantischen/klassischen/schwäbischen Dichters XY beschäftigt sich mit dem Thema/Problem/der Erfahrung ... Sein(e) Gedankengang/Botschaft/Inhalt erschließt sich dem Leser (nicht) auf den ersten Blick, ... die Sprache ist dunkel/bildreich/vieldeutig..., helle/dunkle/schrille Klänge herrschen vor und prägen die Stimmung.“
!<big>Nouns</big> !! <big>Verbs</big> !! <big>Adjectives</big> !! <big>Adverbs</big>
'''2. WER SPRICHT?''' Perspektive des lyrischen Ich: Aus welchem Anlass/in welcher Situation/für wen?                 <pre>„Das Gedicht ist aus der Perspektive eines lyrischen Ich geschrieben, welches .... (Situation)</pre>
| ability, disability, inability || enable,disable|| '''able''', unable, disabled || ably
| acceptance || '''accept''' || acceptable, unacceptable, accepted ||-ably
| '''accident''' ||  || accidental || -ally
| accuracy, inaccuracy ||  || '''accurate''', inaccurate || -ely
| accusation, the accused, accuser || accuse || accusing ||
|achievement, achiever || '''achieve''' || achievable ||
|act, '''action''', inaction, interaction,<br>reaction, transaction<br>actor, actress ||  '''act''' || acting ||
|activity, inactivity || ||'''active''', inactive, interactive, proactive activate || actively
|addition || '''add''' || additional || additionally
|admiration, admirer || '''admire''' || admirable || admirably
|'''advantage''', disadvantage || ||advantageous, disadvantaged || advantageously
|'''ad'''(vertisement), advertiser,|| '''advertise''' || advertising ||
|'''advi<span style="color:red">c</span>e''', adviser|| '''advi<span style="color:red">s</span>e''' || advisable,inadvisable, advisory ||
|agreement, disagreement ||  agree, disagree || agreeable || agreeably
|aim || to aim || aimless || aimlessly
|amazement || amaze || amazed, amazing || amazingly
|anger<br>(anger management) ||  anger || angry || angr<span style="color:red">i</span>ly
|announcement, announcer || announce || unannounced ||
|appearance, disappearance<br>reappearance || appear, disappear, reappear ||
|applicant, application || apply || applicable,applied
|appreciation || appreciate || appreciable,appreciative ||
|apprentice, apprenticeship ||  || ||
|approval, disapproval || approve, disapprove || approving, disapproving ||  approvingly
|approximation || approximate || approximate || approximately
|argument || argu<span style="color:red">e</span>  || arguable, argumentative || arguably
|arrangement || arrange, rearrange ||
|art, artist, artistry || || artistic, artful || artistically
|shame || shame || ashamed, unashamed, shameful,shameless ||  shamefully, shamelessly
| attachment || attach, detach || attached, unattached, detachable, detached<br> (semi-detached house) ||
|attack, counter-attack, attacker || attack, counter-attack || ||
|attention || attend ||attentive,inattentive || attentively
|attraction, attractiveness || attract || attractive, unattractive || attractively
|authority, authorization || authorize || authoritarian, authoritative, unauthorized ||
|availability || || available, unavailable
|avoidance || avoid || avoidable, unavoidable ||
|awareness || || aware, unaware ||

== B ==
'''3. WOVON?''' Thema, Motive, Gedichttyp                       
<pre>„Von seiner Thematik/Überschrift/Form/geschichtlichem Hintergrund her  kann es als Naturgedicht/Liebesgedicht/Weltanschauungsgedicht/politisches Gedicht/Ballade bezeichnet werden .... die vorherrschenden Motive sind typisch für die Gedankenwelt des 17./18./19. ... Jhdts / klassischer/barocker/romantischer Dichtung. ..“</pre>

'''4. WIE?'''  Struktur, Metrum, Reim und sprachliche Besonderheiten: Wortwahl, Wortarten und Klangfarben, Bilder: Vergleiche (so als ob/ wie / gleichwie ), Metaphern, Chiffren   
!<big>Nouns</big> !! <big>Verbs</big> !! <big>Adjectives</big> !! <big>Adverbs</big>
| base,the basics,basis || base (on) || baseless, basic || basically
| bearer || bear || bearable, unbearable ||
| beat, wife-beater || beater || beating unbeatable,unbeaten ||
| beauty, beautician || to beautify || beautiful || beautifully
| beginner, beginning || begin || ||
| behaviour/behavior ([[Amerikanisches Englisch|AmE]])<br>misbehaviour || behave, misbehave || behavioural/behavioral
| belie<span style="color:red">f</span>, disbelief || belie<span style="color:red">ve</span>, disbelieve || believable, unbelievable || unbelievably
| block, blockage || block, unblock || blocked, unblocked ||
| blood, bleeding || bleed || bloodless,bloody ||
| the boil, boiler || boil || boiling ||
| bore,boredom || bore || bored, boring || boringly
| break, outbreak, breakage || break ||unbreakable, broken, unbroken ||
| breath, breather, breathing || breath<span style="color:red">e</span> ||breathless || breathlessly
| brother, brotherhood || || || brotherly
| build, builder, building || build, rebuild || ||
| burn, burner || burn || burning, burnt ||
| burial || bury || buried ||

== C ==
Aussagen zu Form und Sprache sollten in wenigen Sätzen und zusammenfassend vorweggeschickt werden.
<pre>„Das Gedicht besteht aus drei Strophen zu je vier Zeilen, es ist sehr regelmäßig/streng/locker/formlos gebaut, ein Eindruck, der auch durch den Kreuz/Paar-Reim und das un/regelmäßige jambische Grundmetrum unterstützt wird ..."
:Oder: "Das Gedicht besitzt keine regelmäßige Struktur, die Strophen sind von unterschiedlicher Länge und bestehen aus freien Versen. Die Form ordnet sich dem freien Sprachfluss unter, die Emotionalität des lyrischen Ich will sich in keine feste Ordnung fügen."</pre>

'''5. WAS GEHT?'''  Grob und Feingliederung, Gedankengang, Handlung          
!<big>Nouns</big> !! <big>Verbs</big> !! <big>Adjectives</big> !! <big>Adverbs</big>
| calculation, calculator || calculate || incalculable,calculated, calculating ||
| calm, calmness || calm || calm || calmly
| capability || || capable, incapable || capably
| care, carer || care for, about || careful, careless,caring, uncaring || carefully, carelessly
| celebration, celebrity || celebrate || celebrated, celebratory ||
| centre/center ([[Amerikanisches Englisch|AmE]])<br> centralization, decentralization  || center, centralize,<br>decentralize || central, centralized  || centrally
| certainty, uncertainty || || certain, uncertain  ||certainly, uncertainly
| challenge, challenger || challenge ||challenging
| change || change || changeable,interchangeable, unchanged, changing ||
| character, characteristic, characterization || characterize || characteristic, uncharacteristic || characteristically
| chemical, chemist, chemistry || || chemical || chemically
|circle, semicircle, circulation || circle, circulate || circular ||
|cleaner, cleaning, cleanliness || clean || clean, unclean || cleanly
|clarity, clearance, clearing || clear || clear, unclear  ||clearly
|close,closure || close (schließen), enclose || (en)closed, closing
| closeness || close (sich nähern)||close (by) || closely
| clothes, clothing || clothe ||clothed, unclothed ||
|collection, collector || collect || collected, collective || collectively
|colour/color ([[Amerikanisches Englisch|AmE]])<br>colouring/coloring ||  color coloured, discoloured, colourless/colourful || colorfully
| combination || combine || combined
| comfort, discomfort || comfort || (un)comfortable, comforting  | comfortably
| commitment || commit to || noncommittal, committed ||
| communication, communicator || communicate || communicative,uncommunicative ||
| comparison|| compare || comparable,incomparable, comparative ||  comparatively
| competition, competitor || compet<span style="color:red">e</span> ||competitive, uncompetitive || competitively
| complain<span style="color:red">t</span> || to complain (about) || ||
| completion, incompleteness || complete || complete, incomplete || completely, incompletely
| complication ||  complicate ||complicated, uncomplicated ||
| computer, computing,<br> computerization || computerize
| concentration || concentrate || concentrated ||
| concern || concern || concerned, unconcerned
| conclusion || conclude ||concluding, conclusive, inconclusive || conclusively
| condition, precondition,<br>conditioner, conditioning  || condition || conditional, unconditional || conditionally,unconditionally
| confidence || confide || confident,confidential || confidently, confidentially
| confirmation || confirm || confirmed, unconfirmed
| confusion || confuse || confused, confusing || confusingly
| connection || connect, reconnect, disconnect || connected, disconnected, unconnected ||
| consciousness,unconsciousness|| || subconscious,unconscious, conscious ||  consciously, unconsciously
|consequence || || consequent, inconsequential || consequently
|consideration || consider, reconsider || considerable,considerate,<br>inconsiderate,considered || considerably,  considerately
| continent || || continental, intercontinental ||
| continuation, continuity || continue, discontinue || continual, continued, continuous || continually, continuously
| contribution, contributor || contribute || contributory
| control, controller || control  || controlling, uncontrollable || uncontrollably
| convenience,inconvenience || inconvenience || convenient, inconvenient || conveniently
| conviction || convince || convinced, convincing, unconvincing || convincingly
| cook, cooker, cookery, cooking || cook || cooked,uncooked ||
| cool, coolness || cool down || cool || coolly
| correction, correctness || correct || correct, incorrect,corrective || correctly, incorrectly
| count, recount || count, recount || countable, uncountable, countless ||
| '''courage''', encouragement, discouragement || '''encourage''', discourage || courageous, encouraged, encouraging, discouraging || encouragingly
| cover, coverage, coverall || cover, uncover || covering undercover, uncovered ||
| creation, creativity, creator || create, recreate || creative,uncreative || creatively
| crime, criminal, criminologist || || criminal, incriminating incriminate || criminally
| critic, criticism || criticize || critical, uncritical || critically
| crowd, overcrowding || crowd || crowded, overcrowded ||
| cruelty || || cruel || cruelly
| cry, outcry || cry || crying ||
| culture, subculture || || cultural, cultured || culturally
| cure || cure || cured, incurable ||
| custom, customer, customs || accustom, customize || customary || customarily
| cut, cutting || cut, undercut || cutting

== D ==
Es empfiehlt sich, bei der endgültigen Abfassung der Interpretation das Augenmerk auf die Abfolge der Motive und die gedankliche Entwicklung im Gedicht zu richten und zwar anhand einer Betrachtung von Strophe zu Strophe.
<pre>"Das Gedicht beginnt mit einer Schilderung der ...."
"In den ersten Zeilen bereits wendet sich das lyrische Ich ...
"Die ersten beiden/drei ... Strophen/Zeilen bilden eine gedankliche Einheit, in welcher die Situation des lyrischen Ich ...  Dies drückt sich auch in der Sprache aus, z.B. ....
"In der dritten Strophe verändert sich dann die Sichtweise/Perspektive des ... ein neuer Ton/ ein neuer Gedanke/ eine höhere Abstraktionsstufe  ... wird erkennbar ...
"Während zuvor anschauliche Bilder/Vergleiche vorlagen, so wird nun ...
"Die letzte Strophe /letzten Zeilen fassen noch einmal ... /drücken ... aus / gipfeln in ...   
'''6. WAS SOLL'S?''' Einordnung und Wertung: historischer Zusammenhang, Intention des Autors, persönliche Meinung, z.B.
<pre>„In seiner Thematik/Motivik/Bildhaftigkeit/Düsternis/Naturbeseeltheit ... und formalen Gestaltung ist dieses Gedicht typisch für ....“
„Die Aussageabsicht des Autors kommt vor allem in .... zum Ausdruck...“
„Dem Gedicht merkt man seine Herkunft aus dem .... Jahrhundert / aus der Zeit des ... deutlich/ kaum an: Es ist in seinem Gedankengang nur schwer/ mühelos nachvollziehbar und völlig/ziemlich veraltet/ antiquiert ...“
„Seine  Thematik ist auch heute noch / nur bedingt/ kaum aktuell / bedenkenswert und für mich persönlich dadurch gelungen/ misslungen/ bemerkenswert/ gar nichts wert, dass ...“</pre>

==Siehe auch==
*[[Mit Gedichten arbeiten: Autor-Interview]]
!<big>Nouns</big> !! <big>Verbs</big> !! <big>Adjectives</big> !! <big>Adverbs</big>
| damage, damages || damage || damaging, undamaged ||
| danger || endanger || endangered, dangerous ||  dangerously
| dare,daring || dare || daring || daringly
| dark, darkness || darken || dark, darkened, darkening || darkly
| date || date, predate || dated, outdated ||
| day,midday || || daily || daily
| dead, death || die, deaden || dead,  || deadly, deathly 
| deal, dealer, dealings || dealt || dealt ||
| deceit, deceiver, deception || deceive || deceitful, deceptive ||deceptively
| decision, indecision || decide on || decided, undecided, decisive,indecisive || decidedly, decisively,indecisively
| decoration, decorator || decorate || decorative || decoratively
| deep,depth || deepen || deep, deepening || deeply
| defeat, defeatism, defeatist || defeat || undefeated, ||
| defence/ defense ([[Amerikanisches Englisch|AmE]]),<br>defendant, defender || defend || defenceless, indefensible, defensive ||  defensively
| definition || define || definite, indefinite || definitely,indefinitely
| demand, demands || demand || demanding, undemanding ||
| democracy, democrat || || democratic, undemocratic || democratically
| demonstration, demonstrator || demonstrate || demonstrable,demonstrative || demonstrably
| denial || deny || undeniable || undeniably
| dependant, dependence, independence, dependency  || depend on || dependable, dependent, independent  || dependably, independently
| descri<span style="color:red">p</span>tion || descri<span style="color:red">be</span> ||describable, indescribable, nondescript, descriptive ||  descriptively
| desire || desire || desirable, undesirable, desired, undesired
| destroyer, destruction || destroy || indestructible, destructive || destructively
| determination, determiner || determine || determined, predetermined, indeterminate|| determinedly
| developer, development, redevelopment || develop, redevelop || developed, undeveloped, developing ||
| difference, indifference, || differ from, differentiate  ||different, indifferent  || differently
| directness,direction, <br>(to give) directions, director|| direct, redirect || direct, indirect || directly, indirectly
| disagreement || disagree<br>(see also agree) || disagreeable || disagreeably
| disappointment || disappoint || disappointed, disappointing ||  disappointingly
| '''d<span style="color:red">i</span>saster''' || || disastrous || disastrously
| disciplinarian, discipline || discipline || disciplinary, disciplined, undisciplined ||
| discoverer, '''discovery''' || '''discover''' || ||
| distance || distance || distant || distantly
| disturbance || disturb || disturbed, undisturbed, disturbing || disturbingly
| divide,division, subdivision || divide, subdivide ||divided, undivided, divisible, divisive
| divorce, divorcee || divorce || divorced
| do,doing || do, outdo, overdo,redo, undo || done, overdone, undone
| doubt, doubter || doubt <br> /daʊt/ || undoubted,doubtful, doubtless || undoubtedly, doubtfully
| dream, dreamer || dream (about) || dream, dreamless, dreamy || dream<span style="color:red">i</span>ly
| dress, dresser, dressing || dress, redress, undress || dressed, undressed, dressy || dressily
| drink, drinker, drinking, drunk, drunkenness || drink || drunk, drunken ||  drunkenly
| drive,driver, driving || drive || driving ||
| due,dues || due, undue  || duly, unduly

== E ==
[[Kategorie: Deutsch]][[Kategorie: Lyrik]]
!<big>Nouns</big> !! <big>Verbs</big> !! <big>Adjectives</big> !! <big>Adverbs</big>
|earner, earnings || earn ||
| earth || unearth || earthy || earthly, unearthly
| ease,unease, easiness || ease || easy, uneasy || easily, uneasily
| east, easterner || east, easterly, eastern, eastward(s)
| economics,economist, economy || economize || economic, economical, uneconomic(al) || economically
| education || educate || educated, uneducated, educational || educationally
| effect,effectiveness, ineffectiveness || effect || effective,ineffective, ineffectual || effectively, ineffectively
| effort || || effortless effortlessly ||
| election, re-election, elector, electorate || elect, re-elect || unelected, electoral ||
| electrician, electricity electric || electrify ||  electric, electrical || electrically
| electronics || || electronic || electronically
| embarrassment || embarrass || embarrassed, embarrassing || embarrassingly
| emotion || || emotional, emotive || emotionally
| emphasis || emphasize || emphatic || emphatically
| employee,employer, employment, unemployment|| employ || unemployed ||
| end, (happy) ending || end || unending, endless || endlessly
| energy || energize || energetic || energetically
| enjoyment || enjoy || enjoyable ||  enjoyably
| enormity || || enormous || enormously
| entrance, entrant, entry || enter ||  ||
| entertainer, entertainment || entertain ||  entertaining ||  entertainingly
| enthusiasm, enthusiast  || enthuse || enthusiastic, unenthusiastic || enthusiastically, unenthusiastically
| environment, environmentalist || || environmental || environmentally
| equality, inequality || equalize || equal, unequal ||  equally, unequally
| escape,escapism || escape || escaped, inescapable || inescapably
| essence,essentials || || essential|| essentially
| estimate,estimation || estimate, overestimate, underestimate || estimated ||
| event, non-event || || eventful, uneventful, eventual (=schließlich)|| eventfully, eventually
| exam, examination, cross-examination, examiner || examine,cross-examine || ||
| excellence || excel || excellent || excellently
| excitement || excite || excitable, excited, exciting,unexciting || excitedly, excitingly
| excuse || excuse || excusable, inexcusable || inexcusably
| existence || exist, coexist || non-existent, existing, pre-existing ||
| expectancy, expectation || expect || expectant, unexpected || expectantly, unexpectedly
| expenditure,expense, expenses || expend || expensive, inexpensive || expensively, inexpensively
| experience, inexperience || experience || experienced, inexperienced
| experiment || experiment || experimental || experimentally
| expert, expertise || || expert, inexpert || expertly
| explaining, explanation || explain || unexplained, explanatory, explicable, inexplicable || inexplicably
| explosion, explosive|| explode || exploding, explosive || explosively
| exploration, explorer || explore|| exploratory ||
| expression || express || expressive || expressively
| extreme,extremism, extremist, extremity || || extreme, extremist || extremely
== F ==
!<big>Nouns</big> !! <big>Verbs</big> !! <big>Adjectives</big> !! <big>Adverbs</big>
| fact || || factual || factually
| fail, failure || fail || unfailing || unfailingly
| fairness || || fair,unfair || fairly, unfairly
| faith, faithfulness ||  ||faithful, unfaithful || faithfully
| familiarity, family|| familiarize || familiar, unfamiliar || familiarly
| fame || famed, famous, infamous || famously, infamously
| fashion || fashion || fashionable, unfashionable || fashionably, unfashionably
| fat || fatten || fat, fattening, fatty ||
| fastener || fasten, unfasten || ||
| fault || fault || faultless,faulty || faultlessly
| fear || fear || fearful, fearless, fearsome || fearfully, fearlessly
| feel, feeling || feel || unfeeling
| fiction, nonfiction||  || fictional, fictive
| fill, refill, filling|| fill (up), fill (in) , refill ||  filling
| final, semifinal, finalist || finalize ||  final || finally
| finish || finish || finished,unfinished
| firmness,infirmity || ||  firm,infirm  ||firmly
| fish,fishing || fish || fish || fishily
| fit, fittings || fit || fitted, fitting || fittingly
| fix, fixation, fixture|| fix || fixed, transfixed, unfixed ||
| flat || flatten || flat || flatly
| flower || flower || flowered/flowery, flowering
| fold, folder || fold, unfold || folded, folding ||
| follower, following || follow ||following
| force || force || forceful, forcible || forcefully, forcibly
| forest, deforestation, forestry || || forested ||
| forgetfulness || forget || forgetful, unforgettable || forgetfully
| forgiveness || forgive ||forgiving, unforgiving ||
| form, formation, transformation, || form, reform, transform  || reformed reformer, transformer
| formality || formalize || formal, informal || formally, informally
| fortune ||    || fortunate, unfortunate || fortunately, unfortunately
| freebie,freedom || free || free || free,freely
| freeze,freezer || freeze || freezing, frozen ||
| frequency, infrequency || frequent || frequent, infrequent || frequently, infrequently
| freshness,refreshments || freshen, refresh || fresh, refreshing || freshly, refreshingly
| friend, friendliness || befriend || friendly, unfriendly ||
| fright  || frighten || frightened,frightening, frightful || frighteningly, frightfully
| fruit, fruition ||  || fruitful, fruitless,fruity || fruitfully, fruitlessly
| fund, refund, funding || fund, refund || funded ||
| furnishings,furniture || furnish ||furnished, unfurnished ||
== G ==
!<big>Nouns</big> !! <big>Verbs</big> !! <big>Adjectives</big> !! <big>Adverbs</big>
| garden, gardener, gardening || garden || ||
| generalization || generalize || general || generally
| generosity || || generous || generously
| gentleness, gentleman ||  || gentle || gently
| gladness||  gladden || glad || gladly
| glass, glasses || || glassy ||
| globe, globalization || || global || globally
| good, goodies, goodness, goods || || good ||
| government, governor || govern || governmental, governing || governmentally
| gratitude,ingratitude ||  || grateful, ungrateful  || gratefully
| greatness || || great || greatly
| green, greenery, greens (vegetables), greenhouse-effect || || green || greenish, green
| ground, underground, grounding, || ground || groundless, underground ||underground
| grower, growth, undergrowth ||  grow, outgrow || growing, grown, overgrown  ||
| guilt, guiltiness || || guilty || guiltily
== H ==
!<big>Nouns</big> !! <big>Verbs</big> !! <big>Adjectives</big> !! <big>Adverbs</big>
| habit, habitat ||  || habitual || habitually
| hair, hairiness|| || hairless, hairy ||
| hand, handful || hand (over) ||underhand, handy ||
| handle,handler, handling || handle || ||
| hanger hanging || hang, overhang || ||
| happiness,unhappiness ||  happy, unhappy || happily, unhappily
| hardship || harden ||hard || hard, hardly
| harm, harmfulness || harm ||unharmed, harmful, harmless || harmlessly
| head, heading, overheads || head, behead || overhead, heady  overhead
| health || ||healthy, unhealthy|| healthily, unhealthily
| hearing || hear, overhear (belauschen) ||unheard, unheard of
| heart, heartlessness ||  || hearty, heartened, heartening, heartless || heartily, heartlessly
| heat, heater, heating || heat, overheat  || heated,unheated  || heatedly
| height, heights || heighten || heightened ||
| help, helper, helpfulness, helping || help ||helpful, unhelpful, helpless || helpfully, helplessly
| highness || high  ||high ||highly
| historian, history || historic, prehistoric, historical || historically
| hold, holder, holding || hold ||
| home  || ||homeless, homely || home
| honesty, dishonesty  || ||honest, dishonest  ||honestly, dishonestly
| hope, hopefulness, hopelessness || hope || hopeful, hopeless hope || hopefully, hopelessly
| human, humanism, humanity, inhumantiy || human,inhuman, superhuman, || humanly, humanely
| hunger|| hunger ||  hungry ||hungrily
| hurry || to hurry ||hurried, unhurried || hurriedly
| hurt || hurt ||unhurt, hurtful || hurtfully
== I ==
!<big>Nouns</big> !! <big>Verbs</big> !! <big>Adjectives</big> !! <big>Adverbs</big>
| ice, icicle, icing || ice || icy || icily
| identification, identity || identify ||  identifiable, unidentified ||
| imagination|| '''imagine''' ||| imaginable, unimaginable, '''imaginary''' || unimaginably, imaginative imaginatively
| importance ||  || important, unimportant || importantly
| impression || impress || impressionable, impressive || impressively
| improvement || improve ||  improved ||
| increase || increase, decrease || increase|  increased ||  increasingly
| credibility, incredulity ||  || incredible, credible, incredulous || incredibly, incredulously
| independence, independent  || independent ||  independently
| industrialist, industrialization, industry || industrial, industrialized, industrious || industrially, industriously
| infection, disinfectant || infect, desinfect || infectious || infectiously
| inflation || inflate, deflate || inflatable,inflated, inflationary
| informant, information, informer || inform, misinform || informative, uninformative, informed, uninformed ||
| injury || injure || injured, uninjured ||
| innocence ||  || innocent ||innocently
| insistence || insist on || insistent || insistently
| instance,instant || || instant, instantaneous || instantly, instantaneously
| instruction, instructor || instruct || instructive||  instructively
| intelligence || || intelligent, unintelligent, intelligible, unintelligible  || intelligently
| intent, intention || intend || intended, unintended, intentional, unintentional ||  intentionally, unintentionally
| interest || interest in || interested, disinterested, uninterested, interesting || interestingly
| interruption || interrupt || uninterrupted ||
| interview, interviewee interviewer || interview ||||
| introduction || introduct || introductory
| invention, inventiveness, inventor || invent, reinvent || inventive  || inventively
| invitation, invite || invite || uninvited, inviting ||  invitingly
| involvement || involve in || involved, uninvolved ||
| item || itemize || itemized
== J ==
!<big>Nouns</big> !! <big>Verbs</big> !! <big>Adjectives</big> !! <big>Adverbs</big>
| joke, joker || joke || || jokingly
| journal, journalism, journalist || || journalistic ||
| judge,judg(e)ment || judge || judgmental ||
| juice, juices ||  || juicy||
== K ==
!<big>Nouns</big> !! <big>Verbs</big> !! <big>Adjectives</big> !! <big>Adverbs</big>
| keenness ||  || keen (on) ||  keenly
| keep, keeper, keeping|| keep || kept
| kill, overkill, killer, killing || kill ||  ||
| kindness,unkindness || kind, unkind || kindly, unkindly
| knowledge  || know || knowing, knowledgeable, known, unknown || knowingly, unknowingly,knowledgeably
== L ==
!<big>Nouns</big> !! <big>Verbs</big> !! <big>Adjectives</big> !! <big>Adverbs</big>
| enlargement || enlarge || large || largely
| laugh, laughter || laugh || laughable || laughably
| law, lawyer, outlaw || outlaw || lawful, unlawful || lawfully, unlawfully
| laziness ||  || lazy || lazily
| lead, leader, leadership || lead ||  leading, lead
| learner, learning || learn ||  learned, unlearned ||
| legality, illegality, legalization || legalize || legal, illegal || legally, illegally
| liar, lie || lie || lying
| life, liveliness, living|| live, outlive, relive || lifeless, lifelike, lifelong || lifelessly live (on TV), lively
| light, lighter, lighting, lightening, lightness|| light, lighten || light || lightly
| dislike, liking|| like, dislike || likeable ||
| likelihood || ||likely, unlikely ||likely
| limit, limitation, limitations || limit || limited, unlimited
| literature, literacy || || literary, literate, illiterate
| local, location, relocation || dislocate, relocate || local || locally
| longitude, '''length'''  || '''lengthen''', prolong || '''long''', lengthy, lengthening || lengthily
| looseness || loosen (the knot) || (drive on ) loose gravel || (He broke) loose.
| loser, loss || lose  || lost ||
| loudness || || aloud, loud/loudly
| love,lover || love || lovable, unlovable, loveless, lovely || lovingly
| low ||  lower || low, lower, lowly || low
| luck || lucky, unlucky || luckily, unluckily
== M ==
!<big>Nouns</big> !! <big>Verbs</big> !! <big>Adjectives</big> !! <big>Adverbs</big>
| machine, machinery, machinist, mechanic, mechanics,mechanism ||    || mechanical, mechanized  || mechanically
|| magic, magician || do magic || magic, magical || magically
| make, remake, maker, || make, remake || making unmade
| man, manhood, mankind, manliness, || man || manly, manned, unmanned, mannish || mannishly, manfully
| management, manager, manageress || manage || manageable,unmanageable, managerial
| mark,marker, markings || mark || marked, unmarked || markedly
| market, marketing, marketability, marketer, marketeer || market || marketable
| marriage || marry, remarry ||  married, unmarried, marriageable ||
| match, mismatch || match || matching, unmatched, matchless || matchlessly
| material, materialism, materialist, || materialize || immaterial, materialistic  || materially
| meaning, meaningfulness ||'''mean''' || meaningful, meaningless ||  meaningfully, meaninglessly
| measure,measurement || measure || measurable, immeasurable,measured || immeasurably
| medical, medication, medicine ||  to medicate || medical, medicated, medicinal, || medically, medicinally
| memorial, memory || memorize || memorable ||  memorably
| mentality ||  || mental  || mentally
| method, methodology ||  || methodical, methodological || methodically
| militancy, militant, the military, militarist, militia,  ||  military, militant,militaristic, demilitarized  || militantly,militarily
| mind, minder, reminder, mindlessness || '''mind''', '''remind''' ||  mindless,mindful || mindlessly
| minimum, minimization, minimalist || minimize  || minimal, minimum ||    minimally
| miss, near-miss ||  miss || missing ||
| mistake || mistake || mistaken, unmistakable || unmistakably, mistakenly
| mix, mixer, mixture || mix || mixed ||
| modernity, modernization || modernize || modern, modernistic
| moment ||  || momentary, momentous || momentarily
| mood, moodiness ||  || moody || moodily
| moral, morals, morality, immorality || moralize || moral, amoral, immoral, moralistic  || morally
| mother, motherhood || mother || || motherly
| move,movement, removal, movers (and shakers), remover, || '''move''', remove  || movable, unmoved, moving|| movingly
| murder, murderer || murder || murderous || murderously
| music, musical, musician, musicality ||  || musical,unmusical || musically
== N ==
!<big>Nouns</big> !! <big>Verbs</big> !! <big>Adjectives</big> !! <big>Adverbs</big>
| name || name, rename || named, unnamed, nameless || namely
| nation, national, multinational,nationalism, nationalist, nationality, nationalization || nationalize  || national, international, multinational, nationalistic ||  nationally, internationally
| nature, naturalist, naturalization, naturalness the supernatural, || naturalize || natural, supernatural,  unnatural, naturalistic  || naturally, unnaturally
| necessity || necessitate || necessary, unnecessary || necessarily, unnecessarily
| need, needs || need || needless, needy, needed || needlessly
| nerve,nerves, nervousness ||  unnerve || nervous, nervy, nerveless, unnerving ||  nervously, nervelessly, unnervingly
| news, renewal, newness || renew || new,renewable, renewed  || newly, anew
| night, midnight overnight, ||  || nightly, nights
| noise, noisiness ||  || noisy, noiseless  || noisily
| normality/normalcy ([[amerikanisches Englisch|AmE]]), abnormality, norm || normalize ||  normal, abnormal || normally, abnormally
| north, northerner ||  || north, northerly, northern, north, northward(s), northbound
| notice  ||notice || noticeable, unnoticed || noticeably
| number, numeral ||  number, outnumber, enumerate|| innumerable, numerical, numerous, numbered
| nurse, nursery, || nurse  || nursing ||
== O ==
!<big>Nouns</big> !! <big>Verbs</big> !! <big>Adjectives</big> !! <big>Adverbs</big>
| obedience,disobedience || obey, disobey || obedient, disobedient  || obediently, disobediently
| occasion ||  || occasional || occasionally
| offence/offense ([[Amerikanisches Englisch|AmE]]), offender, offensive ||  offend  || offensive, inoffensive || offensively
| office, officer, official, officialdom  || officiate || official, unofficial  || officially, unofficially
| the open, opener, opening,openness || open || open, opening || openly
| operation, cooperation, operative, cooperative,operator || operate, cooperate || operational, operative, cooperative, operable || operationally
| opposition, opposite || oppose || opposed, opposing, opposite || opposite
| option || opt (out) / (for) || optional || optionally
| order, disorder || order || ordered, disordered || orderly, disorderly
| organization, disorganization, reorganization, organizer || organize, reorganize ||  organizational, organized, disorganized
| origin, original, originality || originate || original, unoriginal  || originally
| owner, ownership || own, disown || ||
== P ==
!<big>Nouns</big> !! <big>Verbs</big> !! <big>Adjectives</big> !! <big>Adverbs</big>
| pack, package, packaging, packet, packing, packer || pack, unpack || packed  package
| pain || pain || pained, painful, painless || painfully, painlessly
| paint, painter, painting || paint || ||
| part, counterpart, parting, partition || depart, impart,  part || partial, parting, impartial part ||  partially, partly
| pass,overpass, underpass,passage, passing, passing || pass || passable
| patience,impatience, patient || ||  patient,impatient || patiently, impatiently
| pay, payment, repayment, payee, payer, payoff, payback, payout || pay, repay || pa<span style="color:red">i</span>d, unpa<span style="color:red">i</span>d, underpa<span style="color:red">i</span>d ||
| peace || pacify || peaceful  || peacefully
| perfection, imperfection, perfectionist, perfectionism || perfect || perfect, imperfect || perfectly
| performance, performer || perform || performant
| permission, permi<span style="color:red">t</span>, permissiveness || permit || permissible,impermissible, permissive ||
| person, personality || personalize, personify || personal, impersonal, personalized, || personally
| persuasion, persuasiveness || persuade, dissuade  || persuasive || persuasively
| photo, photograph, photographer, photography || photograph || photogenic, photographic ||
| picture  || picture || pictorial, picturesque ||
| place, placement, displacement, replacement || place, displace, replace || misplaced
| plan, planner, planning || plan || unplanned ||
| plant, transplant, plantation, planter || plant, transplant||
| play, interplay, replay, player,playfulness,playback, playoff ||  play, outplay, replay, downplay, || playful, playable  || playfully
| pleasantry, pleasure, displeasure  || please, displease || pleasant, unpleasant, pleased, displeased, pleasing, pleasurable || pleasantly, unpleasantly
| poem, poet, poetry || || poetic || poetically
| point, pointer, pointlessness || point || pointed, pointless, pointy ||  pointlessly, pointedly
| politeness || || polite, impolite || politely, impolitely
| politician, politics, politicking ||  politicize || political, politicized || politically
| popularity, unpopularity, popularization || popularize  || popular, unpopular || popularly
| population || populate || populated, unpopulated, populous ||
| possibility, impossibility, the impossible || possible, impossible || possibly, impossibly
| post, postage || post || postal||
| power, superpower, powerlessness || power, empower, overpower ||  powerful, overpowering, powerless || powerfully
| practical, practicalities, practicality, practicability ||  || practicable,practical, impractical || practically
| practice, practitioner || practice/practise ([[Amerikanisches Englisch|AmE]]) ||practised/practiced, practising/practicing
| precision || || precise, imprecise || precisely
| preference || prefer || preferable, preferential, prefe<span style="color:red">rr</span>ed || preferably
| preparation, preparations, preparedness, {{wpen|prepper}}|| prepare || prepared, unprepared, preparatory ||
| presence,present, presentation, presenter || present, represent || present, presentable || presently
| press,pressure || press, pressure/pressurize, depress,repress || pressed, pressing, pressurized ||
| prevention | prevent (from) || preventable, preventive/preventative ||
| price || price || overpriced, priceless, pricey/pricy ||
| print, printer, printing || print || printed, printable ||
| prison, prisoner, imprisonment || imprison|| ||
| privacy, private, privatization || privatize ||  private || privately
| probability || || probable, improbable || probably,improbably
| process, processing, procession, processor || process || processed, processional ||
| produce,producer, product, production, reproduction, productivity || produce, reproduce ||  productive,counterproductive, unproductive, reproductive, unproductive || productively
| profession, professional || ||  professional, unprofessional || professionally
| profit,profitability, profiteer, profiteering || profit || profitable, unprofitable || profitably
| progress, progression || progress ||  progressive || progressively
| proof || prove, disprove || proven, unproven,  water-proof ||
| protection, protector, protectionism, protectorate || protect || protected, unprotected, protective, || protectively
| provider, provision, provisions || provide || provisional || provisionally
| public, publication, publicist, publicity || publicize ||  public ||  publicly
| publisher, publishing || publish || published, unpublished ||
| punishment, punisher || punish || punishable, punishing || punishingly
| purification, purist, purity, impurity, purifier|| puriy || pure, impure || purely
| purpose, purposelessness || repurpose || purposeful, purposeless || purposefully, purposely, purposelessly
| push, pusher, pushiness || push || pushed, pushy ||
== Q ==
!<big>Nouns</big> !! <big>Verbs</big> !! <big>Adjectives</big> !! <big>Adverbs</big>
| qualification, disqualification, qualifier || qualify, disqualify || qualified, unqualified ||
| quarter, quarters || quarter || quarterly  || quarterly
| question, questioning, questioner, questionnaire  || question || questionable, unquestionable || unquestionably
| quiet, disquiet || quieten/quiet  || quiet || quietly
== R ==
!<big>Nouns</big> !! <big>Verbs</big> !! <big>Adjectives</big> !! <big>Adverbs</big>
| race, racism, racist || race || racial, multiracial, racist  || racially
| rarity || || rare, rarefied, rarified || rarely
| rate, rating, ratings || rate, underrate || overrated, underrated ||
| reaction, reactor, reactant || react, overreact|| reactionary ||
| read, reader, readership, reading || read || readable, unreadable ||
| readiness || ready || ready ||readily
| realism, realist, reality, unreality, realization  || realize || real, unreal, realistic, unrealistic, realisable || real, really, realistically
| reason, reasoning, reasonableness || reason || reasonable, unreasonable, reasoned || reasonably, unreasonably
| receipt, receipts, receiver, reception, receptive, recipient, reciprocity || receive || reciprocal, received ||  reciprocally
| recognition || recognize || recognizable, unrecognizable ||  recognizably
| record, recorder, recording || record || recorded, unrecorded ||
| referee, reference, referral || refer, referee || referred ||
| reflection, reflector || reflect || reflective || reflectively
| regret || regret || regrettable, regretful || regrettably, regretfully
| regular, regularity, irregularity || regulate || regular, irregular || regularly, irregularly
| relation, relative, relationship || relate ||  related, unrelated, relative || relatively
| relaxation || relax ||  relaxed,relaxing ||
| reliability, reliance || rely (on) || reliable, unreliable, reliant || reliably
| religion || || religious, irreligious || religiously
| the remainder, remains || remain ||  remaining ||
| remark || remark || remarkable, unremarkable || remarkably
| repair, disrepair || repair || irreparable || irreparably
| repeat, repetition || repeat || repeated, repetitive/repetitious || repeatedly, repetitively
| report, reporter || report ||  unreported || reportedly
| representation, representative || represent || representative, unrepresentative || represent
| reputation, disrepute  ||  reputable, disreputable, reputed || reputedly, reputably
| respect, disrespect, respectability, respects || respect || respectable, respected, respectful, disrespectful, respective ||  respectably, respectfully,| respectively, disrespectfully
| respondent, response, responsiveness, first-responder || respond || respresponsive,unresponsive || responsively
| responsibility, irresponsibility || || responsible, irresponsible || responsibly, irresponsibly
| rest, unrest, restlessness, restaurant, rest-room || rest || restless, rested, restful restive ||  restlessly
| retiree,retirement || reitre || retired, retiring ||
| reward || reward || rewarding,unrewarding ||
| riches,richness, enrichment, the rich || enrich || rich || richly
| ride,rider, || ride, override || riding overriding, riderless ||
| right, rightness, rights, righteousness, || rigth || right, righteous, rightful, rightist || right, rightly, rightfully|-
| roll, roller ||roll, unroll|| ||
| romance,romantic, romanticism || romance, romanticize || romantic, unromantic, romanticized || romantically
| rough, roughage, roughness || rough, roughen (somenone up) ||rough || roughly
| round, rounders, roundness || round || round, rounded || round, roundly
| royal, royalist, royalty ||||royal, royalist || royally
| rudeness || || rude || rudely
| rule, ruler, ruling, unruliness || rule, overrule || ruling, unruly  ||
| run, rerun, runner, running, rundown || run, outrun, overrun || running, runny
== S ==
!<big>Nouns</big> !! <big>Verbs</big> !! <big>Adjectives</big> !! <big>Adverbs</big>
|| sadness || sadden ||sad, saddened || sadly
| safe,safety || || safe, unsafe || safely
| satisfaction, dissatisfaction || satisy || satisfactory, unsatisfactory, satisfied, dissatisfied, unsatisfied, satisfying ||  satisfactorily, unsatisfactorily
| save,saver, saving, savings, saviour || save || ||
| scare || scare || scared, scary ||
| school, pre-school, (home) schooling ||school || pre-school, scholastic ||  scholastically
| science, scientist || scientific, unscientific || scientifically
| score, scorer ||score, outscore, underscore || scoreless ||
| search, research, researcher || search, research || searching, searchable || searchingly
| seat, seating ||  seat, unseat|| seated ||
| secrecy, secret, secretiveness ||  ||secret,secretive || secretly, secretively
| sense, nonsense, sensibility, sensitivity, insensitivity, sensitiveness, sensor  ||  sense, sensitize, desensitize || sensible (''vernünftig''), senseless, sensitive (''sensibel''), insensitive, nonsensical, sensory || sensibly, sensitively,insensitively, senselessly
| separation, separatism, separatist || sep<span style="color:red">a</span>rate || separable, inseparable, sep<span style="color:red">a</span>rate || inseparably, separately
| seriousness ||  || serious || seriously
| servant, serve, server, service, disservice, serving, servitude|| serve,service|| serviceable,servile ||
| sex, sexism, sexuality || || sexist. sexual, bisexual, sexy, asexual || sexually, sexily
| shadow, shade ||  shadow, overshadow||shadowy ||
| shake, shakiness, shaker || shake || shaky || shakily
| shape, shapeliness, shapelessness || shape || shapeless, shapely, shaped || shapelessly
| (pencil) sharpener, sharpness || sharpen || sharp, sharply, sharpish||
| shine,shininess || shine, outshine ||  shiny|
| shock, shocker || shock ||shocked, shocking, shockable || shockingly
| shop, shopper, shopping || shop|| ||
| short, shortage, shortness, shorts || shorten || short, shortish || short, shortly
| shyness || shy (away) || shy || shyly
| sick, sickness || sicken || sick, sickening,sickly || sickeningly
| sight, insight, oversight, sighting || see, sight || sighted, unsightly ||
| sign, signal,signatory, signature, (book) signing || sign, signal || signed, unsigned ||
| significance,insignificance, || signify || significant, insignificant ||  significantly, insignificantly
| silence, silencer || silence || silent || silently
| similarity || || similar, dissimilar || similarly
| simplicity, simplification || simplify || simple, simplistic || simply
| singer, singing || sing || unsung ||
| single,singles || single || single, singular || singly
| skill || || skilful, skilled, unskilled || skilfully
| sleep, sleeper, sleepiness, sleeplessness || sleep || asleep, sleepless, sleepy, sleeping || sleepily
| slight || slight || slight, slighted, slightest || slightly
| slip,slipper || slip || slippery ||
| smoke, smoker, non-smoker, smoking || smoke || smoked, smoking, non-smoking, smoky, smokeless||
| smoothness, smoothie || smooth || smooth || smoothly
| society, sociologist, sociology, socialism, socialist, socialite|| socialize || sociable,unsociable, social, anti-social, unsocial, sociological  || socially, sociologically
| softness,softy, softener || soften || soft || softly
| solid, solidarity, solidity, solids || solidify ||  solid || solidly
| solution, solvent, solubility, solvency || solver || soluble, insoluble, unsolved, solvent, solvable||
| south, southerner || || south, southerly, southern, southbound, southward(s), southernmost ||
| speaker, sp<span style="color:red">ee</span>ch || speak || unspeakable, sp<span style="color:red">ee</span>chless, outspoken, unspoken || unspeakably
| special, specialist, speciality, specialty, specialization,  || specialize || special, specialized || specially
| speed, speeding, speediness || speed || speedy || speedily
| spelling, speller || spell,misspell || ||
| spoils || spoil || spoilt/spoiled, unspoiled/unspoilt ||
| sport || sport || sporting, sporty, unsporting ||
| spot, train-spotter || spot || spotted, spotless, spotty || spotlessly
| stand, standing, standoff, standstill || stand, withstand  || standing, outstanding || outstandingly
| standard, standardization || standardize || standard, substandard ||
| start, starter, non-starter || start, restart|| ||
| statement, understatement || state, overstate|| understated  ||
| steam, steamer || steam || steamy, steaming ||
| steepness || steepen || steep ||steeply
| sticker, stickiness || stick || sticky, stuck, unstuck ||
| stiffness  ||stiffen || stiff || stiff, stiffly
| stone || stone || stoned, stony ||
| stop,stoppage, stopper || stop|| non-stop  || non-stop
| storm || storm ||  stormy||
| straight || straighten || straight||
| stranger, strangeness || || strange, estranged || strangely
| strength || strengthen, strongarm || strong || strongly
| stress, distress || stress || stressed,stressful, distressing || distressingly
| strike, striker || strike ||striking, strikebound || strikingly
| structure, restructuring, structuralism ||structure,restructure || structural, structuralist || structurally
| student, study, studies, studiousness ||study || studious,studied || studiously
| stupidity || || stupid || stupidly
| style, stylist, stylishness ||style || stylish, stylistic || stylishly, stylistically
| substance || substantiate  || substantial, insubstantial, substantive || substantially
| success, succession, successor ||succeed in || successful, unsuccessful, successive || successfully, unsuccessfully
| suddenness ||||  sudden || suddenly
| sufferer, suffering, sufferance || suffer || insufferable || insufferably
| suggestion || suggest || suggestive, suggestible || suggestively
| summer, midsummer || || summery || 
| supplier, supplies,supply || supply || ||
| support, supporter, supportiveness || support || supportive, supporting || supportively
| supposition || suppose, presuppose || supposed || supposedly
| surface || surface, resurface|| surface ||
| surprise || surprise || surprised, surprising || surprisingly
| surroundings,surrounds || surround || surrounding ||
| survival, survivor || survive || surviving, survivable ||
| suspect, suspicion || suspect || suspect, suspected, unsuspecting, suspicious || suspiciously
| swearing || swear || sworn ||
| sweet, sweetener, sweetness || sweeten || sweety, sweet || sweetly
| swim, swimmer, swimming || swim || || swimmingly
| symbol, symbolism, symbolist ||symbolize || symbolic, symbolist || symbolically
| sympathy, sympathizer, sympathies || sympathize || sympathetic, unsympathetic || sympathetically
| system, systematization || systematize || systematic || systematically
== T ==
!<big>Nouns</big> !! <big>Verbs</big> !! <big>Adjectives</big> !! <big>Adverbs</big>
| takings, undertaking, taker|| take, overtake, undertake || taken  ||
| talk || talk || talkative ||
| taste, distaste, taster || taste || tasteful, distasteful, tasteless, tasty  || tastefully, distastefully, tastelessly
| tax, taxation || tax || taxable, taxing ||
| teacher, teaching, teachings || teach || taught ||
| tear, tearfulness ||||tearful || tearfully
| technicalities,technicality, technician, technique || || technical || technically
| technology, technologist || || technological || technologically
| thanks, thankfulness || thank || thankful, thankless || thankfully
| theorist, theory, theorem || theorize || theoretical || theoretically
| thick, thickness, thickener|| thicken ||  thick || thickly
| thinness,thinner || thin || thin || thinly
| think, rethink, thinker, thinking<br>thought, thoughtfulness, thoughtlessness ||  think, rethink|| unthinkable<br>thoughtful, thoughtless || <br>thoughtfully, thoughtlessly
| thirst || || thirsty || thirstily
| threat  ||  threaten || threatening || threateningly
| tie || tie, untie || ||
| tightness || tighten || tight || tightly
| time, overtime, timer, timing || time || timeless, timely, untimely ||
| tiredness || tire || tired, tireless, tiresome,tiring || tirelessly, tiredly, tiresomely
| title, subtitles, surtitle, titles || entile || titled ||
| top, topping || top || top, topless, topmost ||
| touch || touch || touched, untouched, touching, touchy || touchingly, touchily
| toughness || toughen || tough || toughly
| trade, trader, trading || trade|| ||
| tradition, traditionalist, traditionalism ||  || traditional || traditionally
| trainee,trainer, training, retraining || train || untrained ||
| transport, transportation, transporter || transport|| ||
| treat, treatment, mistreatment, maltreatment || treat, mistreat, maltreat || untreated ||
| trick, trickery || trick || tricky ||
| trouble || trouble || troubled, troublesome, troubling || troublingly
| trust, distrust, mistrust, trustee, trusteeship || trust, distrust, mistrust, entrust || trusting, trustworthy  ||trustfully
| truth, untruth, truthfulness || || true, untrue,truthful || truly, truthfully
| try, trial || try || trying, untried ||
| turn, upturn, turning, turnout, turnaround, turnover  || turn, overturn || upturned ||
| twist, twister || twist || twisted, twisty||
| type, typing, typist || type, typify || typical || typically
== U ==
!<big>Nouns</big> !! <big>Verbs</big> !! <big>Adjectives</big> !! <big>Adverbs</big>
| understanding, misunderstanding || understand, misunderstand || understandable, understanding, misunderstood ||  understandably
| upset || upset || upset, upsetting ||
| urgency, urge, || urge || urging urgent || urgently
| usage, use, disuse, misuse,usefulness, user || use, misuse, reuse || reusable, used, disused, unused, useful, useless || usefully
== V ==
!<big>Nouns</big> !! <big>Verbs</big> !! <big>Adjectives</big> !! <big>Adverbs</big>
| valuables, value, values, valuer, (e)valuation || value, devalue, evaluate || valuable,invaluable, undervalued, valueless ||
| variable, variance, variant, variety, variation || vary || variable,varied, various || invariably, variously
| vegetable, vegetarian || || vegetarian||
| view, overview, preview, review, viewer, viewport || view, preview, review ||
| violence, violation (of a law) || violate || violent, non-violent || violently
| visit, visitor, visitation || visit,revisit|| ||
| vote, voter, voting || vote|| ||
== W ==
!<big>Nouns</big> !! <big>Verbs</big> !! <big>Adjectives</big> !! <big>Adverbs</big>
| want, wants || want || wanted, unwanted ||
| war,warfare, warrior || || postwar, warring, warlike||
| warmth || warm || warm || warmly
| wash, washer, washing, washout || wash || washable, unwashed, awash ||
| wastage, waste,waster || waste || waste, wasteful || wastefully
| watch,watchfulness || watch || watchful ||
| water,waters || water (the flowers) || underwater, waterproof, watery || underwater
| way, subway || || wayward midway ||
| weakling, weakness || weakwn ||  weak || weakly
| wear, underwear || wear || wearing, worn, wearable ||
| week,midweek || || weekly, midweek || weekly, midweek
| weight, weights, weighting || weigh, outweigh || overweight, underweight, weighted, weighty, weightless ||  weightlessly
| welcome || welcome || welcome, unwelcome,welcoming ||
| west, western, westerner || || westerly, western, westernized, westernize west, westward(s) westbound || westernmost westbound
| white,whiteness, whitening, || whiten ||  white, whitish ||
| whole || || whole, wholesome, unwholesome || wholly
| width || widen || wide || wide, widely
| wild, wildness || || wild || wildly
| willingness,unwillingness || ||willing, unwilling || willingly, unwillingly
| win, winner, winnings ||win || winning ||
| winter, midwinter || || wintry ||
| wire,wireless,wiring || wire || wiry ||
| woman, womanhood || womanize || womanly ||
| wonder || wonder || wonderful || wonderfully
| wood || || wooded, wooden, woody || woodenly
| wool, woollens, woolliness || woollen/woolen ([[Amerikanisches Englisch|AmE]]), woolly/wooly ||
| word, wording || word, reword || wordy, worded, wordless ||
| work, workaholic, worker, workings, workout || work, rework || workable,unworkable, overworked, ||
| world, underworld || || world, worldly, unworldly,worldwide || worldwide
| worry, worrier || worry (about) || worried, unworried, worrying, worriedly, worrisome || worryingly
| worth,worthlessness || worth,worthless, worthwhile, worthy, unworthy || worthily
| writer, writing, writings || write, rewrite || written, unwritten ||
| wrong, wrongdoer || wrong || wrong, wrongful || wrong, wrongly, wrongfully
== Y ==
!<big>Nouns</big> !! <big>Verbs</big> !! <big>Adjectives</big> !! <big>Adverbs</big>
| year || || yearly || yearly
| young, youngster, youth || || young, youthful || youthfully

Version vom 30. Dezember 2018, 10:59 Uhr

W-Fragen stellen

Gedichte - aber auch weniger verdichtete Texte - erschließen sich dann am besten, wenn man die richtigen Fragen stellt. Dazu bieten sich die bewährten W-Fragen an, allerdings in angepasster Form, denn ein Gedicht ist nicht dasselbe wie eine Zeitungsnachricht.

Wenn diese Fragen dann noch in einer sinnvollen Abfolge stehen, dann ergeben die Antworten fast schon von alleine eine sinnvoll strukturierte Interpretation. Hier sind Vorschläge für eine Frage-Folge mit Hinweisen auf die damit verknüpften inhaltlichen Erwartungen - und einigen Formulierungsangeboten.


1. WAS'n DAS?  Autor, Titel, Gedichttyp, Zeit, erster Eindruck, Stimmung, Leitfrage

Vorwissen und Assoziationen abfragen: Was weiß ich bereits über den Autor, welchen Assoziationsraum eröffnet die Überschrift, welche Fragen wirft sie auf, welche Erwartungen?

„Das Gedicht „...“ von XY hinterlässt beim ersten Lesen den Eindruck/ das Gefühl/ von Schwermut /Verzweiflung/Weltverachtung/Lebensfreude...“ 

„Schon der Titel deutet darauf hin/ lässt erkennen/ wirft Verständnisprobleme auf... / legt die Vermutung nahe...“  

„Das Gedicht ‚Blabla‘ des barocken/romantischen/klassischen/schwäbischen Dichters XY beschäftigt sich mit dem Thema/Problem/der Erfahrung ... Sein(e) Gedankengang/Botschaft/Inhalt erschließt sich dem Leser (nicht) auf den ersten Blick, ... die Sprache ist dunkel/bildreich/vieldeutig..., helle/dunkle/schrille Klänge herrschen vor und prägen die Stimmung.“

2. WER SPRICHT? Perspektive des lyrischen Ich: Aus welchem Anlass/in welcher Situation/für wen?                

„Das Gedicht ist aus der Perspektive eines lyrischen Ich geschrieben, welches .... (Situation)“

3. WOVON? Thema, Motive, Gedichttyp                       

„Von seiner Thematik/Überschrift/Form/geschichtlichem Hintergrund her  kann es als Naturgedicht/Liebesgedicht/Weltanschauungsgedicht/politisches Gedicht/Ballade bezeichnet werden .... die vorherrschenden Motive sind typisch für die Gedankenwelt des 17./18./19. ... Jhdts / klassischer/barocker/romantischer Dichtung. ..“

4. WIE?  Struktur, Metrum, Reim und sprachliche Besonderheiten: Wortwahl, Wortarten und Klangfarben, Bilder: Vergleiche (so als ob/ wie / gleichwie ), Metaphern, Chiffren   

Aussagen zu Form und Sprache sollten in wenigen Sätzen und zusammenfassend vorweggeschickt werden.

„Das Gedicht besteht aus drei Strophen zu je vier Zeilen, es ist sehr regelmäßig/streng/locker/formlos gebaut, ein Eindruck, der auch durch den Kreuz/Paar-Reim und das un/regelmäßige jambische Grundmetrum unterstützt wird ..." 
:Oder: "Das Gedicht besitzt keine regelmäßige Struktur, die Strophen sind von unterschiedlicher Länge und bestehen aus freien Versen. Die Form ordnet sich dem freien Sprachfluss unter, die Emotionalität des lyrischen Ich will sich in keine feste Ordnung fügen."

5. WAS GEHT?  Grob und Feingliederung, Gedankengang, Handlung          

Es empfiehlt sich, bei der endgültigen Abfassung der Interpretation das Augenmerk auf die Abfolge der Motive und die gedankliche Entwicklung im Gedicht zu richten und zwar anhand einer Betrachtung von Strophe zu Strophe.

"Das Gedicht beginnt mit einer Schilderung der ...."
"In den ersten Zeilen bereits wendet sich das lyrische Ich ...
"Die ersten beiden/drei ... Strophen/Zeilen bilden eine gedankliche Einheit, in welcher die Situation des lyrischen Ich ...  Dies drückt sich auch in der Sprache aus, z.B. ....
"In der dritten Strophe verändert sich dann die Sichtweise/Perspektive des ... ein neuer Ton/ ein neuer Gedanke/ eine höhere Abstraktionsstufe  ... wird erkennbar ...
"Während zuvor anschauliche Bilder/Vergleiche vorlagen, so wird nun ...
"Die letzte Strophe /letzten Zeilen fassen noch einmal ... /drücken ... aus / gipfeln in ...   

6. WAS SOLL'S? Einordnung und Wertung: historischer Zusammenhang, Intention des Autors, persönliche Meinung, z.B.

„In seiner Thematik/Motivik/Bildhaftigkeit/Düsternis/Naturbeseeltheit ... und formalen Gestaltung ist dieses Gedicht typisch für ....“
„Die Aussageabsicht des Autors kommt vor allem in .... zum Ausdruck...“
„Dem Gedicht merkt man seine Herkunft aus dem .... Jahrhundert / aus der Zeit des ... deutlich/ kaum an: Es ist in seinem Gedankengang nur schwer/ mühelos nachvollziehbar und völlig/ziemlich veraltet/ antiquiert ...“
„Seine  Thematik ist auch heute noch / nur bedingt/ kaum aktuell / bedenkenswert und für mich persönlich dadurch gelungen/ misslungen/ bemerkenswert/ gar nichts wert, dass ...“


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