How to present a graph

Aus ZUM-Unterrichten

Quite often there is a graph a table or a chart. Here we can learn to

  • understand
  • analyse and
  • interpret

these charts.

Type of charts

  • A flow chart is a diagram showing the progress of material through the steps of a manufacturing process or the succession of operations in a complex activity.
  • A pie chart displays the size of each part as a percentage of a whole.
  • A (vertical or horizontal) bar chart is used to compare different items.
  • A line chart shows changes over a period of time, showing data and trends.
  • A table is a convenient way to show a large amount of data in a small space.
  • A diagram is a drawing showing arrangements and situations, such as networks, distribution, fluctuation ...

Can you find the matching pairs?

flow chart Calligra Flow icon.svg
pie chart JFreeChart 3D pie chart sample.svg
bar chart Bar graph.png
line chart Oxygen480-actions-office-chart-line-stacked.svg
table Table icon.svg
diagram Faenza-x-dia-diagram.svg

Presenting a Graph

Introduction Topic Circumstances
the results of our products … | over 10 years.
the rates of economic growth … | between 2020 and today.
the top ten agencies … | in the industrial world.
the company's turnover … | for this year in our sector.
the changes in sales … |over the past year.
the sales of each salesman …| during the past ten weeks.


Arten von Graphen

Deutsch Englisch
Flussdiagramm flow chart
Tortendiagramm pie chart
Balkendiagramm bar chart
Balkendiagramm line chart
Tabelle table
Netz network


Presenting a graph (flow chart, pie chart, bar chart etc.), vocabulary (this graph shows, outlines, lists, depicts etc.) the four basic trends (upward movement, downward movement, no movement, change in direction) - anschauliche Seite mit Einsetzübungen
Viele Aufgaben mit Musterlösungen

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